.N<# .SYNOPSIS Automated unit test for MSFT_SqlServerReplication DSC resource. .NOTES To run this script locally, please make sure to first run the bootstrap script. Read more at https://github.com/PowerShell/SqlServerDsc/blob/dev/CONTRIBUTING.md#bootstrap-script-assert-testenvironment #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "")] param() Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\TestHelpers\CommonTestHelper.psm1') if (Test-SkipContinuousIntegrationTask -Type 'Unit') { return } $script:dscModuleName = 'SqlServerDSC' $script:dscResourceName = 'MSFT_SqlServerReplication' #region HEADER # Unit Test Template Version: 1.1.0 [System.String] $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:dscModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:dscResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion HEADER try { InModuleScope $script:dscResourceName { Describe 'Helper functions' { Context 'Get-SqlServerMajorVersion' { Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty ` -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ MSSQLSERVER = 'MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER'} } ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL' } It 'Should return corrent major version for default instance' { Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty ` -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ Version = '12.1.4100.1' } } ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\Setup' } Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -InstanceName 'MSSQLSERVER' | Should -Be '12' } It 'Should throw error if major version cannot be resolved' { Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty ` -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ Version = '' } }` -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\Setup' } { Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -InstanceName 'MSSQLSERVER' } | Should -Throw "instance: MSSQLSERVER!" } } Context 'Get-SqlLocalServerName' { It 'Should return COMPUTERNAME given MSSQLSERVER' { Get-SqlLocalServerName -InstanceName MSSQLSERVER | Should -Be $env:COMPUTERNAME } It 'Should return COMPUTERNAME\InstanceName given InstanceName' { Get-SqlLocalServerName -InstanceName InstanceName | Should -Be "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\InstanceName" } } } $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString 'P@$$w0rd1' -AsPlainText -Force $credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList @('AdminLink', $secpasswd) Describe 'The system is not in the desired state given Local distribution mode' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Local' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Present' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $false IsPublisher = $false DistributionDatabase = '' DistributionServer = 'SERVERNAME' WorkingDirectory = '' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get methot' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Absent' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It 'Get method returns RemoteDistributor is empty' { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be '' } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns false' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-DistributionDatabase with $DistributionDBName = distribution' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $DistributionDBName -eq 'distribution' } } It 'Set method calls Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ReplicationServer.DistributionServer -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $PublisherName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is not in the desired state given Remote distribution mode' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'INSTANCENAME' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Remote' RemoteDistributor = 'REMOTESERVER' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Present' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $false IsPublisher = $false DistributionDatabase = '' DistributionServer = '' WorkingDirectory = '' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get methot' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Absent' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It "Get method returns RemoteDistributor = $($testParameters.RemoteDistributor)" { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns false' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It "Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = $($testParameters.RemoteDistributor)" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } } It 'Set method calls Register-DistributorPublisher with RemoteDistributor connection' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $PublisherName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' ` -and $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } } It 'Set method calls Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $RemoteDistributor -eq $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is in sync given Local distribution mode' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Local' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Present' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $true IsPublisher = $true DistributionDatabase = 'distribution' DistributionServer = 'SERVERNAME' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get method' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Present' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It 'Get method returns RemoteDistributor = SERVERNAME' { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be 'SERVERNAME' } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns true' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase with $DistributionDBName = distribution' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is in sync given Remote distribution mode' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'INSTANCENAME' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Remote' RemoteDistributor = 'REMOTESERVER' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Present' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $false IsPublisher = $true DistributionDatabase = 'distribution' DistributionServer = 'REMOTESERVER' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get methot' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Present' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It "Get method returns RemoteDistributor = $($testParameters.RemoteDistributor)" { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns true' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is not in desired state given Local distribution, but should be Absent' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Local' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Absent' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $true IsPublisher = $true DistributionDatabase = 'distribution' DistributionServer = 'SERVERNAME' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get method' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Present' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It 'Get method returns RemoteDistributor is empty' { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be 'SERVERNAME' } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns false' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls Uninstall-Distributor with $ReplicationServer.DistributionServer = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ReplicationServer.DistributionServer -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is not in desired state given Remote distribution, but should be Absent' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'INSTANCENAME' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Remote' RemoteDistributor = 'REMOTESERVER' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Absent' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $false IsPublisher = $true DistributionDatabase = 'distribution' DistributionServer = 'REMOTESERVER' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get methot' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Present' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It "Get method returns RemoteDistributor = $($testParameters.RemoteDistributor)" { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be $testParameters.RemoteDistributor } It 'Get method returns WorkingDirectory = C:\temp' { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\temp' } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns false' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME' } } It 'Set method calls Uninstall-Distributor with $ReplicationServer.DistributionServer = REMOTESERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ReplicationServer.DistributionServer -eq 'REMOTESERVER' } } It 'Set method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } } } Describe 'The system is in sync when Absent' { $testParameters = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' AdminLinkCredentials = $credentials DistributorMode = 'Local' WorkingDirectory = 'C:\temp' Ensure = 'Absent' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -MockWith { return '99' } Mock -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -MockWith { return 'SERVERNAME' } Mock -CommandName New-ServerConnection -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInstance = $SqlServerName } } Mock -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{ IsDistributor = $false IsPublisher = $false DistributionDatabase = '' DistributionServer = '' WorkingDirectory = '' } } Mock -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -MockWith { return [pscustomobject]@{} } Mock -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -MockWith {} Context 'Get method' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Get method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Get method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Get method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Ger method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } It 'Get method returns Ensure = Absent' { $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It "Get method returns InstanceName = $($testParameters.InstanceName)" { $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $testParameters.InstanceName } It "Get method returns DistributorMode = $($testParameters.DistributorMode)" { $result.DistributorMode | Should -Be $testParameters.DistributorMode } It 'Get method returns DistributionDBName = distribution' { $result.DistributionDBName | Should -Be 'distribution' } It 'Get method returns RemoteDistributor is empty' { $result.RemoteDistributor | Should -Be '' } It "Get method returns WorkingDirectory = $($testParameters.WorkingDirectory)" { $result.WorkingDirectory | Should -Be $testParameters.WorkingDirectory } } Context 'Test method' { It 'Test method returns true' { Test-TargetResource @testParameters | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Set method' { Set-TargetResource @testParameters It 'Set method calls Get-SqlServerMajorVersion with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlServerMajorVersion -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls Get-SqlLocalServerName with $InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-SqlLocalServerName -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' } } It 'Set method calls New-ServerConnection with $SqlServerName = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ServerConnection -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $SqlServerName -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method calls New-ReplicationServer with $ServerConnection.ServerInstance = SERVERNAME' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-ReplicationServer -Times 1 ` -ParameterFilter { $ServerConnection.ServerInstance -eq 'SERVERNAME' } } It 'Set method doesnt call New-DistributionDatabase with $DistributionDBName = distribution' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-DistributionDatabase -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-LocalDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-LocalDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Install-RemoteDistributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-RemoteDistributor -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Register-DistributorPublisher' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-DistributorPublisher -Times 0 } It 'Set method doesnt call Uninstall-Distributor' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Uninstall-Distributor -Times 0 } } } } } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |