<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Copyright � 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at =========================================================================== THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS MODIFIED, THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OR RESULTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE USER. .DESCRIPTION Functions for inspecting SourceOne operations and getting health and status information Functions adapted from Mike Tramonts Health Check scripts #> #requires -Version 3 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Status and health information about all servers that make up the SourceOne implmentation .DESCRIPTION Gets Status and health information about all servers that make up the SourceOne implmentation. This includes the results of a "ping" and whether all the SourceOne services installed on a machine are in the running state. .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function Get-ES1ServersStatus { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () BEGIN {} # # TODO - Add parameter to pass in additional servers that are not discoverable... # PROCESS { $MachineProps=[ordered]@{'ComputerName'='';'Ping'='N/A';'AllServicesRunning'='N/A';'Uptime'='N/A';'Services'=@()} $MachineAccess =@() try { $servers=@() # Get all es1 servers from DB, includes workers and archivers $servers=@(Get-ES1Servers) $dbServers=@() $dbServers = @(Get-ES1ArchiveDatabases | Select-Object DBServer -Unique ) $activityDBInfo = Get-ES1ActivityDatabase | Select-Object DBServer $dbServers += $activityDBInfo $dbServers = $dbServers| Select-Object -unique # Add database servers to the list, parse the instance name if there is one foreach($DBServer in $dbservers) { if ($DBServer.DBServer.Contains('\')) { $names=$DBServer.DBServer.Split('\\') $svrName= $names[0] } else { $svrName = $DBServer.DBServer } $servers += $svrName } $Available = Invoke-Ping -Computer $servers -Quiet # Build Unavailable/Unreachable if ($Available.Count -ne $servers.Count) { $unavailable = Compare-Object $servers $Available | where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } foreach ($noping in $unavailable) { $machineobject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -prop $MachineProps $machineobject.ComputerName = $noping.InputObject $machineobject.Ping = 'Fail' $MachineAccess += $machineobject } } $local = hostname foreach ($pingOK in $Available) { $machineobject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -prop $MachineProps $machineobject.ComputerName = $pingOK $machineobject.Ping="Pass" $uptime = Get-Uptime -ComputerName $machineobject.ComputerName $machineobject.Uptime=$uptime.Uptime # TODO - Drop the milliseconds $services = Get-ES1Services -ComputerName $pingOK if ($services.Count -gt 0) { $machineobject.AllServicesRunning='Pass' } $installPath = S1Dir $pingOK # Append * so the -Include filter works... $installPath += '\*' if ($pingOK -eq $local) { $exeFiles = Get-ChildItem -recurse -path $installpath -Include @("*.exe") | select-object -ExpandProperty VersionInfo $AllBinaries = $exeFiles } else { if (Test-PsRemoting $pingOK) { $files = Invoke-Command -Cn $pingOK -ScriptBlock{ $exeFiles = Get-ChildItem -recurse -path $Args[0] -Include @("*.exe") | select-object -ExpandProperty VersionInfo $exeFiles } -Args $installPath -ErrorVariable remoteErr -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # $remoteErr contains any error message from the remote system if ($remoteErr) { write-warning $remoteErr $props = [ordered]@{'PSComputerName'=$pingOK ;'FileName'=$remoteErr ;'FileVersion'="ERROR"} $AllBinaries = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props } else { $AllBinaries = $files } } else { write-warning "**** Ps Remoting is not enabled on remote machine: $pingOK ******" $props = [ordered]@{'PSComputerName'=$server;'FileName'='NA' ;'FileVersion'="Unreachable - Powershell remoting not enabled"} $AllBinaries += New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props } } $services | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "FileVersion" -Value "" foreach ($service in $services) { # # Would be good to check the startType but it isn't exposed until .Net 4.6 if (($service.Status -eq 'Stopped') -or ($service.Status -eq 'Stop_Pending')) { $machineobject.AllServicesRunning='Fail' } $wmiService = get-wmiobject -ComputerName $pingOK -query "select * from win32_service where name='$($service.Name)'" $exePath=$wmiService.PathName.Trim('"') foreach ($binary in $AllBinaries) { if ($exePath -eq $binary.FileName) { $service.FileVersion = $binary.FileVersion } } } $machineobject.Services = $services $MachineAccess += $machineobject } } catch { throw $_ } $MachineAccess } END{} } <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function Get-ArchiveFolderStatus { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () BEGIN {} PROCESS { $folderStatus=@() $folderStatus = Get-ArchiveFolderSummary foreach($folder in $folderSummary) { $folder | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value "Pass" if (($folder."Volume Items" -ne $folder."Index Items") -or ($folder.Errors -gt 0)) { $folder.Status = "Fail" } } $folderStatus } END {} } ## Temporary to help porting Mike T's stuff function Add-Log { Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Msg = '', [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] $Level = 'Info' ) Write-Host $($Msg) } <# .SYNOPSIS Adapted from S1emServerStorageMon.ps1 .DESCRIPTION .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function Get-ES1ServerStorageStatus { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false)] $threshold_perc = 10.0, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$false)] $threshold_drive_free = 100.0 ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { Try { $returnCode = 0 # # Get Storage Percent Free Threshold # if ($threshold_perc -gt 100) { $threshold_perc = 100.0 } elseif ($threshold_perc -lt 0) { $threshold_perc = 0.0 } # # Get Drive Free Threshold # # from commandline # # Initialize Server Collection # # TODO - Load servers we might not be able to discover, like master, exchange, search , etc $cServers = @() $aServers = @() # Get all es1 servers from DB, includes workers and archivers $aServers=@(Get-ES1Servers) $dbServers=@() $dbServers = @(Get-ES1ArchiveDatabases | Select-Object DBServer -Unique ) $activityDBInfo = Get-ES1ActivityDatabase | Select-Object DBServer $dbServers += $activityDBInfo $dbServers = $dbServers| Select-Object -unique # Add database servers to the list, parse the instance name if there is one foreach($DBServer in $dbServers) { if ($DBServer.DBServer.Contains('\')) { $names=$DBServer.DBServer.Split('\\') $svrName= $names[0] } else { $svrName = $DBServer.DBServer } $aSservers += $svrName } # Get SourceOne Master Server #if ($hConfig.ContainsKey('MASTER')) #{ # $aServers += $hConfig.MASTER #} #else #{ # $aServers += $scriptComputerName #} # Remove Duplicates from SourceOne Server List $aServers = @($aServers | Sort-Object | Select-Object -uniq) # Add SourceOne Servers if ($aServers) { $cServers += $aServers } # # Process Each Server # $warning = $false $cDrives = @() foreach ($server in $cServers) { Add-Log "Processing Server: $server" $wmiDrives = Get-DriveInfo $server if (!($wmiDrives)) { $warning = $true $status = 'Failed' Add-Log "Cannot access server: $server" Warn $props = [ordered] @{'ComputerName'=$server;'Drive'='N/A'; ` 'Volume_Name'='N/A'; 'Free'= 'N/A'; ` 'Size_GB'= 'N/A'; 'Free_GB'='N/A';` 'Used_GB' = 'N/A';'Status'=$status} $oDrive = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props $cDrives += $oDrive } else { foreach ($drive in $wmiDrives) { $size = [long]$drive.Size $free = [long]$drive.FreeSpace [long]$used = $size - $free [double]$free_percent = $free/$size [double]$size_gb = $size/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) [double]$free_gb = $free/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) [double]$used_gb = $used/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) if (($free_percent * 100 -le $threshold_perc) -and ($free_gb -lt $threshold_drive_free)) { $status = 'Warning' $warning = $true } else { $status = 'Pass' } $props = [ordered] @{'ComputerName'=$server; 'Drive'=$drive.Name; ` 'Volume_Name'=$drive.VolumeName; 'Free'= $("{0:P1}" -f $free_percent); ` 'Size_GB'= $("{0:N1}" -f $size_gb); 'Free_GB'=$("{0:N1}" -f $free_gb);` 'Used_GB' = $("{0:N1}" -f $used_gb); 'Status'=$status} $oDrive = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props $cDrives += $oDrive } $cDrives } } } Catch { throw $_ } } END {} } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the disk space characteristics for the various CIFS shares used by an archive. .DESCRIPTION Gets the disk space characteristics for the various CIFS shares used by an archive. The location type is returned in shorthand as follows: 'MCL' = Message Center location 'AFL' = Archive Container location 'FTL' = Full Text Index location (for ISYS indexes) Adapted from Mike Tramont's S1emCIFSShareMon.ps1 .OUTPUTS .PARAMETER threshold Percent Free Threshold to use for issuing a warning on the Message Center location. .EXAMPLE Get-ES1CIFSShareStatus | ft -AutoSize DATABASE ES1Archive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares DATABASE IPMArchive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares DATABASE SecondIPMArchive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares DateTime Share Type Free Size_GB Free_GB Used_GB Status -------- ----- ---- ---- ------- ------- ------- ------ 2018-05-15 13:36:43 \\S1MASTER64\PBA AFL 98.7 % 30.0 29.6 0.4 Ok 2018-05-15 13:36:43 \\S1MASTER64\MSGCENTER MCL 45.4 % 30.0 13.6 16.4 Ok 2018-05-15 13:36:43 \\S1MASTER64\INDEXSHARE FTL 45.4 % 30.0 13.6 16.4 Ok 2018-05-15 13:36:43 \\S1NASServer\ARCHIVES\ARCHIVE1 AFL 64.1 % 931.5 597.3 334.2 Ok .EXAMPLE Get-ES1CIFSShareStatus -threshold 50.0 | where {$_.Status -eq 'Failed' -or $_.Status -eq 'Warning'} | select Share, Type,Status | ft -AutoSize DATABASE ES1Archive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares DATABASE IPMArchive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares DATABASE SecondIPMArchive on sql2008-j1: Querying CIFS Shares Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEXT4-J\EX-INDEXES Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEX4-J\EX_INDEXES Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEXT4-J\EXINDEXMIRROR Cannot access CIFS Share: \\S1MASTER7-J1\MSGCENTER Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEXT4-J\ESQLEXT4-EMAILXTENDER Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEX4-J\EX_CONTAINERS Cannot access CIFS Share: \\ESQLEXT4-J\ESQLEXT4-CONTAINERS Share Type Status ----- ---- ------ \\ESQLEXT4-J\EX-INDEXES FTL Failed \\ESQLEX4-J\EX_INDEXES FTL Failed \\ESQLEXT4-J\EXINDEXMIRROR FTL Failed \\S1MASTER7-J1\MSGCENTER MCL Failed \\S1MASTER64\MSGCENTER MCL Warning \\ESQLEXT4-J\ESQLEXT4-EMAILXTENDER FTL Failed \\ESQLEX4-J\EX_CONTAINERS AFL Failed \\ESQLEXT4-J\ESQLEXT4-CONTAINERS AFL Failed #> Function Get-ES1CIFSShareStatus { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false)] [double] $threshold= 10.0 ) BEGIN { $scriptStart = Get-Date # Change to script location $scriptDirectory = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath Set-Location $scriptDirectory } PROCESS { Try { $returnCode = 0 # # Get Storage Percent Free Threshold # if ($threshold -gt 100) { $threshold = 100.0 } elseif ($threshold -lt 0) { $threshold = 0.0 } # # Get Cifs Shares from the Archive Databases # $hCifsShares = @{} $Archives = Get-ES1ArchiveDatabases foreach ($archive in $Archives) { $dbName = $archive.DBName $dbServer = $archive.DBServer Add-Log "DATABASE $dbName on $dbServer`: Querying CIFS Shares" # For expediancy I kept this as SQL queries, but the shares are accessible in the COM # archive folder object... too $hTemp = Get-S1CifsShares -DBServer $dbServer -DBName $dbName foreach ($key in $hTemp.Keys) { if ($hCifsShares.ContainsKey($key) -eq $false) { $hCifsShares[$key] = $hTemp[$key] } } } # TODO # Get Additional Cifs Shares from Input file # # $infile = 'CIFSshares-SourceOne.txt' # if (Test-Path $infile) # { # $aLines = @((Get-Content $infile) | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } | Sort-Object) # if ($aLines) # { # foreach ($line in $aLines) # { # $lineupper = $line.Trim().ToUpper() #if ($lineupper.Contains('FTL')) #{ # $hCifsShares[$lineupper] = 'FTL' #} #elseif ($lineupper.Contains('AFL')) #{ # $hCifsShares[$lineupper] = 'AFL' #} #else #{ # $hCifsShares[$lineupper] = 'OTHER' #} # } # } # } # # Process each CIFS Share # $warning = $false $oFSO = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject $cShares = @() foreach ($share in $hCifsShares.Keys) { $shareType = $hCifsShares[$share].ToString() $shareprops = [ordered] @{'DateTime'=$(Get-Date -Date $scriptStart -Format �yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss�); ` 'Share'=$share; 'Type'=$shareType; 'Free'=''; 'Size_GB'=''; 'Free_GB'=''; ` 'Used_GB'=''; 'Status'=''} $oShare = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $shareprops try { # # Size of Folder in MB: # # "{0:N2}" -f (($oFSO.GetFolder("\\SOURCEONE1B\C$\S1CIFS\S1FTL001").Size) / 1MB) + " MB" # # Count of Files in Folder: # # (Get-ChildItem "\\SOURCEONE1B\C$\S1CIFS\S1FTL001" -Recurse).Count #$oDrive = $oFSO.GetDrive($share) $oDrive = $oFSO.GetFolder($share).Drive $size = [long]$oDrive.TotalSize $free = [long]$oDrive.FreeSpace [long]$used = $size - $free [double]$free_percent = $free/$size [double]$size_gb = $size/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) [double]$free_gb = $free/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) [double]$used_gb = $used/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) $status = 'Ok' if ($shareType -eq 'FTL') { if ($free_percent * 100 -lt 4) { $status = 'Warning' $warning = $true } } elseif ($shareType -eq 'AFL') { if ($free_percent * 100 -lt 4) { $status = 'Warning' $warning = $true } } else { if ($free_percent * 100 -le $threshold) { $status = 'Warning' $warning = $true } } $oShare.Status = $status $oShare.Free = $("{0:P1}" -f $free_percent) $oShare.Size_GB = $("{0:N1}" -f $size_gb) $oShare.Free_GB = $("{0:N1}" -f $free_gb) $oShare.Used_GB = $("{0:N1}" -f $used_gb) $cShares += $oShare } catch { $warning = $true Add-Log "Cannot access CIFS Share: $share" Info $oShare.Status = 'Failed' $cShares += $oShare } } } Catch { throw $_ } $cShares } END {} } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the ContainerLocations,IndexLocations, and MsgCenterPaths for archive folders defined in the given archive database. NOTE: uses direct SQL queries for legacy reasons. Returns a hashmap of the UNC path and short name for the location type. .DESCRIPTION Gets the ContainerLocations,IndexLocations, and MsgCenterPaths for archive folders defined in the given archive database. NOTE: uses direct SQL queries for legacy reasons. Returns a HashMap of the UNC path and short name for the location type. 'MCL' = Message Center location 'AFL' = Archive Container location 'FTL' = Full Text Index location (for ISYS indexes) .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function Get-S1CifsShares { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] $dbServer, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] $dbName ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { # # Define SQL Queries # $sqlQueryContainer = @' SELECT DISTINCT NodeProps.value('(/fpprops/ContainerLocation)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS ContainerLocation FROM FolderPlan (NOLOCK) WHERE Type = 1 '@ $sqlQueryIndex = @' SELECT DISTINCT NodeProps.value('(/fpprops/IndexLocation)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS IndexLocation FROM FolderPlan (NOLOCK) WHERE Type = 1 '@ $sqlQueryMsgCenter = @' SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(ConfigXML.value('(/ExAsSrvCfg/ArchiveService/MsgCenterPath)[1]','nvarchar(max)'), '\Message_Center', '') AS MsgCenter FROM ServerInfo (NOLOCK) WHERE LEN(MacAddress) > 0 '@ # # Hashtable to collect and dedup the Cifs Shares # $hShares = @{} # # Process Message Center Shares # $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQueryMsgCenter foreach ($row in $dtResults) { if ($row.MsgCenter.StartsWith('\\')) { $hShares[$row.MsgCenter.ToUpper()] = 'MCL' } } # # Process Container Shares # $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQueryContainer foreach ($row in $dtResults) { if ($row.ContainerLocation.StartsWith('\\')) { $hShares[$row.ContainerLocation.ToUpper()] = 'AFL' } } # # Process Index Shares # $dtResults = Invoke-ES1SQLQuery $dbServer $dbName $sqlQueryIndex foreach ($row in $dtResults) { if ($row.IndexLocation.Contains(';')) { $aValues = $row.IndexLocation.Split(';') foreach ($val in $aValues) { if ($val -match '\\\\.+\\.+') { $hShares[$matches[0].ToUpper()] = 'FTL' } } } elseif ($row.IndexLocation -match '\\\\.+\\.+') { $hShares[$matches[0].ToUpper()] = 'FTL' } } # # Return Hash Table # , $hShares } END{} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-DriveInfo #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-DriveInfo { Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Server ) $connect = $false if (test-connection -computername $server -quiet -count 1) { try { $wmiDrives = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $connect = $true } catch { Write-Error $_ } } if ($connect) { $wmiDrives } else { , @() # Comma Operator forces the return of an empty array -- otherwise only $null is returned } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-SpaceMB #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-SpaceMB { Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $InputPath ) $results = @() if (Test-Path $InputPath) { try { if ($InputPath.StartsWith('\\')) { $InputPath = $InputPath.TrimEnd('\') $aValues = $InputPath.Split('\') if ($aValues.Length -ge 4) { $drive = '\\' + $aValues[2] + '\' + $aValues[3] } $oFSO = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject $oDrive = $oFSO.GetDrive($drive) $size = [long]$oDrive.TotalSize $free = [long]$oDrive.FreeSpace $size_mb = $size/(1024.0*1024.0) $free_mb = $free/(1024.0*1024.0) $used_mb = $size_mb - $free_mb } else { $drive = (Split-Path $InputPath -qualifier).TrimEnd(':') $free = (Get-PSDrive $drive).Free $used = (Get-PSDrive $drive).Used $size = $free + $used $size_mb = $size/(1024.0*1024.0) $free_mb = $free/(1024.0*1024.0) $used_mb = $used/(1024.0*1024.0) } $size_mb_formatted = $("{0:N1}" -f $size_mb) $free_mb_formatted = $("{0:N1}" -f $free_mb) $used_mb_formatted = $("{0:N1}" -f $used_mb) $results = ($size_mb, $free_mb, $used_mb, [double]$size_mb_formatted, [double]$free_mb_formatted, [double]$used_mb_formatted) } catch { Write-Error $_ } } if ($results.Count -gt 0) { $results } else { , @() # Comma Operator forces the return of an empty array -- otherwise only $null is returned } } <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION .OUTPUTS .EXAMPLE #> Function FunctionTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () BEGIN {} # # TODO - Add parameter to pass in additional servers that are not discoverable... # PROCESS { } END {} } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |