
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    $culture = $host.currentculture
    if ($args[0])
    $culture = $args[0]
    if (($global:MSDNViewer -eq $null) -or ($global:MSDNViewer.HWND -eq $null))
    $global:MSDNViewer = new-object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
    $Uri = "" + $culture + "/library/" + ($this | select -first 1).GetType().FullName + ".ASPX"
    $global:MSDNViewer.Visible = $TRUE
                  [type]$SourceType = [PSObject]
               if($lambda.GetType().Name -eq "Func``2") {
                  $script = $lambda
               } else {
                  $script = $lambda -as [ScriptBlock]
                  if(!$script) {
                     if(!$ResultType) {
                        $ResultType = @($this)[0].GetType().GetMember("$lambda").PropertyType
                        if(!$ResultType) {
                           throw "Lambda must be a property name or a ScriptBlock castable to [Func``2]"
                     $script = {$args[0].$lambda}
                  } elseif(!$ResultType) {
                     $ResultType = (&amp; $lambda @($this)[0]).GetType()
                  $script = $script -as "Func[$SourceType,$ResultType]"
                  if(!$script) {
                     throw "Lambda must be a property name or a ScriptBlock castable to [Func``2] (type determined: [Func[$SourceType,$ResultType]])"
               $list = $this -as "$SourceType[]"
               if(!$list) {
                  throw "Only heterogeneous collections (where all objects are the same type) can use the .Ordered method"
               [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Select( $list , $script )
               if($lambda -is [String]) {
                  $lambda = {$args[0].$lambda}.GetNewClosure()
               if($lambda.GetType().Name -eq "Func``3") {
                  [System.Linq.Enumerable]::SelectMany( [Object[]]$this, [System.Func[Object,int,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[Object]]]$lambda )
               } else {
                  [System.Linq.Enumerable]::SelectMany( [Object[]]$this, [System.Func[Object,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[Object]]]$lambda )
               param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]$Second, [Type]$AsType)
               if($AsType) {
                  [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Union( ($this -as "$AsType[]"), ($second -as "$AsType[]"))
               } else {
                  [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Union([PSObject[]]$this, [PSObject[]]$second)
                  [Type]$SourceType = [PSObject]
               $list = $this -as "$SourceType[]"
                  $SourceType = [PSObject]
               if($lambda.GetType().Name -eq "Func``2") {
                  $script = $lambda
               } else {
                  $script = $lambda -as [ScriptBlock]
                  if(!$script) {
                     if(!$SortableType) {
                        $SortableType = @($this)[0].GetType().GetMember("$lambda").PropertyType
                        if(!$SortableType) {
                           throw "Lambda must be a property name or a ScriptBlock castable to [Func``2]"
                     $script = {$args[0].$lambda}
                  } elseif(!$SortableType) {
                     $SortableType = (&amp; $lambda @($this)[0]).GetType()
                  $script = $script -as "Func[$SourceType,$SortableType]"
                  if(!$script) {
                     throw "Lambda must be a property name or a ScriptBlock castable to [Func[SourceType,SortableType]] (type determined: [Func[$SourceType,$SortableType]])"
               $list = $this -as "$SourceType[]"
               if(!$list) {
                  throw "Only heterogeneous collections (where all objects are the same type) can use the .Ordered method"
               [System.Linq.Enumerable]::OrderBy( $list , $script )
                  [Type]$SourceType = [Object]
               if($lambda.GetType().Name -match "Func``[23]") {
                  $script = $lambda
                  Write-Verbose "Lambda is already $($script.GetType())"
               } else {
                  if($lambda -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                     $script = $lambda
                  } elseif($lambda -is [String]) {
                     $property, $op, $value = $lambda -split "\s+(-\w+)\s+" | %{ $_.Trim("`"' ") }
                     # If there was no operator, lets assume they mean: | Where $lambda
                     if("$op".Length -eq 0) {
                        $script = {param($_)[bool]$_.$lambda}
                     if(!@($value).Count -eq 1) {
                        throw "The simplified string syntax requires the format: 'PropertyName -op Value'`n" +
                              "Where 'op' is one of the comparison operators (-eq, -like, -match, etc.)`n" +
                              "Get-Help about_comparison_operators"
                     # If they put more than one thing left of the -op, let's pretend they forgot to quote it as a single string
                     $value = $value -join " "
                     # Now turn that into a script:
                     $filter = "{{param(`$_) `$_.{0} {1} '{2}'}}" -f $property, $op, $value
                     Write-Verbose "Filter: $filter"
                     $script = iex $filter
                  $script = $script -as "System.Func[$SourceType,bool]"
                  if(!$script) {
                     throw "Lambda could not be parsed. It must be either:`n" +
                           " * A simple property name (e.g.: PSIsContainer)`n" +
                           " * A simple where string (e.g.: 'Name -like W*')`n" +
                           " * A ScriptBlock which we can cast to [Func[$SourceType,bool]]`n" +
                           " * A ScriptBlock already strongly typed as [Func[$SourceType,bool]]`n" +
                           " * OR a ScriptBlock strongly typed as [Func[$SourceType,int,bool]]`n" +
                           " The latter allows you to use an item's index in the collection as part of your logic"
               $list = $this -as "$SourceType[]"
               [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Where( $this, $script )
                  [Type]$SourceType = [Object]
               if($lambda.GetType().Name -match "Func``[23]") {
                  $script = $lambda
                  Write-Verbose "Lambda is already $($script.GetType())"
               } else {
                  if($lambda -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                     $script = $lambda
                  } elseif($lambda -is [String]) {
                     $property, $op, $value = $lambda -split "\s+(-\w+)\s+" | %{ $_.Trim("`"' ") }
                     # If there was no operator, lets assume they mean: | Where $lambda
                     if("$op".Length -eq 0) {
                        $script = {param($_)[bool]$_.$lambda}
                     if(!@($value).Count -eq 1) {
                        throw "The simplified string syntax requires the format: 'PropertyName -op Value'`n" +
                              "Where 'op' is one of the comparison operators (-eq, -like, -match, etc.)`n" +
                              "Get-Help about_comparison_operators"
                     # If they put more than one thing left of the -op, let's pretend they forgot to quote it as a single string
                     $value = $value -join " "
                     # Now turn that into a script:
                     $filter = "{{param(`$_) `$_.{0} {1} '{2}'}}" -f $property, $op, $value
                     Write-Verbose "Filter: $filter"
                     $script = iex $filter
                  $script = $script -as "System.Func[$SourceType,bool]"
                  if(!$script) {
                     throw "Lambda could not be parsed. It must be either:`n" +
                           " * A simple property name (e.g.: PSIsContainer)`n" +
                           " * A simple where string (e.g.: 'Name -like W*')`n" +
                           " * A ScriptBlock which we can cast to [Func[$SourceType,bool]]`n" +
                           " OR ScriptBlock already strongly typed as [Func[$SourceType,bool]]"
               $list = $this -as "$SourceType[]"
               [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Any( $this, $script )