.EXAMPLE This example shows one way to create the SQL script files and how to run those files. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = 'localhost' ServerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME InstanceName = 'DSCTEST' DatabaseName = 'ScriptDatabase1' GetSqlScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) SetSqlScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) TestSqlScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) GetSqlScript = @' SELECT Name FROM sys.databases WHERE Name = '$(DatabaseName)' FOR JSON AUTO '@ TestSqlScript = @' if (select count(name) from sys.databases where name = '$(DatabaseName)') = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR ('Did not find database [$(DatabaseName)]', 16, 1) END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Found database [$(DatabaseName)]' END '@ SetSqlScript = @' CREATE DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)] '@ } ) } Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SqlAdministratorCredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDscResources' Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'SqlServerDsc' node localhost { Script 'CreateFile_GetSqlScript' { SetScript = { $Using:Node.GetSqlScript | Out-File -FilePath $Using:Node.GetSqlScriptPath -Encoding ascii -NoClobber -Force } TestScript = { <# This takes the string of the $GetScript parameter and creates a new script block (during runtime in the resource) and then runs that script block. #> $getScriptResult = & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($GetScript)) return $getScriptResult.Result -eq $Using:Node.GetSqlScript } GetScript = { $fileContent = $null if (Test-Path -Path $Using:Node.GetSqlScriptPath) { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Using:Node.GetSqlScriptPath -Raw } return @{ Result = $fileContent } } } Script 'CreateFile_TestSqlScript' { SetScript = { $Using:Node.TestSqlScript | Out-File -FilePath $Using:Node.TestSqlScriptPath -Encoding ascii -NoClobber -Force } TestScript = { $getScriptResult = & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($GetScript)) return $getScriptResult.Result -eq $Using:Node.TestSqlScript } GetScript = { $fileContent = $null if (Test-Path -Path $Using:Node.TestSqlScriptPath) { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Using:Node.TestSqlScriptPath -Raw } return @{ Result = $fileContent } } } Script 'CreateFile_SetSqlScript' { SetScript = { $Using:Node.SetSqlScript | Out-File -FilePath $Using:Node.SetSqlScriptPath -Encoding ascii -NoClobber -Force } TestScript = { $getScriptResult = & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($GetScript)) return $getScriptResult.Result -eq $Using:Node.SetSqlScript } GetScript = { $fileContent = $null if (Test-Path -Path $Using:Node.SetSqlScriptPath) { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Using:Node.SetSqlScriptPath -Raw } return @{ Result = $fileContent } } } SqlScript 'Integration_Test' { ServerInstance = Join-Path -Path $Node.ServerName -ChildPath $Node.InstanceName GetFilePath = $Node.GetSqlScriptPath TestFilePath = $Node.TestSqlScriptPath SetFilePath = $Node.SetSqlScriptPath Variable = @( ('DatabaseName={0}' -f $Node.DatabaseName) ) QueryTimeout = 30 PsDscRunAsCredential = $SqlAdministratorCredential } } } |