function New-SpotifyCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new credential file .DESCRIPTION Creates a new credential file and saves it locally so you may re-use it without setting it every time .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SpotifyCredential -Name "dev" -ClientId "blahblahID" -ClientSecret "blahblahSecret" Creates a new credential json with name dev.json and supplied ClientId and ClientSecret. Also asks if you want to set current.json to this if it exists, otherwise just sets current.json to this credential. .PARAMETER Name This should be a string. It is the name of the credential you want to save. Personally, I recommend setting this to your registered project name .PARAMETER ClientId This should be a string Obtained here: .PARAMETER ClientSecret This should be a string Obtained here: #> param ( <# Credential name so user can identify it #> # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, <# Client ID, obtained from one of your applications on the Spotify developer dashboard: (as of this writing) #> [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ClientId, <# Client Secret, obtained from one of your applications on the Spotify developer dashboard: (as of this writing) #> [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ClientSecret ) if ($IsMacOS -or $IsLinux) { $CredentialStorePath = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "/.wardbox/spotishell/credential/" } else { $CredentialStorePath = Join-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ChildPath "\wardbox\spotishell\credential\" } <# We don't want to destroy any existing credential files, proceeding with caution. #> $Overwrite = $False if (!(Test-Path -Path $CredentialStorePath)) { <# There is no credential repo, let's try to make one. #> try { Write-Verbose "Attempting to create credential store at $CredentialStorePath" New-Item -Path $CredentialStorePath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Successfully created credential store at $CredentialStorePath" } catch { Write-Warning "Failed attempting to create credential store at $CredentialStorePath" Write-Warning "Check error for more details." break } } Write-Verbose "Credential store exists at $CredentialStorePath" $CredentialFilePath = Join-Path -Path $CredentialStorePath -ChildPath "$Name.json" $ExistingCredential = Get-Item -Path $CredentialFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($ExistingCredential) { $Overwrite = Read-Host -Prompt "Found existing credential with name $Name, do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)" } else { $OverWrite = $True } $CredentialJSON = @{ ClientId = $ClientId; ClientSecret = $ClientSecret } <# Converts our hash table to JSON so we can save it locally. #> $CredentialJSON = $CredentialJSON | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 if ($Overwrite -or $Overwrite -like "y*") { <# Try to save credential to file. #> try { Write-Verbose "Attempting to save credentials to $CredentialFilePath" $CredentialJSON | Out-File -FilePath $CredentialFilePath Write-Verbose "Successfully saved credentials to $CredentialFilePath" if (Get-Item -Path ($CredentialStorePath + "current.txt") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $CurrentOverwrite = Read-Host "There's a current.txt with a different credential, want to overwrite it with $Name?(y/n)" if ($CurrentOverwrite -like "y*") { Set-SpotifyCredential -Name $Name } } else { Set-SpotifyCredential -Name $Name } } catch { Write-Warning "Failed saving credentials to $CredentialFilePath" } } else { Write-Verbose "No work to do." } } |