#region HEADER # Unit Test Template Version: 1.2.1 $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests')) } Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'DSCResource.Tests' -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1')) -Force Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'Tests' -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'TestHelpers' -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1'))) -Force -Global $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName 'SqlServerDsc' ` -DSCResourceName 'MSFT_SqlAG' ` -TestType Unit #endregion HEADER function Invoke-TestSetup { # Load the SMO stubs Add-Type -Path ( Join-Path -Path ( Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath Stubs ) -ChildPath SMO.cs ) # Load the default SQL Module stub Import-SQLModuleStub } function Invoke-TestCleanup { Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment } # Begin Testing try { Invoke-TestSetup InModuleScope 'MSFT_SqlAG' { #region parameter mocks # Define the values that could be passed into the Name parameter $mockNameParameters = @{ AbsentAvailabilityGroup = 'AvailabilityGroup2' CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed = 'AvailabilityGroup5' CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed = 'AvailabilityGroup4' PresentAvailabilityGroup = 'AvailabilityGroup1' RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed = 'AvailabilityGroup3' } # Define the values that could be passed into the ServerName parameter $mockSqlServerParameters = @{ Server1 = @{ FQDN = 'Server1.contoso.com' #IP = '' #NetBIOS = 'Server1' } Server2 = @{ FQDN = 'Server2.contoso.com' #IP = '' #NetBIOS = 'Server2' } } # Define the values that could be passed into the InstanceName parameter $mockSqlInstanceNameParameters = @( 'MSSQLSERVER', 'NamedInstance' ) $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNode = $true #endregion parameter mocks #region property mocks $mockIsHadrEnabled = $true $mockIsDatabaseMirroringEndpointPresent = $true $mockServerObjectProperies = @{ Server1 = @{ NetName = 'Server1' } Server2 = @{ NetName = 'Server2' } } $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties = @{ AutomatedBackupPreference = 'Secondary' # Not the default parameter value BasicAvailabilityGroup = $true # Not the default parameter value DatabaseHealthTrigger = $true # Not the default parameter value DtcSupportEnabled = $true # Not the default parameter value FailureConditionLevel = 'OnCriticalServerErrors' # Not the default parameter value HealthCheckTimeout = 20000 Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup PrimaryReplicaServerName = $mockServerObjectProperies.Server1.NetName } $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties = @{ Server1 = @{ AvailabilityMode = 'SynchronousCommit' # Not the default parameter value BackupPriority = 49 # Not the default parameter value ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole = 'AllowAllConnections' # Not the default parameter value ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole = 'AllowNoConnections' # Not the default parameter value EndpointHostName = $mockServerObjectProperies.Server1.NetName EndpointProtocol = 'TCP' EndpointPort = 5022 FailoverMode = 'Automatic' # Not the default parameter value Name = $mockServerObjectProperies.Server1.NetName Role = 'Primary' } Server2 = @{ AvailabilityMode = 'SynchronousCommit' # Not the default parameter value BackupPriority = 49 # Not the default parameter value ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole = 'AllowAllConnections' # Not the default parameter value ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole = 'AllowNoConnections' # Not the default parameter value EndpointHostName = $mockServerObjectProperies.Server2.NetName EndpointProtocol = 'TCP' EndpointPort = 5022 FailoverMode = 'Automatic' # Not the default parameter value Name = $mockServerObjectProperies.Server2.NetName Role = 'Primary' } } $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties = @{ Protocol = 'TCP' ListenerPort = 5022 } #endregion property mocks #region test cases $getTargetResourceAbsentTestCases = @() $getTargetResourcePresentTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupFailedTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupWithParameterTestCases = @() $setTargetResourcesEndpointUrlTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceEndpointMissingTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceHadrDisabledTestCases = @() $setTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupTestCases = @() $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCases = @() $testTargetResourceAbsentTestCases = @() $testTargetResourceEndpointIncorrectTestCases = @() $testTargetResourcePresentTestCases = @() $testTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases = @() $testTargetResourceProcessOnlyOnActiveNodeTestCases = @() $majorVersionsToTest = @(12,13) $ensureCasesToTest = @('Absent','Present') $endpointUrlPropertiesToTest = @('EndpointPort','EndpointProtocol') $createAvailabilityGroupFailuresToTest = @{ $mockNameParameters.CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed = 'CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed' $mockNameParameters.CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed = 'CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed' } # Get all of the parameters tied with the resource except the required parameters, Ensure, and DtcSupportEnabled $resourceParameters = @{} ( Get-Command -Name Test-TargetResource ).Parameters.Values | Where-Object -FilterScript { ( # Ignore these specific parameters. These get tested enough. @('Ensure', 'Name', 'ServerName', 'InstanceName', 'DtcSupportEnabled', 'ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode') -notcontains $_.Name ) -and ( # Ignore the CmdletBinding parameters $_.Attributes.TypeId.Name -notcontains 'AliasAttribute' ) } | ForEach-Object -Process { $currentParameter = $_.Name $resourceParameters.Add( $currentParameter, ( @($mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.$currentParameter,$mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.$currentParameter) -join '' ) ) } # Define the properties that are SQL 2016 and newer $sql13AvailabilityGroupProperties = @( 'BasicAvailabilityGroup' 'DatabaseHealthTrigger' 'DtcSupportEnabled' ) foreach ( $majorVersionToTest in $majorVersionsToTest ) { foreach ( $mockSqlServer in $mockSqlServerParameters.GetEnumerator() ) { # Determine with SQL Server mock will be used $mockSqlServerToBeUsed = $mockSqlServer.Key foreach ( $mockSqlServerParameter in $mockSqlServer.Value.Values ) { foreach ( $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter in $mockSqlInstanceNameParameters ) { # Build the domain instance name if ( $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' ) { $domainInstanceNameProperty = $mockSqlServerParameter } else { $domainInstanceNameProperty = '{0}\{1}' -f $mockSqlServerParameter,$mockSqlInstanceNameParameter } if ( $mockSqlServerToBeUsed -eq 'Server1' ) { $getTargetResourceAbsentTestCases += @{ Name = $mockNameParameters.AbsentAvailabilityGroup ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $getTargetResourcePresentTestCases += @{ Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } foreach ( $createAvailabilityGroupFailureToTest in $createAvailabilityGroupFailuresToTest.GetEnumerator() ) { $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupFailedTestCases += @{ ErrorResult = $createAvailabilityGroupFailureToTest.Value Ensure = 'Present' Name = $createAvailabilityGroupFailureToTest.Key ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } $setTargetResourceEndpointMissingTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.AbsentAvailabilityGroup Result = 'DatabaseMirroringEndpointNotFound' ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $setTargetResourceHadrDisabledTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.AbsentAvailabilityGroup Result = 'HadrNotEnabled' ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Absent' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } switch ( $mockSqlServerToBeUsed ) { 'Server1' { $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseErrorResult = 'RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed' $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseName = $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } 'Server2' { $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseErrorResult = 'InstanceNotPrimaryReplica' $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseName = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } } $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCases += @{ ErrorResult = $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseErrorResult Ensure = 'Absent' Name = $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCaseName ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } foreach ( $processOnlyOnActiveNode in @($true,$false) ) { $testTargetResourceProcessOnlyOnActiveNodeTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode = $processOnlyOnActiveNode ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } # Create test cases for Absent/Present foreach ( $ensureCaseToTest in $ensureCasesToTest ) { $testTargetResourceAbsentTestCases += @{ Ensure = $ensureCaseToTest Name = $mockNameParameters.AbsentAvailabilityGroup Result = ( $ensureCaseToTest -eq 'Absent' ) ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $testTargetResourcePresentTestCases += @{ Ensure = $ensureCaseToTest Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup Result = ( $ensureCaseToTest -eq 'Present' ) ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } # Create Present test cases for each parameter foreach ( $resourceParameter in $resourceParameters.GetEnumerator() ) { # Move on if we're testing a version less than 13 and it's a property that was only introduced in 13 if ( ( $sql13AvailabilityGroupProperties -contains $resourceParameter.Key ) -and ( $majorVersionToTest -lt 13 ) ) { # Move to the next parameter continue } # Get the current parameter object $currentParameterObject = ( Get-Command Test-TargetResource ).Parameters.($resourceParameter.Key) switch ( $currentParameterObject.ParameterType.ToString() ) { 'System.Boolean' { # Get the opposite value of what is supplied $testCaseParameterValue = -not $resourceParameter.Value } 'System.UInt32' { # Change the supplied number to something else. Absolute value is to protect against zero minus 1 $testCaseParameterValue = [System.Math]::Abs( ( $resourceParameter.Value - 1 ) ) } 'System.String' { # Get the valid values for the current parameter $currentParameterValidValues = $currentParameterObject.Attributes.ValidValues # Select a value other than what is defined in the mocks $testCaseParameterValue = $currentParameterValidValues | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -ne $resourceParameter.Value } | Select-Object -First 1 # If the value is null or empty, set it to something if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($testCaseParameterValue) ) { $testCaseParameterValue = 'AnotherHostName' } } default { $testCaseParameterValue = $null } } if ( $mockSqlServerToBeUsed -eq 'Server1' ) { $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupWithParameterTestCases += @{ DomainInstanceName = $domainInstanceNameProperty Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.AbsentAvailabilityGroup ParameterName = $resourceParameter.Key ParameterValue = $testCaseParameterValue ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } $setTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ParameterName = $resourceParameter.Key ParameterValue = $testCaseParameterValue Result = $false ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $testTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases += @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ParameterName = $resourceParameter.Key ParameterValue = $testCaseParameterValue Result = $false ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } # Create Present test cases for the endpoint components foreach ( $endpointProperty in $endpointUrlPropertiesToTest ) { switch ( $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.$endpointProperty.GetType().ToString() ) { 'System.Int32' { # Change the supplied number to something else. Absolute value is to protect against zero minus 1 $endpointPropertyValue = [System.Math]::Abs( ( $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.$endpointProperty - 1 ) ) } 'System.String' { $endpointPropertyValue = 'UDP' } } $setTargetResourcesEndpointUrlTestCases += @{ EndpointPropertyName = $endpointProperty EndpointPropertyValue = $endpointPropertyValue Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } $testTargetResourceEndpointIncorrectTestCases += @{ EndpointPropertyName = $endpointProperty EndpointPropertyValue = $endpointPropertyValue Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup Result = $false ServerName = $mockSqlServerParameter InstanceName = $mockSqlInstanceNameParameter Version = $majorVersionToTest } } } } } } #endregion test cases #region cmdlet mocks $mockConnectSql = { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $SQLServer, [Parameter()] [string] $SQLInstanceName, # The following two parameters are used to mock Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject [Parameter()] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityGroup] $AvailabilityGroup, [Parameter()] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server] $ServerObject ) # If this mock function is called from the Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject command mock if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SQLServer) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SQLInstanceName) -and $AvailabilityGroup -and $ServerObject ) { $SQLServer,$SQLInstanceName = $AvailabilityGroup.PrimaryReplicaServerName.Split('\') } # Determine which SQL Server mock data we will use $mockSqlServer = ( $mockSqlServerParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Value.Values -contains $SQLServer } ).Name if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($mockSqlServer) ) { $mockSqlServer = $SQLServer } $mockCurrentServerObjectProperties = $mockServerObjectProperies.$mockSqlServer # Build the domain instance name if ( ( $SQLInstanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' ) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SQLInstanceName) ) { $mockDomainInstanceName = $mockCurrentServerObjectProperties.NetName $mockPrimaryReplicaServerName = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.PrimaryReplicaServerName $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica1Name = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Name $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica2Name = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.Name } else { $mockDomainInstanceName = '{0}\{1}' -f $mockCurrentServerObjectProperties.NetName,$SQLInstanceName $mockPrimaryReplicaServerName = '{0}\{1}' -f $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.PrimaryReplicaServerName,$SQLInstanceName $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica1Name = '{0}\{1}' -f $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Name,$SQLInstanceName $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica2Name = '{0}\{1}' -f $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.Name,$SQLInstanceName } $mockServerObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $mockServerObject.DomainInstanceName = $mockDomainInstanceName $mockServerObject.IsHadrEnabled = $mockIsHadrEnabled $mockServerObject.Name = $SQLServer $mockServerObject.NetName = $mockCurrentServerObjectProperties.NetName $mockServerObject.ServiceName = $SQLInstanceName $mockServerObject.Version = @{ Major = $Version } # Define the availability group object $mockAvailabilityGroupObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityGroup $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.AutomatedBackupPreference = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.AutomatedBackupPreference $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.FailureConditionLevel = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.FailureConditionLevel $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.HealthCheckTimeout = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.HealthCheckTimeout $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.Name = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.Name $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.PrimaryReplicaServerName = $mockPrimaryReplicaServerName if ( $Version -ge 13 ) { $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.BasicAvailabilityGroup = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.BasicAvailabilityGroup $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.DatabaseHealthTrigger = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.DatabaseHealthTrigger $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.DtcSupportEnabled = $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.DtcSupportEnabled } # Define an availability group object to use when mocking a remove failure $mockAvailabilityGroupRemoveFailedObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityGroup $mockAvailabilityGroupRemoveFailedObject.Name = $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed $mockAvailabilityGroupRemoveFailedObject.PrimaryReplicaServerName = $mockPrimaryReplicaServerName # Define the availability replica 1 object $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityReplica $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.Name = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica1Name $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.AvailabilityMode = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.AvailabilityMode $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.BackupPriority = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.BackupPriority $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.EndpointUrl = "$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.EndpointProtocol)://$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.EndpointHostName):$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.EndpointPort)" $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.FailoverMode = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.FailoverMode $mockAvailabilityReplica1Object.Role = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Role # Define the availability replica 2 object $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityReplica $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.Name = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplica2Name $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.AvailabilityMode = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.AvailabilityMode $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.BackupPriority = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.BackupPriority $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.EndpointUrl = "$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.EndpointProtocol)://$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.EndpointHostName):$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.EndpointPort)" $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.FailoverMode = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.FailoverMode $mockAvailabilityReplica2Object.Role = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.Role # Add the availability group to the server object $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.AvailabilityReplicas.Add($mockAvailabilityReplica1Object) $mockAvailabilityGroupObject.AvailabilityReplicas.Add($mockAvailabilityReplica2Object) $mockServerObject.AvailabilityGroups.Add($mockAvailabilityGroupObject) $mockServerObject.AvailabilityGroups.Add($mockAvailabilityGroupRemoveFailedObject) # Define the database mirroring endpoint object if ( $mockIsDatabaseMirroringEndpointPresent ) { $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpoint = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Endpoint $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpoint.EndpointType = 'DatabaseMirroring' $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpoint.Protocol = @{ $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.Protocol = @{ ListenerPort = $mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.ListenerPort } } $mockServerObject.Endpoints.Add($mockDatabaseMirroringEndpoint) } return $mockServerObject } $mockNewSqlAvailabilityGroup = { if ( $ErrorResult -eq 'CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed' ) { throw 'CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed' } } $mockNewSqlAvailabilityGroupReplica = { if ( $ErrorResult -eq 'CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed' ) { throw 'CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed' } return New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityReplica } # Mock the Update-AvailabilityGroup function to ensure the specified property was set correctly $mockUpdateAvailabiltyGroup = { param ( [Parameter()] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityGroup] $AvailabilityGroup ) # If the current value of the property that was set is not equal to the desired value if ( $ParameterValue -ne $AvailabilityGroup.$ParameterName ) { foreach ( $currentProperty in $resourceParameters.Keys ) { # Determine if the property was submitted as part of the configuration # $submittedParameters comes from the Set-TargetResource code if ( $submittedParameters -contains $currentProperty ) { Write-Verbose -Message "The property '$($currentProperty)' value is '$($AvailabilityGroup.$currentProperty)' and should be '$( ( Get-Variable -Name $currentProperty ).Value )'." -Verbose } } throw "Update-AvailabilityGroup should set the property '$($ParameterName)' to '$($ParameterValue)'." } } # Mock the Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica function to ensure the specified property was set correctly $mockUpdateAvailabiltyGroupReplica = { param ( [Parameter()] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityReplica] $AvailabilityGroupReplica ) # Some parameters don't align directly with a property switch ( $ParameterName ) { EndpointHostName { $validatedParameter = 'EndpointUrl' $validatedParameterValue = "$($mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.Protocol)://$($ParameterValue):$($mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.ListenerPort)" } default { $validatedParameter = $ParameterName $validatedParameterValue = $ParameterValue } } # If the current value of the property that was set is not equal to the desired value if ( $validatedParameterValue -ne $AvailabilityGroupReplica.$validatedParameter ) { foreach ( $currentProperty in $resourceParameters.Keys ) { # Determine if the property was submitted as part of the configuration # $submittedParameters comes from the Set-TargetResource code if ( $submittedParameters -contains $currentProperty ) { switch ( $currentProperty ) { EndpointHostName { $validatedCurrentProperty = 'EndpointUrl' $validatedCurrentPropertyValue = "$($mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.Protocol)://$($ParameterValue):$($mockDatabaseMirroringEndpointProperties.ListenerPort)" } default { $validatedCurrentProperty = $currentProperty $validatedCurrentPropertyValue =$AvailabilityGroupReplica.$currentProperty } } Write-Verbose -Message "The property '$($validatedCurrentProperty)' value is '$($AvailabilityGroupReplica.$validatedCurrentProperty)' and should be '$( ( Get-Variable -Name $currentProperty ).Value )'." -Verbose } } throw "Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica should set the property '$($validatedParameter)' to '$($validatedParameterValue)'." } } #endregion cmdlet mocks Describe 'SqlAG\Get-TargetResource' -Tag 'Get' { BeforeAll { Mock -CommandName Connect-SQL -MockWith $mockConnectSql -Verifiable } Context 'When the Availability Group is Absent' { It 'Should not return an Availability Group when Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $getTargetResourceAbsentTestCases { param ( $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } $result = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present' { It 'Should return the correct Availability Group properties when Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $getTargetResourcePresentTestCases { param ( $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } # Determine which SQL Server mock data will be used $mockSqlServer = ( $mockSqlServerParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Value.Values -contains $ServerName } ).Name $result = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters $result.Name | Should -Be $Name $result.ServerName | Should -Be $ServerName $result.InstanceName | Should -Be $InstanceName $result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $result.AutomatedBackupPreference | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.AutomatedBackupPreference $result.AvailabilityMode | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.AvailabilityMode $result.BackupPriority | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.BackupPriority $result.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole $result.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole $result.EndpointURL | Should -Be "$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.EndpointProtocol)://$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.EndpointHostName):$($mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.EndpointPort)" $result.FailureConditionLevel | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.FailureConditionLevel $result.FailoverMode | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.$mockSqlServer.FailoverMode $result.HealthCheckTimeout | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.HealthCheckTimeout if ( $Version -ge 13 ) { $result.BasicAvailabilityGroup | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.BasicAvailabilityGroup $result.DatabaseHealthTrigger | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.DatabaseHealthTrigger $result.DtcSupportEnabled | Should -Be $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.DtcSupportEnabled } else { $result.BasicAvailabilityGroup | Should -BeNullOrEmpty $result.DatabaseHealthTrigger | Should -BeNullOrEmpty $result.DtcSupportEnabled | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } } Describe 'SqlAG\Set-TargetResource' -Tag 'Set' { BeforeAll { Mock -CommandName Connect-SQL -MockWith $mockConnectSql -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -MockWith $mockConnectSql -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -MockWith {} -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup $mockNewSqlAvailabilityGroup -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -MockWith $mockNewSqlAvailabilityGroupReplica -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-TerminatingError -MockWith { $ErrorType } -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Mock -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -MockWith { throw 'RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed' } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Mock -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -MockWith {} -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -MockWith $mockUpdateAvailabiltyGroup -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -MockWith $mockUpdateAvailabiltyGroupReplica -Verifiable } Context 'When the Availability Group is Absent and the desired state is Present and a parameter is supplied' { It 'Should create the availability group "<Name>" with the parameter "<ParameterName>" set to "<ParameterValue>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupWithParameterTestCases { param ( $DomainInstanceName, $Ensure, $Name, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName $ParameterName = $ParameterValue } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times @{Absent=0;Present=1}.$Ensure -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times @{Absent=0;Present=1}.$Ensure -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times @{Absent=0;Present=1}.$Ensure -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Absent, the desired state is Present, and creating the Availability Group fails' { It 'Should throw "<ErrorResult>" when creating the availability group "<Name>" fails, Ensure is "<Ensure>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceCreateAvailabilityGroupFailedTestCases { param ( $ErrorResult, $Ensure, $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version switch ( $ErrorResult ) { 'CreateAvailabilityGroupFailed' { $assertCreateAvailabilityGroup = 1 } 'CreateAvailabilityGroupReplicaFailed' { $assertCreateAvailabilityGroup = 0 } } $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw "$($ErrorResult)" Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times $assertCreateAvailabilityGroup -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present and a value is passed to a parameter' { It 'Should set "<ParameterName>" to "<ParameterValue>" when Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName $ParameterName = $ParameterValue } if ( $mockAvailabilityGroupProperties.Keys -contains $ParameterName ) { $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupMockCalled = 1 $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupReplicaMockCalled = 0 } elseif ( $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Keys -contains $ParameterName ) { $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupMockCalled = 0 $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupReplicaMockCalled = 1 } Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters #{ Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should Not Throw Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupMockCalled -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times $assertUpdateAvailbilityGroupReplicaMockCalled -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present and the desired state is Absent' { It 'Should remove the Availability Group "<Name>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present and throws an error when removal is attempted' { It 'Should throw "<ErrorResult>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceRemoveAvailabilityGroupErrorTestCases { param ( $ErrorResult, $Ensure, $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version switch ( $ErrorResult ) { 'RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed' { $assertRemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed = 1 } 'InstanceNotPrimaryReplica' { $assertRemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed = 0 } } $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw "$($ErrorResult)" Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times $assertRemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When HADR is not enabled' { AfterAll { $mockIsHadrEnabled = $true } BeforeAll { $mockIsHadrEnabled = $false } It 'Should throw "<Result>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceHadrDisabledTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Database Mirroring Endpoint is missing' { AfterAll { $mockIsDatabaseMirroringEndpointPresent = $true } BeforeAll { $mockIsDatabaseMirroringEndpointPresent = $false } It 'Should throw "<Result>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourceEndpointMissingTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Throw $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Endpoint URL is incorrect' { AfterEach { # Restore up the original endpoint url settings $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1 = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer1Original.Clone() $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2 = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer2Original.Clone() } BeforeEach { # Back up the original endpoint url settings $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer1Original = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Clone() $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer2Original = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.Clone() } It 'Should set "<EndpointPropertyName>" to "<EndpointPropertyValue>" when Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $setTargetResourcesEndpointUrlTestCases { param ( $EndpointPropertyName, $EndpointPropertyValue, $Ensure, $Name, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.$EndpointPropertyName = $EndpointPropertyValue $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.$EndpointPropertyName = $EndpointPropertyValue $setTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } { Set-TargetResource @setTargetResourceParameters } | Should -Not -Throw Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-PrimaryReplicaServerObject -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-SQLPSModule -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.PresentAvailabilityGroup } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.Name -eq $mockNameParameters.RemoveAvailabilityGroupFailed } Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ClusterPermissions -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroup -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } } Describe 'SqlAG\Test-TargetResource' -Tag 'Test' { BeforeAll { Mock -CommandName Connect-SQL -MockWith $mockConnectSql -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -MockWith { $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNode } -Verifiable } Context 'When the Availability Group is Absent' { It 'Should be "<Result>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $testTargetResourceAbsentTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $testTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present and the default parameters are passed' { It 'Should be "<Result>" when Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $testTargetResourcePresentTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $testTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present and a value is passed to a parameter' { It 'Should be "<Result>" when "<ParameterName>" is "<ParameterValue>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $testTargetResourcePropertyIncorrectTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $testTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName $ParameterName = $ParameterValue } Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } Context 'When the Availability Group is Present an Enpoint property is incorrect' { AfterEach { # Restore up the original endpoint url settings $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1 = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer1Original.Clone() $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2 = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer2Original.Clone() } BeforeEach { # Back up the original endpoint url settings $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer1Original = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.Clone() $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaPropertiesServer2Original = $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.Clone() } It 'Should be "<Result>" when "<EndpointPropertyName>" is "<EndpointPropertyValue>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $testTargetResourceEndpointIncorrectTestCases { param ( $EndpointPropertyName, $EndpointPropertyValue, $Ensure, $Name, $Result, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server1.$EndpointPropertyName = $EndpointPropertyValue $mockAvailabilityGroupReplicaProperties.Server2.$EndpointPropertyName = $EndpointPropertyValue $testTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should -Be $Result Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } Context 'When the ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode parameter is passed' { AfterAll { $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNode = $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNodeOriginal } BeforeAll { $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNodeOriginal = $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNode $mockProcessOnlyOnActiveNode = $false } It 'Should be "true" when ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode is "<ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode>", Ensure is "<Ensure>", Name is "<Name>", ServerName is "<ServerName>", InstanceName is "<InstanceName>", and the SQL version is "<Version>"' -TestCases $testTargetResourceProcessOnlyOnActiveNodeTestCases { param ( $Ensure, $Name, $ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode, $ServerName, $InstanceName, $Version ) # Ensure the correct stubs are loaded for the SQL version Import-SQLModuleStub -SQLVersion $Version $testTargetResourceParameters = @{ Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode = $ProcessOnlyOnActiveNode ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName } Test-TargetResource @testTargetResourceParameters | Should Be $true Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-SQL -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-ActiveNode -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } } Describe 'SqlAG\Update-AvailabilityGroup' -Tag 'Helper' { BeforeAll { Mock -CommandName New-TerminatingError -MockWith { $ErrorType } $mockAvailabilityGroup = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.AvailabilityGroup } Context 'When the Availability Group is altered' { It 'Should silently alter the Availability Group' { { Update-AvailabilityGroup -AvailabilityGroup $mockAvailabilityGroup } | Should -Not -Throw Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 0 -Exactly } It 'Should throw the correct error, AlterAvailabilityGroupFailed, when altering the Availaiblity Group fails' { $mockAvailabilityGroup.Name = 'AlterFailed' { Update-AvailabilityGroup -AvailabilityGroup $mockAvailabilityGroup } | Should -Throw 'AlterAvailabilityGroupFailed' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-TerminatingError -Scope It -Times 1 -Exactly } } } } } finally { Invoke-TestCleanup } |