using module '.\Enums.psm1' using module '.\Config.psm1' using module '.\Helper\DateTimeHelper.psm1' using module '.\Helper\ObjectHelper.psm1' Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable LocalizedData -FileName Session.Resources.psd1 class SessionConfig{ #region Properties hidden [string] $SOURCE_SEPARATOR = "-" hidden [string] $INTERVAL_SEPARATOR = "_" hidden [string] $dtFileFormat = 'yyyyMMddHHmm' hidden [string] $tsFileFormat = 'hhmmss' hidden [string] $uriExternalId = 'https://sports-api.{0}/sportsbook/rest/v2/matches/external/{1}/{2}{3}' [OPERATOR] $operator [ENVIRONMENT] $environment [string] $timezone [string] $domain [PSCustomObject] $downloader [SOURCE[]] $analyzedSources hidden [SOURCE[]] $configuredSources # Calculated properties [string] $logFilePath # Analyzed scope [QUERY_TYPE] $queryType [int] $matchId [string] $referentTime [string] $timeSpan [datetime] $afterDateTime [datetime] $beforeDateTime #endregion #region Constructors SessionConfig([OPERATOR] $operator, [ENVIRONMENT] $environment){ $this.Init($operator, $environment) } hidden Init([OPERATOR] $operator, [ENVIRONMENT] $environment){ # setup current Operator's environment $config = [Config]::Load() $operatorEndpoint = $config.endpoints.$operator.$environment $this.operator = $operator $this.environment = $environment $this.timezone = $operatorEndpoint.timezone $this.domain = $operatorEndpoint.domain $this.downloader = [ObjectHelper]::MergeObject($operatorEndpoint.downloader, $config.downloaders[$operatorEndpoint.downloader.type]) if ($operatorEndpoint.downloader){ $this.configuredSources = @() foreach ($src in $operatorEndpoint.downloader.sources.PSObject.Properties){ if ($src.Value){ $this.configuredSources += $src.Name } } $this.logFilePath = '{0}/{1}/{2}' -f @($config.auditLogFolder, $this.operator, $this.environment) $this.CreateAuditLogFolders() } } #endregion [void] setAnalyzedScope([SOURCE[]] $sources, [long] $matchId, [string] $referentTime, [string] $timeSpan){ if (-not $sources) { $this.analyzedSources =$this.configuredSources } else { $this.analyzedSources = $sources } $this.matchId = $matchId $this.referentTime = $referentTime $this.timeSpan = $timeSpan $this.afterDateTime, $this.beforeDateTime = [DateTimeHelper]::getAfterBefore($referentTime, $timeSpan) if ($matchId) { $this.queryType = [QUERY_TYPE]::matchId} if ($referentTime){ $this.queryType = [QUERY_TYPE]::combined } if (-not $matchId){ $this.queryType = [QUERY_TYPE]::datetimeInterval } Write-Host ($script:LocalizedData.AnalyzedPeriodMessage -f @($this.afterDateTime, $this.beforeDateTime, ` [DateTimeHelper]::FormatTimespan($this.beforeDateTime - $this.afterDateTime))) } hidden [void] CreateAuditLogFolders(){ if (-not (Test-Path $this.logFilePath)) { Write-Host "Creating operator's environment folder..." New-Item -Path $this.logFilePath -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null } } hidden [string] getSearchFileName([string] $source, [string]$extension){ return ("{0}/{1}$($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR){2}$($this.INTERVAL_SEPARATOR){3}$($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR){4}.{5}" ` -f @($this.logFilePath, $this.matchId, '*', ` '*', $source, $extension)) } hidden [string] getFileName([string] $source, [string]$extension){ return ("{0}/{1}$($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR){2}$($this.INTERVAL_SEPARATOR){3}$($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR){4}.{5}" ` -f @($this.logFilePath, $this.matchId, $this.afterDateTime.ToString($this.dtFileFormat), ` $this.beforeDateTime.ToString($this.dtFileFormat), $source, $extension)) } hidden [hashtable] getScopeFromFileName([string] $baseFileName, [datetime] $lastWriteDate){ $from = $null; $to = $null; $src = '' if ($baseFileName.Contains($this.INTERVAL_SEPARATOR)){ $fileParts = $baseFileName.Split($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR) $dates = $fileParts[1].Split($this.INTERVAL_SEPARATOR) $from = [datetime]::ParseExact($dates[0], $this.dtFileFormat, $null) $to = [datetime]::ParseExact($dates[1], $this.dtFileFormat, $null) $src = [SOURCE]$fileParts[2] } elseif ($baseFileName.Contains($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR)) { $fileParts = $baseFileName.Split($this.SOURCE_SEPARATOR) $to = $lastWriteDate $from = $null # $lastWriteDate.AddMonths(-3) $src = [SOURCE]$fileParts[1] } else { return $null } return @{from=$from; to=$to; source=$src} } [string] getFileName([SOURCE] $source, [string]$extension){ return $this.getFileName([string]$source, $extension) } [bool] ApproveDownload() { #determine available scopes $intervalScopes = @() foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem $this.getSearchFileName('*', '*'))){ $interval = $this.getScopeFromFileName($file.BaseName, $file.LastWriteTime) if ($interval -and $interval.source -in $this.analyzedSources){ $intervalScopes += $interval } } # if there are interval scopes, group them by source $optimizedScopes = @() if ($intervalScopes){ foreach ($item in $intervalScopes) { $isFound = $false foreach ($os in $optimizedScopes) { if ($os.from -eq $item.from -and $ -eq ${ $os.source += $item.source $isFound = $true } } if (-not $isFound){ $optimizedScopes += @{from=$item.from; to=$; source=@($item.source)} } } # Check if interval scopes have all the needed sources $intervalScopes = $optimizedScopes $optimizedScopes = @(); $canProceed = $true foreach ($scope in $intervalScopes) { foreach ($item in $this.analyzedSources) { if ($item -notin $intervalScopes.source) { $canProceed = $false; break } } if ($canProceed) { $optimizedScopes += $scope} } } # find best scope $bestScope = $null; $coveredPeriod = 0 foreach ($item in $optimizedScopes) { if (($ -gt $this.afterDateTime) -and ($item.from -lt $this.beforeDateTime)){ $min = $this.afterDateTime $max = $this.beforeDateTime if ($item.from -gt $this.afterDateTime) { $min = $item.from } if ($ -lt $this.beforeDateTime) { $max = $ } if (($max - $min) -gt $coveredPeriod){ $bestScope = $item $coveredPeriod = $max - $min } } } if (-not $bestScope -or $coveredPeriod -eq 0){ Write-Host $script:LocalizedData.IncompleteLogsMessage return $true } else { Write-Host ($script:LocalizedData.AlreadyDownloadedLogsMessage -f ` @($bestScope.from, $, [DateTimeHelper]::FormatTimespan($coveredPeriod))) $answer = Read-Host -Prompt $script:LocalizedData.UsingAlreadyDownloadedLogsQuestion if ($answer -in ('n', 'no')){ return $true } else { $this.setAnalyzedScope($this.analyzedSources, $this.matchId, $bestScope.from, ($ - $bestScope.from)) return $false } } } [string] UriFindExternalId([string] $key, [string]$prefix, [int]$matchId){ return ($this.uriExternalId -f @($this.domain, $key, $prefix, $matchId)) } } |