<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Copyright � 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at =========================================================================== THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS MODIFIED, THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OR RESULTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE USER. .DESCRIPTION Functions for inspecting SourceOne operations and getting health and status information related to Indexes. Functions adapted from Mike Tramont's S1emIndexMon.ps1 Health Check scripts #> #requires -Version 3 <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function Get-ArchiveIndexStatus { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false)] $index_age_filter = 48 ) BEGIN { $scriptStart = Get-Date # Change to script location $scriptDirectory = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath Set-Location $scriptDirectory } PROCESS { Try { $returnCode = 0 $Archives = Get-ES1ArchiveDatabases # # Get Indexes in Error State # $cErrorStateIndexes = @() foreach ($archive in $Archives) { $dbName = $archive.DBName $dbServer = $archive.DBServer # # Query if this is an IPM Database # $ipm_database = $false $sqlQuery = @' SELECT ConfigXML.value('(/ExAsCommonCfg/InPlaceMigrationOptions/EnableMigrationDB)[1]','int') AS EnableMigrationDB, ConfigXML.value('(/ExAsCommonCfg/InPlaceMigrationOptions/EnableMigrationArchive)[1]','int') AS EnableMigrationArchive FROM ServerInfo (NOLOCK) WHERE ServerName = 'ExAsCommon' '@ $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery if ($dtResults.EnableMigrationArchive -eq 1) { $ipm_database = $true } if ($ipm_database) { Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: IPM Database" } else { Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Non-IPM Database" } Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Querying Indexes for Flagged Errors" # # Define SQL Query # $sqlQuery = @' SELECT REPLACE(fp.Path, '\FPROOT\', '') AS FolderMonth, fti.IndexNum, fti.TotalDocs AS TotalIndexedDocs, fti.IndexFlags, fti.IndexSize AS IndexSize_MB, fti.MsgStartDate, fti.MsgEndDate FROM FTIndex fti (NOLOCK) JOIN FolderPlan fp (NOLOCK) on fp.FolderId = fti.FolderNodeID WHERE fti.IndexFlags NOT IN (0,4,64) ORDER BY FolderMonth, fti.IndexNum '@ $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery if ($dtResults -ne $null) { Add-Log ("DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Indexes In Error State: " + @($dtResults).Count) # Process Indexes From SQL foreach ($row in $dtResults) { $object = New-Object System.Object $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SQLServer -value $dbServer $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Database -value $dbName $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FolderMonth -value $row.FolderMonth $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexNum -value $row.IndexNum $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexFlags -value $row.IndexFlags $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexSize_MB -value $row.IndexSize_MB $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TotalIndexedDocs -value $row.TotalIndexedDocs $cErrorStateIndexes += $object } } else { Add-Log ("DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Indexes In Error State: 0") } } Add-Log ("Indexes In Error State: " + $cErrorStateIndexes.Count) # # Scan for Missing Indexes & Indexes with Message Count Mismatch # $cMissingIndexes = @() $cCountMismatchIndexes = @() foreach ($archive in $Archives) { $dbName = $archive.DBName $dbServer = $archive.DBServer # # Query if this is an IPM Database # $ipm_database = $false $sqlQuery = @' SELECT ConfigXML.value('(/ExAsCommonCfg/InPlaceMigrationOptions/EnableMigrationDB)[1]','int') AS EnableMigrationDB, ConfigXML.value('(/ExAsCommonCfg/InPlaceMigrationOptions/EnableMigrationArchive)[1]','int') AS EnableMigrationArchive FROM ServerInfo (NOLOCK) WHERE ServerName = 'ExAsCommon' '@ $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery if ($dtResults.EnableMigrationArchive -eq 1) { $ipm_database = $true } if ($ipm_database) { Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: IPM Database" } else { Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Non-IPM Database" } Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Querying Index Locations" # Define SQL Query $sqlQuery = @' SELECT REPLACE(Path,'\FPROOT','') AS ArchiveFolder, NodeProps.value('(/fpprops/IndexLocation)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS FTLS FROM FolderPlan (NOLOCK) WHERE Type = 1 '@ $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery # Populate Hash of Index Locations $hIdxPaths = @{} foreach ($row in $dtResults) { $aValues = $row.FTLS.Split(";") foreach ($path in $aValues) { if ($path.Contains("]")) { $bValues = $path.Split("]") if ($bValues[1].Length -gt 0) { $hIdxPaths[$bValues[1]] = $True } } else { if ($path.Length -gt 0) { $hIdxPaths[$path] = $True } } } } # Delete temp IDX output file if it exists $tempIdxFile = $scriptDirectory + "\tempidxlist.txt" if (Test-Path $tempIdxFile) { Remove-Item $tempIdxFile } # Scan Index paths foreach ($path in $hIdxPaths.Keys) { Add-Log ("Scanning Path: " + $path) if (Test-Path $path) { # Not using Get-ChildItem -Recurse because it's too slow, especially over CIFS Shares. # Using old fashioned cmd shell "dir" which is much faster for what we need. cmd /c dir "`"${path}\ISYS.IXB`"" /s /b 2>$null >> $tempIdxFile } else { Add-Log ("Path Does not exist: " + $path) } } # Process Scanned Indexes $hIndexes = @{} if (Test-Path $tempIdxFile) { $reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($tempIdxFile) try { while ($reader.Peek() -ne -1) { $line = $reader.ReadLine() if ($line -eq $null) { break } if ($ipm_database) { $hIndexes[$line.Replace('\ISYS.IXB','')] = $line } else { $aValues = $line.Split('\') if ($aValues.Length -ge 4) { $folder = $aValues[$aValues.Length - 4] $calmonth = $aValues[$aValues.Length - 3] $index = $aValues[$aValues.Length - 2] $volkey = "$folder\$calmonth\$index" $hIndexes[$volkey] = $line } } } } finally { $reader.Close() } } Add-Log ("Indexes found on File Systems/CIFS Shares: " + $hIndexes.Count) # Query All Indexes from the current Archive Database and Check which ones are missing # Define SQL Query if ($ipm_database) { $sqlQuery = @' SELECT fti.IndexPath, fti.IndexFlags, fti.IndexSize AS IndexSize_MB, fti.TotalDocs AS TotalIndexedDocs FROM FTIndex fti (NOLOCK) WHERE fti.TotalDocs > 0 ORDER BY fti.IndexPath, fti.IndexNum '@ } else { $sqlQuery = @' SELECT REPLACE(fp.Path,'\FPROOT\','') + REPLACE(STR(fti.IndexNum, 3), SPACE(1), '0') AS IndexPath, fti.IndexFlags, fti.IndexSize AS IndexSize_MB, fti.TotalDocs AS TotalIndexedDocs FROM FTIndex fti (NOLOCK) JOIN FolderPlan fp (NOLOCK) ON fp.FolderID = fti.FolderNodeId WHERE fti.TotalDocs > 0 ORDER BY fp.Path, fti.IndexNum '@ } $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery if ($dtResults -ne $null) { # Process Indexes From SQL foreach ($row in $dtResults) { if (! $hIndexes.ContainsKey($row.IndexPath)) { Add-Log ("Missing Index: " + $row.IndexPath) $object = New-Object System.Object $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SQLServer -value $dbServer $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Database -value $dbName $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexPath -value $row.IndexPath $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexFlags -value $row.IndexFlags $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexSize_MB -value $row.IndexSize_MB $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TotalIndexedDocs -value $row.TotalIndexedDocs $cMissingIndexes += $object } } } # Query Indexes from the current Archive Database with *POSSIBLE* Message Miscount Issue # Define SQL Query $sqlQuery = @' -- -- Query provided by Barrett Aultman on Feb 26, 2013 -- -- Minor Changes by Micheal Tramont on Feb 27, 2013 -- -- Please Note: -- -- !!! "Open" or Recent Indexes may show up in this report. !!! -- !!! Check the age of the index before initiating Index Refresh or Rebuilt Operations !!! -- create table #tt (VolumeName nvarchar(256), IndexPath nvarchar(2048),IndexNumber int,MessageTotal int,ArchiveTotal int,IndexTotal int) insert into #tt (VolumeName, IndexPath, IndexNumber, MessageTotal, ArchiveTotal, IndexTotal) select v.volumename, fp.path, v.indexnum, COUNT(fm.messageid) as MessageTotal, v.msgcount as ArchiveTotal, fti.TotalDocs as IndexTotal from Volume v (NOLOCK) join folderplan fp (NOLOCK) on fp.folderid = v.foldernodeid join FTIndex fti (NOLOCK) on (fti.indexnum = v.indexnum and fti.FolderNodeId = fp.FolderId) join FolderMessage fm (NOLOCK) on fm.volumeid = v.volumeid group by v.volumename, fp.path, v.indexnum, fti.TotalDocs, v.msgcount --order by fp.path, v.indexnum SELECT REPLACE(IndexPath,'\FPROOT\','') + REPLACE(STR(IndexNumber, 3), SPACE(1), '0') AS IndexPath, SUM(MessageTotal) as MessageCount, SUM(ArchiveTotal) as VolumeCount, IndexTotal, 'Volume Count MisMatch' = CASE WHEN SUM(MessageTotal) != SUM(ArchiveTotal) THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END, 'Reindex Required' = CASE WHEN SUM(MessageTotal) != IndexTotal THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END INTO #tt2 FROM #tt GROUP by IndexPath, IndexNumber, IndexTotal SELECT * FROM #tt2 WHERE [Volume Count MisMatch] = 'YES' OR [Reindex Required] = 'YES' ORDER by IndexPath DROP Table #tt DROP Table #tt2 '@ $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQuery if ($dtResults -ne $null) { # Process Indexes From SQL foreach ($row in $dtResults) { if ($hIndexes.ContainsKey($row.IndexPath)) { $file = dir $hIndexes[$row.IndexPath] $diff = New-TimeSpan $($file.LastWriteTime) $scriptStart $age_in_hours = $diff.TotalHours if ($age_in_hours -gt $index_age_filter) { #Add-Log ("Index with Message Count Mismatch: " + $row.IndexPath) $object = New-Object System.Object $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SQLServer -value $dbServer $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Database -value $dbName $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexPath -value $row.IndexPath $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MessageCount -value $row.MessageCount $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VolumeCount -value $row.VolumeCount $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IndexTotal -value $row.IndexTotal $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Volume Count MisMatch' -value $row.'Volume Count MisMatch' $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Reindex Required' -value $row.'Reindex Required' $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Index Age (Hours)' -value $("{0:N1}" -f $age_in_hours) $cCountMismatchIndexes += $object } } } } } } Catch { throw $_ } Add-Log ("Count of Indexes with Message Count MisMatch: " + $cCountMismatchIndexes.Count) Add-Log ("Count of Missing Indexes: " + $cMissingIndexes.Count) # List of Indexes with Issues $cErrorStateIndexes # List of Indexes with Message Count MisMatch (Age Filter $cCountMismatchIndexes # List of Missing Indexes $cMissingIndexes } END {} } <# .SYNOPSIS Get info from the Index Share passed in WORK IN PROGRESS .DESCRIPTION Get info from the Index Share passed in. Derived from Kenta's S1 dashboard scripts WORK IN PROGRESS .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> ##################################################################### # Function Get-S1IndexShareStats: # # Returns info such as: # Success = $success (0 = failed , 1 = success) # Path = $path # Files = $dirlist # FilesCount = $FilesCount (# of files in folder) # OldFilesCount = $OldFilesCount (# of files older than 24 hours) # ##################################################################### function Get-ES1IndexShareStats{ [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$path ) process{ $OldFilesCount = 0 $FilesCount = 0 $dirlist = @() $agelimit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) # #Exclude the DropDir.lock file and subdirectories if (Test-Path $path) { $success = 1 $directorylist= @(get-Childitem $path -exclude 'dropdir.lock' -ErrorAction Stop|where { ! $_.PSIsContainer}) foreach ($l in $directorylist) { $currentfile = $l $filelist = get-Childitem $currentfile|Select-Object CreationTime,FullName $CreateDate = $filelist.CreationTime if ($l -like "dropdir.lock") { #skip } else { if ($filelist.CreationTime -lt $agelimit) { $Old = 1 $OldFilesCount++ $FilesCount++ } else { $Old = 0 $FilesCount++ } $dirlist += "$currentfile,$CreateDate,$Old" } #end skip } } #end if test path else { $success = 0 } New-Object PSObject -Property [ordred]@{ Success = $success Path = $path Files = $dirlist FilesCount = $FilesCount OldFilesCount = $OldFilesCount } } } #### End get-indexsharestats Function Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |