
        Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.
        PS C:\> Get-Playlist -Id 'blahblahblah'
        Retrieves a playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
        Specifies the playlist Id
    .PARAMETER Fields
        Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned.
        For example, to get just the playlist’s description and URI: 'description,uri'.
        A dot separator can be used to specify non-reoccurring fields, while parentheses can be used to specify reoccurring fields within objects.
        For example, to get just the added date and user ID of the adder: 'tracks.items(added_at,'.
        Use multiple parentheses to drill down into nested objects.
        For example: 'tracks.items(track(name,href,album(name,href)))'.
        Fields can be excluded by prefixing them with an exclamation mark.
        For example: 'tracks.items(track(name,href,album(!name,href)))'
    .PARAMETER Market
        Specifies an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationName
        Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)

function Get-Playlist {
    param (




    $Method = 'Get'
    $Uri = '' + $Id

    $Query = @()
    if ($Fields) { $Query += 'fields=' + $Fields }
    if ($Market) { $Query += 'market=' + $Market }

    if ($Query.Count) { $Uri += '?' + ($Query -join '&') }

    Send-SpotifyCall -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -ApplicationName $ApplicationName