function New-SlackSectionBlock { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a Slack Section Block PSCustomObject .DESCRIPTION This function returns a Slack Section Block as a PSCustomObject ready to ConvertTo-Json and send to Slack. .PARAMETER text The top level text of the Slack Block. .PARAMETER block_id Specifies the block_id of the Slack Block for reference by the Slack APIs. .PARAMETER fields An array of SlackTextObjects. .PARAMETER accessory A Slack Block element object .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-SlackSectionBlock -text "The Text for this block." -block_id "123ABC" #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateLength(1,3000)] [string] $text, [ValidateLength(1,255)] [string] $block_id, [ValidateCount(1,10)] [PSCustomObject[]] $fields, [pscustomobject] $accessory ) $SlackSectionBlock = [pscustomobject]@{ type = "section" text = New-SlackTextObject -type "mrkdwn" -text $text } if($block_id){ $SlackSectionBlock | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "block_id" -NotePropertyValue $block_id } if($fields){ $SlackSectionBlock | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "fields" -NotePropertyValue $fields } if($accessory){ $SlackSectionBlock | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "accessory" -NotePropertyValue $accessory } return $SlackSectionBlock } |