#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest ##################################################### # Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit ##################################################### <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.0 .GUID 602bc07e-a621-4738-8c27-0edf4a4cea8e .AUTHOR David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave .COMPANYNAME David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave .COPYRIGHT David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave .TAGS sitecore powershell local install iis solr .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS @@synoposis@@ .DESCRIPTION @@description@@ .EXAMPLE PS> .\Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit 'name' .EXAMPLE PS> .\Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit 'name' 'template' .EXAMPLE PS> .\Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit 'name' 'template' 'd:\repos' .EXAMPLE PS> .\Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit 'name' 'template' 'd:\repos' -Persist User .Link .OUTPUTS System.String #> Function Install-SitecoreAzureToolkit { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,PositionalBinding=$true)] Param ( # Path to Configuration File [ version [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ConfigurationFile = "", # path if you want to use custom [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ConfigurationRoot = "", # path if you want to use custom [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ConfigurationFileName = "XP0-SitecoreLocal.json" ) # Turning off progress bar to (greatly) speed up installation $Global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $PSScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1","")) $parametersResults = Get-Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters $PSBoundParameters "$PSScriptName started" -Show -Stamp Write-Host $parametersResults.output -ForegroundColor Green if (!$ConfigurationFile) { $PSScriptPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Host "PSScriptPath:$PSScriptPath" $PSScriptFolder = Split-Path $PSScriptPath -Parent $PSRootDrive = if (Get-PSDrive 'd' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 'd:' } else { 'c:' } $PSRepoPath = Split-Path $PSScriptFolder -Parent if ($PSRepoPath.IndexOf('src') -ne -1) { $PSRepoPath = Split-Path (Split-Path $PSRepoPath -Parent) -Parent } else { $PSRepoPath = Join-Path $PSRootDrive '\repos\SharedSitecore.SitecoreLocal' } if(!$assetsRoot){ $assetsRoot = Join-Path $PSRepoPath 'assets' } Write-Host "assetsRoot:$assetsRoot" if (!$ConfigurationRoot) { $ConfigurationRoot = Join-Path $assetsRoot "configs\$version\$ConfigurationTemplate" } Write-Host "ConfigurationRoot:$ConfigurationRoot" if (!$ConfigurationFile) { $ConfigurationFile = Join-Path $ConfigurationRoot $ConfigurationFileName } } $config = Get-Content -Raw $ConfigurationFile -Encoding Ascii | ConvertFrom-Json if (!$config) { throw "Error trying to load configuration!" } $modules = $config.modules # Download Sitecore Azure Toolkit (used for converting modules) $package = $modules | Where-Object { $ -eq "sat" } Set-Alias sz 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' $destination = $package.fileName if (!(Test-Path $destination)) { #Get-SitecoreDevCredentials $params = @{ Path = $([io.path]::combine($sharedResourcePath, 'download-assets.json')) #LoginSession = $global:loginSession Source = $package.url Destination = $destination } $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Install-SitecoreConfiguration @params -Verbose $Global:ProgressPreference = 'Continue' } if ((Test-Path $destination) -and ( $package.install -eq $true)) { sz x -o"$($assets.sitecoreazuretoolkit)" $destination -y -aoa } Import-Module (Join-Path $assets.sitecoreazuretoolkit "tools\Sitecore.Cloud.CmdLets.dll") -Force } |