describe Splatter { it 'Can Find Matching Parameters for a Command' { $splatOut = @{id = $pid;Foo='bar'} | Get-Splat -Command Get-Process $splatOut.Keys.Count | should be 1 } it 'Can remove invalid input' { @{id = $pid;Timeout=65kb} | Get-Splat -Command Wait-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count | should be 1 } it 'Can be used to pipe to a splat' { @{id=$pid } | Use-Splat -Command Get-Process } it 'Can accept objects, and turn them into hashtables' { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Id = $PID } | Use-Splat -Command Get-Process } it 'Can handle parameter aliases' { @{Pid = $PID} | Get-Splat -Command Get-Process } it 'Can find commands that fit a splat' { @{Id=$Pid } | Find-Splat -Command *-Process -Global } it 'Has a fun alias for Get-Splat: ?@' { @{id=$pid } | ?@ -Command Get-Process } it 'Has a fun alias for Use-Splat: .@' { @{id=$pid} | .@ gps } it 'Can splat a script block' { $splat =@{Message='hi'} $splat | .@ { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Message) $Message } | should be hi } } |