
# Localized data for en-US
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'

NoActiveSessionMessage = There is no active session. Import audit logs before they are analyzed.
BackgroundJobsStillActiveMessage = Background jobs are active in current session, try again later.
NoOutputMessage = There is no output for the selected filter(s)!

NewSessionCreatedMessage = New session [{0}] created
ExternalMatchIdentificationMessage = Identifying match {0} from '{1}' ...
ExternalMatchFoundMessage = Found as id {0}
UnsupportedDownloaderQueryMessage = Search without matchId is not supported with the current downloaders.
TotalProcessingTimeMessage = Current command processed by {0}
AudigLogsRemovedMessage = Audit logs before {0} were deleted.

TotalOddChangesFromAdapterProviderMessage = Total {0} odd changes are same with maximum delay from adapter={1} ms and provider={1} ms.
TotalOddChangesDufferentMessage = Total {0} odd changes are different!
NoOddsDifferencesMessage = There are no differences in the odds.

NoTracableMessage = Message is not traceable, approximative messages within a range of +/- {0}
ApproximativeDisplayMessage = Displaying approximative messages within a range of for +/- {0}

LoadingCurrentSettingsMessage = Identifying auto update parameters...
DownloadingNewSettingsMessage = Downloading new settings...
SucessfullyDownloadedAndSavedMessage = Successfully downloaded and saved.
ReloadingNewSettingsMessage = New settings reloaded.

ExernalMatchIdentificationError = Call to '$_uri' wasn't successfull
NoSettingsFileOrNoAutoUpdateError = Settings file cannot be located or there is missing parameter for auto update of settings file
