<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Copyright � 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at =========================================================================== THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS MODIFIED, THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OR RESULTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE USER. .DESCRIPTION Functions for viewing and monitoring the SourceOne Jobs #> #requires -Version 2 # JDF DB uses/return theses actual values # C# code uses the [EMC.Interop.ExJDFAPI.exJDFJobState] enum $eJobUnknown = 0x00000000 # - Unknown State(DB default) $eJobAvailable = 0x00000001 # - The job is free for the taking $eJobTaken = 0x00000002 # - A worker has chosen the job and is # preparing to start the job $eJobActive = 0x00000004 # - A worker is currently processing the job $eJobSuspended = 0x00000008 # - The job was temporarily stopped and will # resume soon $eJobCompleted = 0x00000010 # - The job finished. This State does not # imply success or failure $eJobIncomplete = 0x00000020 # - The job was unable to finish in the time # it was allocated to run $eJobSelfTerminated = 0x00000040 # - The job was directed to terminate # itself by Job Dispatcher and did $eJobDispTerminated = 0x00000080 # - The job was directed to terminate # itself by the Job Dispatcher but # was unable to so the Job Dispatcher # killed it. $eJobUserTerminated = 0x00000100 # - The user terminated the job # through the Admin $eJobExpired = 0x00000200 # - The job was never dispatched, the reason # when dispatcher became aware of this job, the # job had already passed its EndTime. $eJobFailed = 0x00000400 # - The job was never ran or failed to run $eJobWaitForResource = 0x00000800 # - The job is waiting for resources $eJobState_LAST_ENTRY #!< for loop processing*/ function Show-ES1Jobs { <# .SYNOPSIS Display a table of job history and status for the requested number of days. .DESCRIPTION Show .NOTES Derived from Mike Tramont JobInfo script(s) .PARAMETER Jobtype show job information for the specified "HA","FA","journal","querydc","query","FIP","SP","Shortcut","Export","restoredc" .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] param( $newest, $taskTypeid = 0, [ValidateSet("HA","FA","journal","querydc","query","FIP","SP","Shortcut","Export","restoredc","")] [string]$jobtype, [int]$days = -1,[switch] $usedate = $false, [switch]$failed,[switch]$failedItems) Get-ES1JobInfo $newest $tasktypeid $jobtype $days -usedate:$usedate -failed:$failed -faileditems:$faileditems | ` select-object Jobid,WorkerName,PolicyName,ActivityName,TaskType,Statestr,ItemsProcessed,ItemsFailed,ItemsDupd,starttime,Endtime |` Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000 } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a table of job history and status for the requested number of days. .DESCRIPTION Get a table of job history and status for the requested number of days. .PARAMETER days The number of days of information to capture, default is 1 day of information .PARAMETER newest The number of most recent job information to retreive .PARAMETER failed show only items with a failed State .PARAMETER failedItems show only items with a failedItemCount > 0 .PARAMETER usedate Use today as the start date (?) .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> function Get-ES1JobInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param( [int]$newest, [int]$taskTypeid = 0, [ValidateSet("HA","FA","journal","querydc","query","FIP","SP","Shortcut","Export","restoredc","delete","")][string]$jobtype, [int]$days = 0, [switch] $usedate = $false, [switch]$failed, [switch]$failedItems) begin{} process { write-verbose "tasktypeid = $tasktypeid Newest = $newest, Days = $days, jobtype = $jobtype switches $failed $faileditems" if ($newest -eq $null) { if ($failed -or $failedItems -or ($jobtype -ne $null) -or ($taskTypeid -ne 0)) { $newest = 10 } } switch ($jobtype) { "journal" { $tasktypeid = 2} "querydc" { $tasktypeid = 16} "delete" { $tasktypeid = 21} "query" { $tasktypeid = 8} "FA" { $tasktypeid = -931516946} "FIP" { $tasktypeid = -475486385} "SP" { $tasktypeid = 2002108941} "Shortcut" { $tasktypeid = 14} "Export" { $tasktypeid = 6} "restoredc" { $tasktypeid = 6} "HA" { $tasktypeid = 12} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get Activity Database #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $activityData = Get-ES1ActivityDatabase $actDbServer = $activityData.DBServer $actDb = $activityData.DBName # # Calculate Start Date # # $months = 6 # $days = $months * 31 * -1 #$days = -1 if ($usedate -or ($days -ne 0)) { if ($days -gt 0) { $days = $days * -1 } $usedate = $true $date_prior = (Get-Date).AddDays($days) #$date_start = Get-Date -Year $date_prior.Year -Month $date_prior.Month -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 $date_start_string = $date_prior.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") write-verbose $date_start_string } $dtOutput =@() if ($usedate) { # # Query Job Data # $sqlQuery = @' SELECT CAST(DATEDIFF(hour, j.StartTime, GetUTCDate()) AS Int) AS Age_Hours, j.JobID, j.State AS State_Orig, p.Name AS Policy_Name, a.Name AS Activity_Name, tt.Name AS Task_Type, j.StartTime, j.EndTime, j.ProcessedItemCount, j.DuplicateItemCount, j.FailedItemCount,j.workerid FROM Jobs j (NOLOCK) JOIN Tasks t (NOLOCK) ON t.TaskID = j.TaskID JOIN TaskTypes tt (NOLOCK) ON tt.TaskTypeID = t.TaskTypeID LEFT JOIN Activity a (NOLOCK) ON a.ActivityID = t.ActivityID LEFT JOIN Policy p (NOLOCK) ON p.PolicyID = a.PolicyID WHERE j.StartTime >= 'DATE_START_STRING' ORDER by j.JobID desc '@ $sqlQuery = $sqlQuery.Replace('DATE_START_STRING', $date_start_string) } else { $sqlQuery = @' SELECT Top NEWEST CAST(DATEDIFF(hour, j.StartTime, GetUTCDate()) AS Int) AS Age_Hours, j.JobID, j.State AS State_Orig, p.Name AS Policy_Name, a.Name AS Activity_Name, tt.Name AS Task_Type, j.StartTime, j.EndTime, j.tasktypeid,j.ProcessedItemCount, j.DuplicateItemCount, j.FailedItemCount,j.workerid FROM Jobs j (NOLOCK) JOIN Tasks t (NOLOCK) ON t.TaskID = j.TaskID JOIN TaskTypes tt (NOLOCK) ON tt.TaskTypeID = t.TaskTypeID LEFT JOIN Activity a (NOLOCK) ON a.ActivityID = t.ActivityID LEFT JOIN Policy p (NOLOCK) ON p.PolicyID = a.PolicyID WHERE ORDER by j.JobID desc '@ $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('NEWEST',$newest) if ($failed -and $failedItems) { $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('WHERE',"where (j.state = $eJobFailed ) OR (FailedItemCount > 0)" ) } else { if ($failed) { $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('WHERE',"where j.state = $eJobFailed " ) } else { if ($failedItems) { $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('WHERE',"where FailedItemCount > 0 " ) } else { if (($tasktypeid -ne 0) -and ($tasktypeid -ne $null)) { $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('WHERE',"where j.tasktypeid = $tasktypeid") } else { $sqlquery = $sqlQuery.Replace('WHERE','') } } } } } Write-Verbose $sqlQuery $dtOutput = @(Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $actDbServer $actDb $sqlQuery ) Write-Verbose "Data Rows Returned: $($dtOutput.Rows.Count)" # # Output results # #$dtOutput | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" -Path "$outdir\Data\DATA-JobInfo.tsv" -Force #$dtOutput | format-table -AutoSize $jobsArray = @() foreach ($row in $dtOutput) { $wName = Get-ES1WorkerNameFromID $row.workerid $jState = Convert-S1JobStateToString $row.state_orig $jobprops = [ordered] @{jobid=$row.jobid; WorkerName = $wName; PolicyName = $row.Policy_Name; ActivityName = $row.Activity_Name; TaskType = $row.Task_Type; StateStr = [string]$jstate; ItemsProcessed = $row.ProcessedItemCount; ItemsFailed = $row.faileditemcount; ItemsDupd = $row.duplicateitemcount; StartTime = $row.StartTime.ToLocalTime(); EndTime = $row.endtime.ToLocalTime(); TaskTypeID =$row.tasktypeid; JobType =$jobtype; State = $row.state_orig; AgeHours = $row.age_hours; } $jobObject = New-Object -Type psobject -Property $jobprops $JobsArray += $jobObject #Jobid,WorkerName,PolicyName,ActivityName,TaskType,Statestr,ItemsProcessed,ItemsFailed,ItemsDupd,starttime,Endtime } $JobsArray } end {} } function Convert-S1JobStateToString { param ([int]$state) $decoded = '' # [EMC.Interop.ExJDFAPI.exJDFJobState] switch ($state) { $eJobUnknown { $decoded = "JobUnknown"} $eJobAvailable { $decoded = "JobAvailable"} $eJobTaken { $decoded = "JobTaken"} $eJobActive { $decoded = "JobActive"} $eJobSuspended { $decoded = "JobSuspended"} $eJobCompleted { $decoded = "JobCompleted"} $eJobIncomplete { $decoded = "JobIncomplete"} $eJobSelfTerminated { $decoded = "JobSelfTerminated"} $eJobDispTerminated { $decoded = "JobDispTerminated"} $eJobUserTerminated { $decoded = "JobUserTerminated"} $eJobFailed { $decoded = "JobFailed"} $eJobExpired { $decoded = "JobExpired"} $eJobWaitForResource { $decoded = "JobWaitForResource"} } if ($decoded.Contains('?')) { $decoded = "Unknown-$state" } $decoded } <# .SYNOPSIS Produce a table of job history for Jobs which have failed .DESCRIPTION Show-ES1FailedJobs .PARAMETER newest The number of items to display .EXAMPLE Show-ES1FailedJobs jobid StartTime ItemsFailed ItemsDupd State WorkerID StateStr JobType ItemsProcessed EndTime ----- --------- ----------- --------- ----- -------- -------- ------- -------------- ------- 3030 11/9/2015 10:48:04 PM 0 0 1024 2 eJobFailed 0 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM 2928 11/6/2015 2:56:29 PM 0 0 1024 1 eJobFailed 0 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM #> function Show-ES1FailedJobs { [CmdletBinding()] param($newest = 10) Get-ES1JobInfo -failed -newest $newest | ` select-object Jobid,WorkerName,PolicyName,ActivityName,TaskType,Statestr,ItemsProcessed,ItemsFailed,ItemsDupd,starttime,Endtime |` Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000 } <# .SYNOPSIS Produce a table of job history for Jobs which have failed items .DESCRIPTION Show-ES1JobsWithFailedItems .PARAMETER newest The number of items to display .EXAMPLE #> function Show-ES1JobsWithFailedItems { [CmdletBinding()] param($newest = 10) Get-ES1JobInfo -failedItems -newest $newest | ` select-object Jobid,WorkerName,PolicyName,ActivityName,TaskType,Statestr,ItemsProcessed,ItemsFailed,ItemsDupd,starttime,Endtime | ` Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000 } <# .SYNOPSIS Find-InS1JobLogs .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the location and specified information from the SourceOne Job Logs .PARAMETER JobId Optional Specific JobId (decimal) or "*" for all jobs default to * .PARAMETER SearchStr Optional String to search for .PARAMETER Startdate Check only logs newer than the specified Startdate .EXAMPLE Find-InS1JobLogs -searchStr "Total Failed" 00000028DETMSG.LOG.fullname Job(40) -> Total Failed messages: 0 00000119DETMSG.LOG.fullname 0000011ADETMSG.LOG.fullname 0000012CDETMSG.LOG.fullname Job(300) -> Total Failed messages: 0 .EXAMPLE Look for logs created since 11-15-2015 Find-InS1JobLogs -searchStr "Failed" -startdate 11-15-2015 .EXAMPLE #> function Find-inES1JobLogs { [CmdletBinding()] param ($JobId, $searchStr,[datetime] $startdate, $days = 1, $lineContext = 3, $summary = 7) $enddate = $null $end = 0 if (($days -gt 0) -and ($startdate -ne $null)) { $timespan = new-timespan $startdate (Get-date) if ($timespan.Days -ge 0) { if ($days -gt $timespan.Days) { $end = $timespan.Days } else { $end = $days } } else { write-output "$startdate is in the future" return } $enddate = $startdate.AddDays($end) } write-verbose "$startdate to $enddate" Get-ES1JobLogDir | out-null $hexJobid = "{0:X0}" -f $JobId $filterStr = "*$hexJobid*.log" write-verbose $filterStr Write-Verbose "checking $startdate with $searchStr" if ($enddate -ne $null) { $theLogs = gci -path $s1JobLogDir -Filter $filterstr | Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $startdate) -and ($_.LastWriteTime -lt $enddate)} } else { if ($startdate -ne $null) { $theLogs = gci -path $s1JobLogDir -Filter $filterstr | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $startdate} } else { $theLogs = gci -path $s1JobLogDir -Filter $filterstr } } Write-Verbose "Found $($log.count) files" foreach ($log in $theLogs) { Write-Verbose "checking $startdate with $searchStr" $result = '' if ($searchStr -ne $null) { $result = gc $log.fullName -Encoding UNICODE | select-string $searchStr -Context $lineContext,1 } else { $result = gc $log.fullName -Tail $summary -Encoding Unicode } write-output $log.fullname write-output "" write-output $result write-output "" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list files in the SourceOne Jobs log directory .DESCRIPTION Gets a list files in the SourceOne Jobs log directory .EXAMPLE <An example of using the script> #> function Get-ES1JobLogs { [CmdletBinding()] param () Get-ES1JobLogDir | out-null ls $s1JobLogDir\*.log } New-Alias S1JobsWFailedMsgs Show-ES1JobsWithFailedItems New-Alias Show-S1JobsWithFailedMessages Show-ES1JobsWithFailedItems New-Alias Show-S1Jobs Show-ES1Jobs New-Alias Get-S1Jobs Get-ES1JobInfo New-Alias Show-S1JobInfo Show-ES1Jobs New-Alias Show-S1FailedJobs Show-ES1FailedJobs New-Alias S1Jobs Show-ES1JobInfo New-Alias S1FailedJobs Show-ES1FailedJobs New-Alias Get-S1JobLogs Get-ES1JobLogs New-Alias Find-inS1JobLogs Find-inES1JobLogs Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |