
Function Set-SpecPrinterSettings {
        Restores printer settings for specific printers from saved configuration files.
        This function restores printer settings for specific printers by applying configuration files that were previously saved in the "C:\temp" directory.
        The function loops through the list of printers and constructs the corresponding file name based on the printer's model and persona.
        If a configuration file exists for a printer, and the $DefaultPrinterUpdate parameter is set to $true, the function applies the settings to the printer using PRINTUI.DLL.
    .PARAMETER DefaultPrinterUpdate
        Specifies whether the default printer settings should be updated. If set to $true, the function applies the saved settings to the default printer(s).
        This parameter is mandatory.
        Set-SpecPrinterSettings -DefaultPrinterUpdate $true
        # Restores printer settings for the default printer(s) from saved configuration files.
        This function does not generate any output; it applies printer settings silently using PRINTUI.DLL.
        Author: owen.heaume
        Version: - 1.0
                 - 1.1 Wrap PRINTUI.dll into start-process so pester tests can be used.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    ForEach ($printer in (get-printer).name) {
        $PrinterModelSplit = ($printer.Split("_")[0, 1]) -join ("_")
        $PrinterPersonaSplit = ($printer.Split("_")[2])

        If ($PrinterPersonaSplit -eq "TR") {
            if ($printer.Split("_")[3]) {
                $PrinterPersonaSplit = ($printer.Split("_")[2]) + "_" + ($printer.Split("_")[3])

        $PrinterSettingsFile = $PrinterModelSplit + "_" + $PrinterPersonaSplit

        # restore printer settings by PRINTUI.DLL
        If ((Test-Path "C:\temp\$PrinterSettingsFile.dat") -and $DefaultPrinterUpdate -eq $true) {
            Write-Verbose "File found $PrinterSettingsFile.dat for printer $printer"
            $rundll32Args = "PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry", "/Sr", "/n", $printer, "/a", "`"C:\temp\$printerSettingsFile.dat`"", "/q", "g", "d", "r"
            Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" -ArgumentList $rundll32Args -Wait
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "No settings change for printer $printer"