# Module manifest for module 'Sixel' # Generated by: trackd # Generated on: 2024-10-09 @{ RootModule = 'Sixel.psm1' ModuleVersion = '0.3.2' CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core' PowerShellVersion = '7.4' GUID = '95f4627c-f8f5-43d5-824b-4c356737f87b' Author = 'trackd, ShaunLawrie' Copyright = '(c) trackd. All rights reserved.' Description = ' Display images in the terminal using various protocols ✔️ Sixel - requires Windows Terminal v1.22+ - Gif support using ConvertTo-SixelGif with Audio support. ✔️ Inline Image Protocol - Supported by VSCode, xterm2, WezTerm, and others. ✔️ Kitty Graphics Protocol - Supported by Kitty terminal. ✔️ Block cells - Fallback to block cells if no image protocol is supported. ' CmdletsToExport = 'ConvertTo-Sixel', 'ConvertTo-SixelGif' AliasesToExport = 'cts','gif' FormatsToProcess = 'Sixel.format.ps1xml' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @( 'Sixel', 'Image', 'ConsoleImage', 'InlineImageProtocol', 'KittyGraphicsProtocol', 'Linux', 'Mac', 'Windows' ) LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' Prerelease = 'prerelease01' ReleaseNotes = @' 0.3.2 - Added support for Audio in ConvertTo-SixelGif. 0.3.1 - Added GIF support, added Ascii art using halfblock cells. 0.2.5 - bugfix, cleanup, added experimental support for inline image protocol and Kitty Graphics Protocol. 0.2.0 - Added better scaling, changes -Width to use cell width instead. 0.1.0 - Initial release. '@ } } # A missing or $null entry is equivalent to specifying the wildcard *. declare unused with @() for better perf. FunctionsToExport = @() VariablesToExport = @() TypesToProcess = @() } |