function Disconnect-SWAppliance { <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnect from a previously connected SonicWall appliance. .DESCRIPTION Disconnects a previously stablished connection from the Connect-SWAppliance function. .EXAMPLE Disconnect-SWAppliance Disconnects from the SonicWall appliance. #> begin { # Declaring resource of the function $Resource = 'auth' # Declaring used rest method $Method = 'delete' } process{ # If there's no connection throw error if (!$env:SWConnection) { Throw 'Cannot disconnect, you are not connected to any SonicWall appliance.' } # Try to disconnect the session and delete the env variable try { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($env:SWConnection)$($Resource)" -Method $Method | Out-Null Remove-Item env:SWConnection } # On error just delete the env variable Catch { Remove-Item env:SWConnection } } } |