#Invokes an instance of a bot Function Invoke-SlackBot { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [string]$Token = (Import-Clixml "$PSscriptPath\..\Token.xml"), #So I don't accidentally put it on the internet [string]$LogPath = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Logs\SlackBot.log", [string]$PSSlackConfigPath = "$PSscriptPath\..\PSSlackConfig.xml" ) Set-PSSlackConfig -Path $PSSlackConfigPath -Token $Token #Web API call starts the session and gets a websocket URL to use. $RTMSession = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body @{token="$Token"} Write-Log "I am $($" -Path $LogPath Try{ Do{ $WS = New-Object System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket $CT = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationToken $Conn = $WS.ConnectAsync($RTMSession.URL, $CT) While (!$Conn.IsCompleted) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } Write-Log "Connected to $($RTMSession.URL)" -Path $LogPath $Size = 1024 $Array = [byte[]] @(,0) * $Size $Recv = New-Object System.ArraySegment[byte] -ArgumentList @(,$Array) While ($WS.State -eq 'Open') { $RTM = "" Do { $Conn = $WS.ReceiveAsync($Recv, $CT) While (!$Conn.IsCompleted) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } $Recv.Array[0..($Conn.Result.Count - 1)] | ForEach-Object { $RTM = $RTM + [char]$_ } } Until ($Conn.Result.Count -lt $Size) Write-Log "$RTM" -Path $LogPath If ($RTM){ $RTM = ($RTM | convertfrom-json) Switch ($RTM){ {($_.type -eq 'message') -and (!$_.reply_to)} { If ( ($_.text -Match "<@$($>") -or $'D') ){ #A message was sent to the bot # *** Responses go here, for example..*** $words = "$($_.text)".ToLower() while ($words -match ' '){ $words = $words -replace ' ',' ' } $words = $words -split ' ' Switch ($words){ {@("hey","hello","hi") -contains $_} { Send-SlackMsg -Text 'Hello!' -Channel $RTM.Channel } {@("bye","cya") -contains $_} { Send-SlackMsg -Text 'Goodbye!' -Channel $RTM.Channel } default { Write-Verbose "I have no response for $_" } } }Else{ Write-Log "Message ignored as it wasn't sent to @$($ or in a DM channel" -Path $LogPath } } {$_.type -eq 'reconnect_url'} { $RTMSession.URL = $RTM.url } default { Write-Log "No action specified for $($RTM.type) event" -Path $LogPath } } } } } Until (!$Conn) }Finally{ If ($WS) { Write-Verbose "Closing websocket" $WS.Dispose() } } } |