namespace Slack { namespace Elements { using Slack.Composition; public class Button : Element { private PlainText _text; private const int textTextLength = 75; private string _action_id; private const int action_idLength = 255; private string _url; private const int urlLength = 3000; private string _value; private const int valueLength = 2000; private string _style; private readonly string[] styleTypes = { "primary", "danger" }; public ConfirmationDialog confirm; public Button(PlainText text, string action_id) : base("button") { this.text = text; this.action_id = action_id; } public PlainText text { get => _text; set { if (value.text.Length > textTextLength) { throw new System.Exception($"A button text object text must be less than {textTextLength} characters."); } _text = value; } } public string action_id { get => _action_id; set { if (value.Length > action_idLength) { throw new System.Exception($"Action_id length must be less than {action_idLength} characters."); } _action_id = value; } } public string url { get => _url; set { if (value.Length > urlLength) { throw new System.Exception($"Action_id length must be less than {urlLength} characters."); } _url = value; } } public string value { get => _value; set { if (value.Length > valueLength) { throw new System.Exception($"Action_id length must be less than {valueLength} characters."); } _value = value; } } public string style { get => _style; set { foreach (string t in styleTypes) { if (value == t) { _style = value; } } if (_style == null) { throw new System.Exception($"{value} is not a supported Element type."); } } } } } } |