using module '..\Enums.psm1' using module '..\Helper\DateTimeHelper.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Message.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Event.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Market.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Outcome.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Event\SportData.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Event\Score.psm1' using module '.\AuditLog\Message\Cardinality.psm1' using module '.\ProcessorBase.psm1' class BetradarProcessor: Processor{ BetradarProcessor([SOURCE_TYPE] $sourceType): base($sourceType){ $this.source = [SOURCE]::betradar $this.producers.Add('BR-UOF', 11) $this.producers.Add('BR-STD', 12) $this.producers.Add('BR-LO', 13) $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradar', 'sr:match:') $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradarCtrl', '') $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradarUnified', 'sr:match:') $this.shouldReprocess = $false $this.isTypeBased = $false $this.haveMarketSeparator = $false $this.needFeedProducer = $false } #region Internal Resolving Methods hidden [string] ResolveChangeType([string] $status){ $_retValue = $status switch ($status) { '1' { $_retValue = 'New' } '2' { $_retValue = 'DateTime' } '3' { $_retValue = 'Cancelled' } '4' { $_retValue = 'Format' } '5' { $_retValue = 'Coverage' } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveProduct([string] $product){ $_retValue = $product switch ($product) { '1' { $_retValue = 'LiveOdds' } '2' { $_retValue = 'MTS' } '3' { $_retValue = 'BetradarCtrl' } '4' { $_retValue = 'BetPal' } '5' { $_retValue = 'Premium Cricket' } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveMatchStatus([string] $status){ $_retValue = $status switch ($status) { '0' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_PREMATCH } '1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_INPLAY } '3' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_ENDED } '4' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_CLOSED } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveMarketStatus([string] $status){ $_retValue = $status switch ($status) { '-4' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_CANCELED } #'Canceled' } '-3' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_RESULTED } #'Settled' } '-2' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_HANDED_OVER } #Handed over' } '-1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_SUSPENDED } #'Suspended' } '0' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_STOPPED } #'Deactivated' } '1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_ACTIVE } #'Active' } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveOutcomeStatus([string] $status){ $_retValue = $status switch ($status) { 0 { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_SUSPENDED } 1 { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_ACTIVE } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveSettlement([string] $result, [string] $void_factor){ # result="0" and no void_factor: Lose entire bet # result="1" and no void_factor: Win entire bet # result="0" and void_factor="1": Refund entire bet # result="1" and void_factor="0.5": Refund half bet and win other half # result="0" and void_factor="0.5": Refund half bet and lose other half. $_retValue = '' switch ($result) { '0' { if (-not $void_factor){ $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_LOST } if ($void_factor -eq 1){ $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_REFUND } if ($void_factor -eq 0.5){ $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_HALF_LOST } } '1' { if (-not $void_factor){ $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_WON } if ($void_factor -eq 0.5){ $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_HALF_WON } } } return $_retValue } hidden [string] ResolveReporting([string] $reporting){ $result = '' switch ($reporting) { '-1' { $result = 'Suspended' } '0' { $result = 'Not Available' } '1' { $result = 'Active' } } return $result } hidden [hashtable] GetSpecifiers([string]$string) { $_retValue = @{} if ($string){ $_tempSpec = $string.split('|') foreach ($_item in $_tempSpec) { $_val = $_item.split('=') $_retValue.Add($_val[0], $_val[1]) } } return $_retValue } #endregion #region Processing Methods [void] ProcessMessage([PSCustomObject] $line) { ([Processor]$this).ProcessMessage($line) $root = ($line.content.PSObject.Members | Where-Object MemberType -like NoteProperty | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Value) $this.message.uniqueIdentifier = $root.timestamp $this.message.timestamp = $root.timestamp $this.message.producer = $root.product } [void] ProcessEvent([PSCustomObject] $line, [bool] $includeSportData) { $this.ProcessMessage($line) $eventContent = $null; $action = ''; if ($line.content.fixture_change) { $eventContent = $line.content.fixture_change $action = [CONST]::MSG_FIXTURE } elseif ($line.content.bet_stop) { $eventContent = $line.content.bet_stop $action = [CONST]::MSG_BET_STOP } elseif ($line.content.bet_cancel) { $eventContent = $line.content.bet_cancel $action = [CONST]::MSG_BET_CANCEL } elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_cancel) { $eventContent = $line.content.rollback_bet_cancel $action = [CONST]::MSG_ROLLBACK_BET_CANCEL } $this.message.event = $this.getEvent($eventContent, $includeSportData) $this.message.event.action = $action $this.isEventProcessed = $true } [void] ProcessCardinality([PSCustomObject] $line) { $this.message.cardinality = $this.getCardinality($line.content) } [void] ProcessEnrichment([PSCustomObject] $line) { if (-not $this.message.event) { $this.ProcessEvent($line, $false) } $this.message.event.scoreDetails = $this.getScoreboard($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status) } [void] ProcessMarket([PSCustomObject] $line, [Nullable[SEARCH_SCOPE]] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId, [string[]] $outcomeId) { if (-not $searchScope) { $searchScope = [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId } if (-not $this.message.event) { $this.ProcessEvent($line, $false) } $marketContent = $null; $action='' if ($line.content.odds_change) { $marketContent = $ $action = [CONST]::MSG_ODDS_CHANGE } elseif ($line.content.bet_settlement) { $marketContent = $ $action = [CONST]::MSG_SETTLEMENT } elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_settlement) { $marketContent = $ $action = [CONST]::MSG_ROLLBACK_SETTLEMENT } elseif ($line.content.snapshot_complete) { $marketContent = $ $action = [CONST]::MSG_SNAPSHOT } $ = @() foreach ($market in $this.FilterMarkets($marketContent, $searchScope, $marketId)) { $m = $this.getMarket($market, $outcomeId) $m.action = $action if ($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status) { $'matchStatus', $this.ResolveMatchStatus($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status.status))} $ += $m } $this.isMarketProcessed = $true } [bool] isEventRelated([PSCustomObject] $line){ return ($line.content.fixture_change -or $line.content.bet_stop) } [bool] isEnrichmentRelated([PSCustomObject] $line){ return ($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status) } [bool] isMarketRelated([PSCustomObject] $line, [Nullable[SEARCH_SCOPE]] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId){ if (-not $searchScope) { $searchScope = [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId } if ($line.content.odds_change) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) } elseif ($line.content.bet_settlement) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) } elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_settlement) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) } elseif ($line.content.snapshot_complete) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) } return $false } #endregion #region Private Methods hidden [PSCustomObject] FilterMarkets([PSCustomObject] $marketsContent, [SEARCH_SCOPE] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId){ return ($marketsContent | Where-Object { $searchScope -eq [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId -and (($ -in $marketid) -or ` ('*' -in $marketid)) }) } hidden [PSCustomObject] FilterOutcomes([PSCustomObject] $outcomesContent, [string[]] $outcomeId){ return $outcomesContent | Where-Object { ($ -in $outcomeId) -or ('*' -in $outcomeId) } } hidden [Event] getEvent([PSCustomObject] $messageContent, [bool] $includeSportData){ [Event] $event = [Event]::new() if ($includeSportData) { $event.sportData = $this.getSportData($messageContent) } $event.startDate = [DateTimeHelper]::ConvertFromTimestamp($messageContent.start_time, $true) #$event.status = $this.ResolveMatchStatus($messageContent.start_time, $true) $event.other = @{} if ($messageContent.groups) { $'groups', $messageContent.groups) } if ($messageContent.change_type) { $event.other.Add('changeType', $this.ResolveChangeType($messageContent.change_type)) } if ($messageContent.product) { $event.other.Add('product', $this.ResolveProduct($messageContent.product)) } # bet cancel if ($messageContent.end_time) { $'end', [DateTimeHelper]::ConvertFromTimestamp($messageContent.end_time)) } return $event } hidden [Market] getMarket([PSCustomObject] $marketContent, [string[]] $outcomeId) { [Market] $market = [Market]::new() $ = $ $market.status = $this.ResolveMarketStatus($marketContent.status) $market.specifiers = $this.GetSpecifiers($marketContent.specifiers) foreach ($outcome in $this.FilterOutcomes($marketContent.outcome, $outcomeId)) { $market.outcomes += $this.getOutcome($outcome) } return $market } hidden [Outcome] getOutcome([PSCustomObject] $outcomeContent) { [Outcome] $outcome = [Outcome]::new() $ = $ $ = $ $outcome.status = $this.ResolveOutcomeStatus($ $outcome.price = $outcomeContent.odds $outcome.settlement = $this.ResolveSettlement($outcomeContent.result, $outcomeContent.void_factor) return $outcome } hidden [SportData] getSportData([PSCustomObject] $messageContent){ $_sportId = '' $_sport = '' $_categoryId = '' $_category = '' $_leagueId = '' $_league = '' $_matchId = $messageContent.fixture_change.event_id $_match = '' $_homeId = '' $_home = '' $_awayId = '' $_away = '' $_references = '' return [SportData]::new($_sportId, $_sport, $_categoryId, $_category, $_leagueId, $_league, $_matchId, $_match, $_homeId, $_home, $_awayId, $_away, $_references) } hidden [Score] getScoreboard([PSCustomObject] $eventStatusContent){ $_periodId = $eventStatusContent.match_status $_home = '' $_away = '' $_scores = @() $_scores += $eventStatusContent.home_score + ':' + $eventStatusContent.away_score $_currentServer = $eventStatusContent.current_server $_playingMinute = $eventStatusContent.match_time $_other = @{} if ($eventStatusContent.reporting) { $_other.Add('reporting', $this.ResolveReporting($eventStatusContent.reporting)) } $_data = $eventStatusContent return [Score]::new($_periodId, $_home, $_away, $_scores, $_currentServer, $_playingMinute, $_data) } hidden [Cardinality] getCardinality([PSCustomObject] $messageContent){ $cardinality = [Cardinality]::new() if ($messageContent.odds_change) { $ = $ $cardinality.outcomes = $ } if ($messageContent.bet_settlement) { $ = $ $cardinality.outcomes = $ } if ($ -eq 0){ if ($this.isEventRelated($messageContent)) { $cardinality.fixtures = 1 } else { $cardinality.other = 1 } } return $cardinality } #endregion } |