
        Ensure the correct module stubs are loaded.
        The major version of the SQL instance.
    .PARAMETER ModuleName
        The name of the module to load the stubs for. Default is 'SqlServer'.

function Import-SQLModuleStub
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Module')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Version')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Module')]
        [ValidateSet('SQLPS', 'SqlServer')]
        $ModuleName = 'SqlServer'

    # Translate the module names to their appropriate stub name
    $modulesAndStubs = @{
        SQLPS     = 'SQLPSStub'
        SqlServer = 'SqlServerStub'

    # Determine which module to ensure is loaded based on the parameters passed
    if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Version' )
        if ( $SQLVersion -le 12 )
            $ModuleName = 'SQLPS'
        elseif ( $SQLVersion -ge 13 )
            $ModuleName = 'SqlServer'

    # Get the stub name
    $stubModuleName = $modulesAndStubs.$ModuleName

    # Ensure none of the other stub modules are loaded
    [System.Array] $otherStubModules = $modulesAndStubs.Values | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_ -ne $stubModuleName

    if ( Get-Module -Name $otherStubModules )
        Remove-Module -Name $otherStubModules

    # If the desired module is not loaded, load it now
    if ( -not ( Get-Module -Name $stubModuleName ) )
        # Build the path to the module stub
        $moduleStubPath = Join-Path -Path ( Join-Path -Path ( Join-Path -Path ( Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent ) -ChildPath Unit ) -ChildPath Stubs ) -ChildPath "$($stubModuleName).psm1"

        Import-Module -Name $moduleStubPath -Force -Global

        Installs the PowerShell module 'LoopbackAdapter' from PowerShell Gallery
        and creates a new network loopback adapter.
    .PARAMETER AdapterName
        The name of the loopback adapter to create.

function New-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Ensure the loopback adapter module is downloaded
    $LoopbackAdapterModuleName = 'LoopbackAdapter'
    $LoopbackAdapterModulePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$LoopbackAdapterModuleName"

    # This is a helper function from DscResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1.
    Install-ModuleFromPowerShellGallery `
        -ModuleName $LoopbackAdapterModuleName `
        -DestinationPath $LoopbackAdapterModulePath

    $LoopbackAdapterModule = Join-Path `
        -Path $LoopbackAdapterModulePath `
        -ChildPath "$($LoopbackAdapterModuleName).psm1"

    # Import the loopback adapter module
    Import-Module -Name $LoopbackAdapterModule -Force

    $loopbackAdapterParameters = @{
        Name = $AdapterName

        # Does the loopback adapter already exist?
        $null = Get-LoopbackAdapter @loopbackAdapterParameters
        # The loopback Adapter does not exist so create it
        $loopbackAdapterParameters['Force'] = $true
        $loopbackAdapterParameters['ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'

        $null = New-LoopbackAdapter @loopbackAdapterParameters
    } # try
} # function New-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter

        Removes a new network loopback adapter.
    .PARAMETER AdapterName
        The name of the loopback adapter to remove.

function Remove-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $loopbackAdapterParameters = @{
        Name = $AdapterName

        # Does the loopback adapter exist?
        $null = Get-LoopbackAdapter @loopbackAdapterParameters
        # Loopback Adapter does not exist - do nothing

    if ($env:APPVEYOR)
        # Running in AppVeyor so force silent uninstall of LoopbackAdapter
        $forceUninstall = $true
        $forceUninstall = $false

    $loopbackAdapterParameters['Force'] = $forceUninstall

    # Remove Loopback Adapter
    Remove-LoopbackAdapter @loopbackAdapterParameters
} # function Remove-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter

        Returns the IP network address from an IPv4 address and prefix length.
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
        The IP address to look up.
    .PARAMETER PrefixLength
        The prefix length of the network.

function Get-NetIPAddressNetwork
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $cidrNotation = $PrefixLength

    # Create array to hold our output mask.
    $subnetMaskOctet = @()

    # For loop to run through each octet.
    for ($octetNumber = 0; $octetNumber -lt 4; $octetNumber++)
        # If there are 8 or more bits left.
        if ($cidrNotation -gt 7)
            # Add 255 to mask array, and subtract 8 bits.
            $subnetMaskOctet += [byte] 255
            $cidrNotation -= 8
                Bits are less than 8, calculate octet bits and
                zero out the $cidrNotation variable.

            $subnetMaskOctet += [byte] 255 -shl (8 - $cidrNotation)
            $cidrNotation = 0

    # Convert the calculated octets to the subnet representation.
    $subnetMask = [IPAddress] ($subnetMaskOctet -join '.')

    $networkAddress = ([IPAddress]($IPAddress.Address -band $subnetMask.Address)).IPAddressToString

    $networkObject = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
    Add-Member -InputObject $networkObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IPAddress' -Value $IPAddress
    Add-Member -InputObject $networkObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PrefixLength' -Value $PrefixLength
    Add-Member -InputObject $networkObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SubnetMask' -Value $subnetMask
    Add-Member -InputObject $networkObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'NetworkAddress' -Value $networkAddress

    return $networkObject

        This command will create a new self-signed certificate to be used to
        secure Sql Server connection.
        Returns the created certificate. Writes the path to the public
        certificate in the machine environment variable $env:sqlPrivateCertificatePath,
        and the certificate thumbprint in the machine environment variable

function New-SQLSelfSignedCertificate
    $sqlPublicCertificatePath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath 'SqlPublicKey.cer'
    $sqlPrivateCertificatePath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath 'SqlPrivateKey.cer'
    $sqlPrivateKeyPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "1234" -Force -AsPlainText

    $certificateSubject = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        There are build workers still on Windows Server 2012 R2 so let's
        use the alternate method of New-SelfSignedCertificate.

    Install-Module -Name 'PSPKI' -Scope 'CurrentUser' -Force
    Import-Module -Name 'PSPKI'

    $newSelfSignedCertificateExParameters = @{
        Subject            = "CN=$certificateSubject"
        EKU                = 'Server Authentication'
        KeyUsage           = 'KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment'
        SAN                = "dns:$certificateSubject"
        FriendlyName       = 'Sql Encryption certificate'
        Path               = $sqlPrivateCertificatePath
        Password           = $sqlPrivateKeyPassword
        Exportable         = $true
        KeyLength          = 2048
        ProviderName       = 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0'
        AlgorithmName      = 'RSA'
        SignatureAlgorithm = 'SHA256'

    $certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificateEx @newSelfSignedCertificateExParameters

    Write-Info -Message ('Created self-signed certificate ''{0}'' with thumbprint ''{1}''.' -f $certificate.Subject, $certificate.Thumbprint)

    # Update a machine and session environment variable with the path to the private certificate.
    Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'SqlPrivateCertificatePath' -Value $sqlPrivateCertificatePath -Machine
    Write-Info -Message ('Environment variable $env:SqlPrivateCertificatePath set to ''{0}''' -f $env:SqlPrivateCertificatePath)

    # Update a machine and session environment variable with the thumbprint of the certificate.
    Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'SqlCertificateThumbprint' -Value $certificate.Thumbprint -Machine
    Write-Info -Message ('Environment variable $env:SqlCertificateThumbprint set to ''{0}''' -f $env:SqlCertificateThumbprint)

    return $certificate

        Returns $true if the the environment variable APPVEYOR is set to $true,
        and the environment variable CONFIGURATION is set to the value passed
        in the parameter Type.
        Name of the test script that is called. Defaults to the name of the
        calling script.
        Type of tests in the test file. Can be set to Unit or Integration.

function Test-SkipContinuousIntegrationTask
        $Name = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath.Split('\')[-1],

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Unit', 'Integration')]

    $result = $false

    if ($Type -eq 'Integration' -and -not $env:APPVEYOR -eq $true)
        Write-Warning -Message ('{1} test for {0} will be skipped unless $env:APPVEYOR is set to $true' -f $Name, $Type)
        $result = $true

    if ($env:APPVEYOR -eq $true -and $env:CONFIGURATION -ne $Type)
        Write-Verbose -Message ('{1} tests in {0} will be skipped unless $env:CONFIGURATION is set to ''{1}''.' -f $Name, $Type) -Verbose
        $result = $true

    return $result