function Write-SWConfig { param ( ) <# .SYNOPSIS Save Pending configuration on a Sonicwall appliance. .DESCRIPTION Save Pending configuration on a Sonicwall appliance. .EXAMPLE Write-SWConfig Checks whether there is pending config changes to write, then saves if any are found. #> begin { # Declaring used rest method $Method = 'POST' # Declaring the base resource $BaseResource = 'config/pending' # Declaring the content type $ContentType = 'application/json' # Getting the base URL of our connection $SWBaseUrl = $env:SWConnection } process { $PendingCheck = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$SWBaseUrl$BaseResource" -Method 'get' -ContentType $ContentType if ($NULL -ne $PendingCheck) { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$SWBaseUrl$BaseResource" -Method $Method -ContentType $ContentType } else { Write-host -ForegroundColor Green "No Pending Writes Found." } # Return the result return $Result } } |