function ConvertTo-OrderObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Sorts JSON output. .DESCRIPTION Reformats a JSON string so the output looks better than what ConvertTo-Json outputs. .PARAMETER Json Required: [string] The JSON text to sort. .PARAMETER ReSorted Optional: ReSorted the json properties to the Sorted specified in the PropertyStartList and PropertyEndList parameters. .PARAMETER PropertyStartList Required: The list of properties to put at the start of the json object. .PARAMETER PropertyEndList Required: The list of properties to put at the end of the json object. .PARAMETER OnlyListedProperties Optional: Only list the properties that are in the PropertyStartList and PropertyEndList. .PARAMETER SortAlphabetically Optional: Sort the properties alphabetically. .EXAMPLE $json | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-OrderObject -PropertyStartList @('displayName','name','description','version','publisher') -PropertyEndList @('settings','assignments') -SortAlphabetically -recursive .EXAMPLE $PropertyStartList = $script:SortedProperties.firstOrder $PropertyEndList = $script:SortedProperties.lastOrder $json | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-OrderObject -PropertyStartList $PropertyStartList -PropertyEndList $PropertyEndList -SortAlphabetically .NOTES .LINK Set-ObjectPropertyOrder #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Object, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$PropertyStartList, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$PropertyEndList, [switch]$OnlyListedProperties, [switch]$SortAlphabetically, [switch]$IgnoreCaseSensitivity, [switch]$Recursive ) Begin{ ## Get the name of this function [string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $ObjList = @() } Process{ Foreach($JsonObj in $Object) { #only sort properties that are in the json object If($PropertyStartList.Count -gt 0){ $NewPropertyStartList = @() $PropertyStartList | ForEach-Object { If($_ -in $JsonObj.PSObject.Properties.Name){ $NewPropertyStartList += $_ } } Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Property Start List: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, ($NewPropertyStartList -join ", ")) } If($PropertyEndList.Count -gt 0){ $NewPropertyEndList = @() $PropertyEndList | ForEach-Object { If($_ -in $JsonObj.PSObject.Properties.Name){ $NewPropertyEndList += $_ } } Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Property End List: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, ($NewPropertyEndList -join ", ")) } If(($NewPropertyStartList.Count + $NewPropertyEndList.Count) -eq 0){ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Properties found: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, ($JsonObj.PSObject.Properties.Name -join ", ")) }Else{ $RemainingProperties = ($JsonObj | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ($NewPropertyStartList + $NewPropertyEndList)).PSObject.Properties.Name Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Remaining properties found: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, ($RemainingProperties -join ", ")) } #build a new object in the Sorted we want $SortedObj = New-Object PSObject #split the json object into 3 parts #start properties, middle properties, and end properties #add the start properties If($NewPropertyStartList.count -gt 0) { $f=0 ForEach($Property in $NewPropertyStartList) { $f++ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding first property set [{1} of {2}]: {3}" -f ${CmdletName}, $f,$NewPropertyEndList.count,$Property) #add the property to the new object $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonObj.$Property -Force #recursivly call the function to sort the properties that are arrays or objects, then update the property If( ($Recursive -eq $true) -and ($SortAlphabetically -eq $true) ) { $JsonProperty = Set-ObjectPropertyOrder -Object $JsonObj -Property $Property -IgnoreCaseSensitivity:$IgnoreCaseSensitivity Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding property value: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $JsonProperty.Tostring()) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonProperty -Force }Else{ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding remaining property: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $Property) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonObj.$Property -Force } } } If( $OnlyListedProperties -ne $true ) { #add the properties that are not in the start or end list $PropertyMiddleList = $JsonObj | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ($PropertyStartList + $PropertyEndList) If($SortAlphabetically -eq $true){ $PropertyMiddleList = $PropertyMiddleList.PSObject.Properties.Name | Sort-Object -CaseSensitive:(!$IgnoreCaseSensitivity) }Else{ $PropertyMiddleList = $PropertyMiddleList.PSObject.Properties.Name } ForEach($Property in $PropertyMiddleList) { #recursivly call the function to sort the properties that are arrays or objects, then update the property If( ($Recursive -eq $true) -and ($SortAlphabetically -eq $true) ) { $JsonProperty = Set-ObjectPropertyOrder -Object $JsonObj -Property $Property -IgnoreCaseSensitivity:$IgnoreCaseSensitivity Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding property value: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $JsonProperty.Tostring()) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonProperty -Force }Else{ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding remaining property: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $Property) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonObj.$Property -Force } } } #add the end properties If($NewPropertyEndList.count -gt 0) { $l=0 Foreach($Property in $NewPropertyEndList) { $l++ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding last property set [{1} of {2}]: {3}" -f ${CmdletName}, $l,$NewPropertyEndList.count,$Property) #add the property to the new object $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonObj.$Property -Force #recursivly call the function to sort the properties that are arrays or objects, then update the property If( ($Recursive -eq $true) -and ($SortAlphabetically -eq $true) ) { $JsonProperty = Set-ObjectPropertyOrder -Object $JsonObj -Property $Property -IgnoreCaseSensitivity:$IgnoreCaseSensitivity Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding property value: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $JsonProperty.Tostring()) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonProperty -Force }Else{ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Adding remaining property: {1}" -f ${CmdletName}, $Property) $SortedObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JsonObj.$Property -Force } } } } #add the sorted json to the list #$ObjList += ($SortedObj | ConvertTo-Json) -replace '\\"','"' -replace '\\r\\n','' -replace '"{','{' -replace '}"','}' Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Collecting objects..." -f ${CmdletName}) $ObjList += $SortedObj #$ObjList += ($SortedObj | ConvertTo-Json) } End{ Write-Verbose ("{0} :: Returning object..." -f ${CmdletName}) return $ObjList } } |