
function Update-SlackView {
        Update an existing view.
        This function updates a view by passing a new view definition
        along with the view_id returned in or the external_id.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Authentication token bearing required scopes.
    .PARAMETER view
        The view payload. Must be of type [Slack.Payloads.View]
    .PARAMETER external_id
        A unique identifier of the view set by the developer.
        Must be unique for all views on a team. Max length of 255 characters.
        Either view_id or external_id is required.
    .PARAMETER hash
        A string that represents view state to protect against possible race conditions.
    .PARAMETER view_id
        A unique identifier of the view to be updated.
        Either view_id or external_id is required.
        Push-SlackView -token $token -tiggerId '12345.98765.abcd2358fdea' -view $view
        views.push -token $token -tiggerId '12345.98765.abcd2358fdea' -view $view






    $Body = @{
        view        = $view
        external_id = $external_id
        hash        = $hash
        view_id     = $view_id
    Invoke-SlackWebAPI -Token $Token -Method_Family "views.update" -Body $Body
Set-Alias -Name 'views.update' -Value 'Update-SlackView'