#AKS Functions function Add-CertManager { kubectl get namespace "cert-manager" if($LastExitCode -ne 0) { kubectl create namespace "cert-manager" } kubectl apply --validate=false -f helm repo add jetstack helm repo update } function Add-Issuer { param([string]$Email, [string]$IssuerPath, [string]$IssuerDestination, [string]$Namespace = "kube-system") Copy-Item -Path $IssuerPath -Destination $IssuerDestination Update-Yaml -NewValue $Email -MatchString "EMAILREF" -Filename $IssuerDestination kubectl apply -f $IssuerDestination -n $Namespace --validate=false Remove-Item -Path $IssuerDestination } function Add-NGINX { param([string]$Namespace = "kube-system") kubectl get namespace $Namespace if($LastExitCode -ne 0) { kubectl create namespace $Namespace } #helm repo add nginx-stable helm repo add ingress-nginx helm repo update $looper = $true while($looper) { try { #helm install nginx nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --namespace $Namespace helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace $Namespace if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) { Write-Host "Error installing NGINX, waiting 20 seconds to try install NGINX again..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 } else { $looper = $false } } catch { Write-Host "Waiting 20 seconds to try install NGINX again..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 } } } function Add-NodePool { param([string]$ResourceGroupName, [string]$ClusterName, [string]$NodePoolName, [int]$NodeCount, [string]$VmSize) az aks nodepool add --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --cluster-name $ClusterName --name $NodePoolName --node-count $NodeCount --node-vm-size $VmSize } function Get-AksClusterExists { param([string]$SubscriptionName, [string]$ClusterName) $aksList = az aks list --subscription "$SubscriptionName" | ConvertFrom-Json foreach($item in $aksList) { $id = $ $parts = $id.Split("/") $name = $parts[$parts.Length - 1] if($name -eq $ClusterName) { return $true } } return $false } function Get-AksCredentials { param([string]$ResourceGroupName, [string]$ClusterName) $looper = $true while($looper) { try { az aks get-credentials --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $ClusterName $looper = $false } catch { Write-Host "Waiting 30 seconds to try get aks credentials again..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } } } function Get-ExternalIP { param([string]$Namespace = "kube-system") $looper = $TRUE while($looper) { $externalIP = "" #$lineValue = kubectl get service -l app=nginx-ingress --namespace $Namespace #lineValue = kubectl get svc nginx-ingress-nginx-controller -n $Namespace $lineValue = kubectl get svc nginx-nginx-ingress -n $Namespace Write-Host "Last Exit Code for get external ip $LASTEXITCODE" -ForegroundColor White if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) { Write-Host "Try get external ip...waiting 30 seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } elseif($lineValue.Length -gt 0) { $line = $lineValue[1] $lineout = $line -split '\s+' $externalIP = $lineout[3] } if($externalIP -eq "<pending>") { Write-Host "External IP is pending...waiting 30 seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } elseif($externalIP.Length -eq 0) { Write-Host "External IP is zero length...waiting 30 seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } else { $looper = $FALSE Write-Host "External IP is $externalIP" -ForegroundColor Magenta return $externalIP } } } function New-AksCluster { param([string]$ClusterName, [string]$ResourceGroupName, [string]$AppID, [string]$Password, [string]$VmSize, [int]$NodeCount) az aks create --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $ClusterName --node-count $NodeCount --service-principal $AppID --client-secret $Password --node-vm-size $VmSize --generate-ssh-keys } function New-KubectlApply { param([string]$Filename, [string]$Namespace = "kube-system") $looper = $true while($looper) { kubectl apply -f $Filename -n $Namespace --validate=false if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Waiting 30 to re-apply file..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } else { $looper = $false } } } function New-KubectlClusterCleanup { param([string]$ClusterName, [string]$ResourceGroupName) #Remove previous deployments from kubectl $cleanup = Read-Host "Clean up previous kubectl deployment [y/n] ? " if($cleanup.ToLowerInvariant() -eq "y") { $cleanupClusterName = Read-Host "Enter previous cluster name [Enter blank == $ClusterName] " $cleanupResourceGroup = Read-Host "Enter previous resource group name [Enter blank == $ResourceGroupName] " if($cleanupClusterName.Length -eq 0) { $cleanupClusterName = $ClusterName } if($cleanupResourceGroup.Length -eq 0) { $cleanupResourceGroup = $ResourceGroupName } $condition1 = "users.clusterUser_" + $cleanupResourceGroup + "_" + $cleanupClusterName $condition2 = "clusters." + $cleanupClusterName kubectl config unset $condition1 kubectl config unset $condition2 } } function Remove-AksCluster { param([string]$ClusterName, [string]$ResourceGroupName) $clusterLine = az aks list --query "[?contains(name, '$ClusterName')]" --output table if($clusterLine.Length -gt 0) { az aks delete --name $ClusterName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --yes } } function Set-ApplyYaml { param([string]$File, [string]$Namespace) $looper = $true while($looper) { kubectl apply -f $File -n $Namespace --validate=false if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "kubectl apply failed for $File. Waiting 10 seconds to try again..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } else { $looper = $false } } } function Set-Certificate { param([string]$Dns, [string]$Location, [string]$Path, [string]$Destination, [string]$Namespace = "cert-manager") Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination Update-Yaml -NewValue $Dns -MatchString "INGRESSDNS" -Filename $Destination Update-Yaml -NewValue $Location -MatchString "LOCATION" -Filename $Destination New-KubectlApply -Filename $Destination -Namespace $Namespace Remove-Item -Path $Destination } function Set-Ingress { param([string]$Dns, [string]$Location, [string]$Path, [string]$Destination, [string]$Namespace = "kube-system") Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination Update-Yaml -NewValue $Dns -matchString "INGRESSDNS" -filename $Destination Update-Yaml -newValue $Location -matchString "LOCATION" -filename $Destination New-KubectlApply -Filename $Destination -Namespace $Namespace Remove-Item -Path $Destination } function Set-NodeLabel { param([string]$NodeMatchValue, [string]$Key, [string]$Value) $looper = $true while($looper) { $nodes = kubectl get nodes if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Waiting 10 seconds to get nodes from kubectl..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } else { foreach($node in $nodes) { $nodeVal = $node.Split(" ")[0] if($nodeVal.Contains($NodeMatchValue)) { kubectl label nodes $nodeVal "$Key=$Value" if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Set node label failed. Waiting 10 seconds to try again..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } else { $looper = $false } } } } } } function Set-Timer { param([string]$Message, [int]$Seconds) Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds } function Set-WaitForApiServices { $v = kubectl get apiservice $ft = $true while(([string]$v).IndexOf("False") -ne -1) { if($ft) { Write-Host("K8 metrics-server and/or cert-manager-webhook is offline right now. We'll keep waiting until they are online") -ForegroundColor Yellow $ft = $false } else { Write-Host("Waiting 60 secs for the K8 apiservices to come back online, yuck...") -ForegroundColor Yellow } Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 $v = kubectl get apiservice } } function Update-PublicIP { param([string]$PublicIP, [string]$Dns, [string]$SubscriptionName) if($subscriptionNameOrId.Length -ne 0) { az network public-ip update --ids $PublicIP --dns-name $Dns --subscription $SubscriptionName } else { az network public-ip update --ids $PublicIP --dns-name $Dns } } function Update-Step { param([int]$Step, [string]$Message, [DateTime]$Start) $endTime = Get-Date $timeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $Start -End $endTime $val = $timeSpan.ToString("mm\:ss") Write-Host "--Step $Step - $Message - $val" -ForegroundColor Green } function Update-Yaml { Param ([string]$NewValue, [string]$MatchString, [string]$Filename) (Get-Content $Filename) -replace $MatchString,$NewValue | out-file $Filename -Encoding ascii } |