function Get-DmarcRecord{ [CmdletBinding()] # for standard parameters like -Verbose or -ErrorAction param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Domain you want to get the DMARC record for. For example:")] [string]$Domain ) try{ (Resolve-DnsName -Name "_dmarc.$($Domain)" -Type "TXT" -ErrorAction "Stop").Text }catch{ throw "Error during DNS resolution: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Get-ExternalTcpConnection{ try{ $Connections = Get-NetTCPConnection -ErrorAction "Stop" | Where-Object{($_.RemoteAddress -ne "::") -and ($_.RemoteAddress -ne "::1") -and ($_.RemoteAddress -ne "") -and ($_.LocalPort -ne 0) -and ($_.RemotePort -ne 0) -and ($_.OwningProcess -ne 0)} }catch{ throw "Error when listing all TCP connections: $($_.Exception.Message)" } try{ foreach($Connection in $Connections){ $OwningProcessInfo = Get-Process -Id $Connection.OwningProcess -ErrorAction "Stop" $Connection | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "OwningProcessName" -NotePropertyValue $OwningProcessInfo.ProcessName -ErrorAction "Stop" $Connection | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "OwningProcessInfo" -NotePropertyValue $OwningProcessInfo -ErrorAction "Stop" $Connection } }catch{ throw "Error during process query: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Get-IpConfig{ # declare paramters param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$InterfaceAlias ) # get config depending on the $InterfaceAlias input if(($null -ne $InterfaceAlias) -and ($InterfaceAlias -ne "")){ $Configs = Get-NetIPConfiguration -InterfaceAlias $InterfaceAlias }else{ $Configs = Get-NetIPConfiguration } $Objects = foreach($Config in $Configs){ # build custom object [ordered]@{ NetworkName = $Config.NetProfile.Name Alias = $Config.InterfaceAlias Index = $Config.InterfaceIndex IPv4Address = $Config.IPv4Address IPv4DnsServer = ($Config.DNSServer | Where-Object{$_.AddressFamily -eq 2}).ServerAddresses IPv6Address = $Config.IPv6Address IPv6DnsServer = ($Config.DNSServer | Where-Object{$_.AddressFamily -eq 23}).ServerAddresses } } $Objects = $Objects | ForEach-Object{New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru} $Objects | Format-Table } function Get-ModulesWithMultipleVersions{ $AllModules = Get-InstalledModule foreach($Module in $AllModules){ $Versions = Get-InstalledModule -Name $Module.Name -AllVersions if($Versions.Count -ge 2){ Write-Host $Module.Name } } } function Get-MxRecord{ [CmdletBinding()] # for standard parameters like -Verbose or -ErrorAction param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Domain you want to get the MX record for. For example:")] [string]$Domain ) try{ Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type "MX" -ErrorAction "Stop" | Sort-Object -Property "Preference" }catch{ throw "Error during DNS resolution: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Get-PublicIp{ $PublicIpApiUrls = @( "", "", "", "" ) foreach($ApiUrl in $PublicIpApiUrls){ try{ $Ip = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiUrl -ErrorAction "Stop" Write-Host "Response from '$($ApiUrl)':" if($null -ne $Ip.Ip){ $Ip.Ip }else{ $Ip } break }catch{ Write-Host "Can't reach '$($ApiUrl)'. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } function Get-RegistryItem{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Path in the format 'HKxx:\path\to\registryKey'.")] [string]$Path ) $Key = Get-Item -Path $Path $Items = $Key.GetValueNames() $ItemList = foreach($Item in $Items){ [ordered]@{ Name = $Item Type = $Key.GetValueKind($Item) Value = $Key.GetValue($Item) } } $ItemObjects = $ItemList | ForEach-Object{New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru} $ItemObjects } function Get-SpfRecordEntryIp{ [CmdletBinding()] # for standard parameters like -Verbose or -ErrorAction param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Get IP address for SPF entry in the format 'type:value'. For example:")] [string]$SpfEntry ) try{ $Ip = $null if($SpfEntry -like "a:*"){ $Ip = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $SpfEntry.Split(":")[1] -Type "A_AAAA" -ErrorAction "Stop").IPAddress }elseif($SpfEntry -like "include:*") { $Domains = Resolve-DnsName -Name $SpfEntry.Split(":")[1] -Type "TXT" -ErrorAction "Stop" $SpfEntries = $Domains.Text.Split(" ")[1..($Domains.Text.Split(" ").Count - 2)] foreach($SpfEntry in $SpfEntries){ Get-SpfRecordEntryIp -SpfEntry $SpfEntry } }elseif($SpfEntry -like "ip4:*"){ $Ip = $SpfEntry.Substring(4,($SpfEntry.length - 4)) }elseif($SpfEntry -like "ip6:*"){ $Ip = $SpfEntry.Substring(4,($SpfEntry.length - 4)) }elseif($SpfEntry -like "mx*"){ if($SpfEntry -eq "mx"){ $MxDomain = $Domain }elseif($SpfEntry -like "mx:*"){ $MxDomain = $SpfEntry.Split(":")[1] }else{ throw "Error: Invalid MX record!" } $Domains = Resolve-DnsName -Name $MxDomain -Type "MX" -ErrorAction "Stop" $SpfEntries = $Domains.NameExchange foreach($SpfEntry in $SpfEntries){ Get-SpfRecordEntryIp -SpfEntry "a:$($SpfEntry)" } }elseif($SpfEntry -like "redirect=*"){ $TxtRecords = Resolve-DnsName -Name $SpfEntry.Substring(9,($SpfEntry.length - 9)) -Type "TXT" -ErrorAction "Stop" $SpfRecord = $TxtRecords | Where-Object{$_.Text -like "v=spf*"} if($SpfRecord.Count -gt 1){ throw "Error: Domain has more than one SPF record!" } if($SpfRecord.Text -like "*all"){ $SpfEntries = $SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ")[1..($SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ").Count - 2)] }else{ $SpfEntries = $SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ")[1..($SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ").Count - 1)] } foreach($SpfEntry in $SpfEntries){ Get-SpfRecordEntryIp -SpfEntry $SpfEntry } }else{ throw "Error: Invalid SPF Syntax in '$($SpfEntry)'!" } $Ip }catch{ throw "Error during DNS resolution: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Get-SpfRecord{ [CmdletBinding()] # for standard parameters like -Verbose or -ErrorAction param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Domain you want to get the SPF record for. For example:")] [string]$Domain ) try{ $TxtRecords = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type "TXT" -ErrorAction "Stop" $SpfRecord = $TxtRecords | Where-Object{$_.Text -like "v=spf*"} if($SpfRecord.Count -gt 1){ throw "Error: Domain has more than one SPF record!" } if($SpfRecord.Text -like "*all"){ $SpfEntries = $SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ")[1..($SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ").Count - 2)] }else{ $SpfEntries = $SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ")[1..($SpfRecord.Text.Split(" ").Count - 1)] } $ResolvedIps = @() foreach($SpfEntry in $SpfEntries){ $ResolvedIps += Get-SpfRecordEntryIp -SpfEntry $SpfEntry } Write-Host "SPF Record String:" $SpfRecord.Text Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Direct SPF Record entries:" $SpfEntries Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "All Resolved IPs:" $ResolvedIps | Sort-Object -Unique }catch{ throw "Error during DNS resolution: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function New-RegistryItem{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Path in the format 'HKxx:\path\to\new\item.filetype'. Filetype must be one of: 'String', 'DWord', 'QWord', 'Binary', 'MultiString', 'ExpandString', 'Unknown'.")] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Value for the new item.")] $Value ) # split path to substrings $ParentPath = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent $ItemNameArray = (Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf).Split(".") $ItemName = $ItemNameArray[0..(($ItemNameArray).length - 2)] -join "." $ItemType = (Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf).Split(".")[-1] # create registry key, if it doesn't exist already if((Test-Path -Path $ParentPath) -eq $false){ New-Item -Path $ParentPath -ItemType Directory -Force } # create registry item, if it doesn't exist already and delete then recreate it if it exists if($null -eq (Get-ItemProperty -Path $ParentPath -Name $ItemName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ New-ItemProperty -Path $ParentPath -Name $ItemName -Value $Value -PropertyType $ItemType }else{ Remove-ItemProperty -Path $ParentPath -Name $ItemName -Force -Confirm:$false New-ItemProperty -Path $ParentPath -Name $ItemName -Value $Value -PropertyType $ItemType } } function Remove-OldModuleVersions{ param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array]$ModuleNames ) if($ModuleNames -ne "All"){ $Modules = foreach($ModuleName in $ModuleNames){ try{ Get-InstalledModule -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction Stop }catch{ Write-Host "Cannot get module '$($ModuleName)', maybe it is not installed. Error:" Write-Host $_.Exception.Message } } }else{ $Modules = Get-InstalledModule } foreach($Module in $Modules){ $Versions = Get-InstalledModule -Name $Module.Name -AllVersions if($Versions.Count -eq 1){ Write-Host "Only one version ($($Versions.Version)) of module '$($Module.Name)' is installed." }else{ $OldVersions = $Versions | Sort-Object -Property "Version" -Top ($Versions.Count - 1) foreach($OldVersion in $OldVersions){ try{ Uninstall-Module -Name $OldVersion.Name -RequiredVersion $OldVersion.Version -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Uninstalled module '$($OldVersion.Name)' version '$($OldVersion.Version)'." }catch{ Write-Host "Cannot uninstall module '$($OldVersion.Name)' version '$($OldVersion.Version)'. Error:" Write-Host $_.Exception.Message } } $CurrentVersion = $Versions | Sort-Object -Property "Version" -Bottom 1 Write-Host "Current version of module '$($CurrentVersion.Name)' is '$($CurrentVersion.Version)'." } } } function Remove-RegistryItem{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Path in the format 'HKxx:\path\to\itemToDelete'.")] [string]$Path ) $ParentPath = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent $ItemName = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf Remove-ItemProperty -Path $ParentPath -Name $ItemName -Force -Confirm:$false } function Test-PrivateIp{ param( [string]$IpAddress ) # create function to compare IPs function Get-Int32FromIp{ param( [string]$Ip ) $IpAddressBytes = []::Parse($Ip).GetAddressBytes() [array]::Reverse($IpAddressBytes) $Int32Ip = [system.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($IpAddressBytes, 0) $Int32Ip } # hardcode private IP networks $IpRange1Start = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" $IpRange1End = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" $IpRange2Start = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" $IpRange2End = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" $IpRange3Start = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" $IpRange3End = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip "" # process input IP try{ $IpAddress = Get-Int32FromIp -Ip $IpAddress -ErrorAction "Stop" }catch{ throw $_.Exception.Message } $IsPrivateIp = $false if(($IpRange1Start -le $IpAddress) -and ($IpAddress -le $IpRange1End)){ $IsPrivateIp = $true }elseif(($IpRange2Start -le $IpAddress) -and ($IpAddress -le $IpRange2End)){ $IsPrivateIp = $true }elseif(($IpRange3Start -le $IpAddress) -and ($IpAddress -le $IpRange3End)){ $IsPrivateIp = $true } # return boolean $IsPrivateIp } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DmarcRecord, Get-ExternalTcpConnection, Get-IpConfig, Get-ModulesWithMultipleVersions, Get-MxRecord, Get-PublicIp, Get-RegistryItem, Get-SpfRecordEntryIp, Get-SpfRecord, New-RegistryItem, Remove-OldModuleVersions, Remove-RegistryItem, Test-PrivateIp |