
Import-Module SqlBIManager

#Show informational messages from module
$InformationPreference = "Continue"

$ReleaseFolder = "\\ITShare\ContosoBI\Releases\1_4_0"

Get-ChildItem $ReleaseFolder\SSASTABULAR -Filter "*.asdatabase" | Read-AsmlDatabase 

# Example 1
# Connect to the server tabular instance
# Read all asadatabase files from the release folder
# Set the connectionstring for datasources named "DWH"
# Remove all AD Groups and users in the Contoso domain where the name starts with "Usr.tst."
# Add ActiveDirectory group "usr.fng.Finance" as a member to roles named "Read" in all databases where the name starts with "FIN"
# Add ActiveDirectory group "usr.fng.HRM" as a member to roles named "Read" in all databases where the name starts with "HRM"
# Deploy the database to the server

Connect-ASServer "ContosoBIPprod\tabular"

Get-ChildItem "$($ReleaseFolder)\SSASTABULAR" -Filter "*.asdatabase" | Read-AsmlDatabase `
| Set-AsmlDatasource -Name "DWH" -ConnectionString "Data Source=SqlProd01;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=CorporateDWH" `
| Clear-AsmlRoleMember -Filter {$input.Member.memberName -like "Contoso\usr.tst.*"}  `
| Add-AsmlRoleMember -RoleName Read -Member (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "usr.fng.Finance") -Filter {$input.Database.Name -like "FIN*"} `
| Add-AsmlRoleMember -RoleName Read -Member (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "usr.fng.HRM") -Filter {$input.Database.Name -like "HRM*"} `
| Publish-AsmlDatabase

# Example 2
# Connect to the server tabular instance
# Read all asadatabase files from the release folder
# Set the connectionstring for datasources named "DWH"
# Replace all role members "tst.usr.Finance" with "usr.Finance"
# Replace all role members "tst.usr.HRM" with "usr.HRM"
# Deploy the database to the server

Connect-ASServer "ContosoBIPprod\tabular"

Get-ChildItem "$($ReleaseFolder)\SSASTABULAR" -Filter "*.asdatabase" | Read-AsmlDatabase `
| Set-AsmlDatasource -Name "DWH" -ConnectionString "Data Source=SqlProd01;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=CorporateDWH" `
| Add-AsmlRoleMember -Member (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "usr.Finance") -ReplaceMember (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "tst.usr.Finance") `
| Add-AsmlRoleMember -Member (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "usr.HRM") -ReplaceMember (Select-AsmlRoleMember -Domain "Contoso" -ADGroup "tst.usr.HRM")`
| Publish-AsmlDatabase

# Example 3
# Connect to the server tabular instance
# Read all asadatabase files from the release folder
# Remove all existing role members
# Deploy the database to the server, retaining existing rolemembers and connection details

Connect-ASServer "ContosoBIPprod\tabular"

Get-ChildItem "$($ReleaseFolder)\SSASTABULAR" -Filter "*.asdatabase" | Read-AsmlDatabase `
| Clear-AsmlRoleMember `
| Publish-AsmlDatabase -RetainRoleMembers -RetainDataSources

# Example 4
# Connect to the server tabular instance
# Read all asadatabase files from the release folder
# Rename databases: change suffix "_DVL" to "_UAT"
# Remove all existing role members
# Deploy the database to the server, retaining existing rolemembers and connection details

Connect-ASServer "ContosoBI04\tabular"

Get-ChildItem "$($ReleaseFolder)\SSASTABULAR" -Filter "*_DVL.asdatabase" | Read-AsmlDatabase `
| Set-AsmlName -Expression {$input.name.Replace("_DVL", "_UAT")} `
| Clear-AsmlRoleMember `
| Publish-AsmlDatabase -RetainRoleMembers -RetainDataSources