# takes in user input; ex: phrase or word # gets the hex version of their input # strips white spaces # gets the total number of individual hex characters # checks if total number of single hex characters are less than 56 (output = yes or no) # prints everything: raw string/usability, number of characters, string hex function i_put_a_spell_on_you { $Message = Read-Host -Prompt '[>] Your message' $Hex = ($Message | Format-Hex -Encoding UTF8 | Select -ExpandProperty Bytes | ForEach-Object { '{0:x2}' -f $_ }) -join '' $Length = $Hex.Length if ($Length -lt 56) { $Usablility = "will fit." } else { $Usablility = "will not fit" } Clear-Host Write-Output "[>] '$Message' $Usablility `n" Write-Output "[>] Number of individual characters: $Length `n" Write-Output "[>] Hex: $Hex `n" } i_put_a_spell_on_you |