function Get-CSPoolServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if all services are running on all servers in a pool. If any services are detected as not running, ask the user if they want to start the service. .DESCRIPTION Check if all services are running on all servers in a pool. If any services are detected as not running, ask the user if they want to start the service. .PARAMETER PoolFQDN Required, defines the pool to check. This will gather all the names of all the computers in a pool so we can check them one by one. .PARAMETER ReportPath Use this parameter to set the path where you want to save a dump of all the results. This can be a regular text file. .EXAMPLE Get-CSPoolServices -PoolFQDN .EXAMPLE Get-CSPoolServices -PoolFQDN -ReportPath C:\temp\report.txt #> param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "The fully qualified domain name of a Skype for Business pool.")] [string]$PoolFQDN, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Path and filename where to store the result from the test. Result will be in plain text.")] [string]$ReportPath, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "If any services are stopped, automatically start services.")] [switch]$AutomaticStart ) $servers = Get-CsPool -identity $PoolFQDN Write-Output "Running Get-CsWindowsService on all computers in the pool" foreach ($server in $servers.computers) { Write-Output $server $result = Get-CsWindowsService -ComputerName $server Write-Output $result if ($ReportPath) { $result | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File -FilePath $ReportPath -Append } if ($result.status -contains "stopped") { if ($AutomaticStart) { Write-Warning "A service has been detected as 'Stopped'. Starting the service automatically now!" Start-CSWindowsService -ComputerName $server if ($ReportPath) { $serviceStartReport = "Stopped services started by user." Out-File -FilePath $ReportPath -InputObject $serviceStartReport -Append } } else { Write-Warning "A service is not running. This might result in a bad user experience." Write-Output "Would you like to start the service?" do { $serviceStart = Read-Host "(Y)es or (N)o" if ($serviceStart.ToLower() -eq "y") { Start-CSWindowsService -ComputerName $server if ($ReportPath) { $serviceStartReport = "Stopped services started by user." Out-File -FilePath $ReportPath -InputObject $serviceStartReport -Append } break } } while ($serviceStart.ToLower() -notlike "n") }}} } New-Alias -Name "gpool" Get-CSPoolServices Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CSPoolServices -Alias gpool -Cmdlet Get-CSPoolServices |