
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

function InitializeDeployer {

    Write-Output "Initialiazing SAF Deployer..."
    $safRootDir = Split-Path "$SolutionFile"
    $safDir = Join-Path $safRootDir "_saf"
    if (!(Test-Path "$safDir")) { 
        New-Item -Path "$safDir" -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
    Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Templates\saf_deployer.exe" -Destination "$safDir" -Force | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Done."

function NewDeploymentPackage {

    $safRootDir = Split-Path "$SolutionFile"
    $cakeBuildFile = GetCakeBuildFilePath -CurrentDirectory "$safRootDir"
    if ($null -eq $cakeBuildFile) {
        Write-Warning "SAF was not able to find the Cake build file."
        Write-Warning "Please, add '' file to your solution."
        Write-Warning "If you already have added '' file, right click on it and run 'SAF -> Initialize Cake Build'."
    else {
        $cakeFile = "$cakeBuildFile".Replace(".ps1", ".cake")
        $deploymentTarget = GetCakeBuildStringProperty -CakeFile "$cakeFile" -PropertyName "BuildConfiguration"
        $safExe = Join-Path "$safRootDir" "_saf\saf_deployer.exe"
        InvokeProcess -FilePath "$safExe" -ArgumentList "NewPackage $deploymentTarget"
        exit $LASTEXITCODE

function NewDeploymentTag {

    $safRootDir = Split-Path "$SolutionFile"
    $cakeBuildFile = GetCakeBuildFilePath -CurrentDirectory "$safRootDir"
    if ($null -eq $cakeBuildFile) {
        Write-Warning "SAF was not able to find the Cake build file."
        Write-Warning "Please, add '' file to your solution."
        Write-Warning "If you already have added '' file, right click on it and run 'SAF -> Initialize Cake Build'."
    else {
        $cakeFile = "$cakeBuildFile".Replace(".ps1", ".cake")
        $deploymentTarget = GetCakeBuildStringProperty -CakeFile "$cakeFile" -PropertyName "BuildConfiguration"
        $safExe = Join-Path "$safRootDir" "_saf\saf_deployer.exe"
        InvokeProcess -FilePath "$safExe" -ArgumentList "NewTag $deploymentTarget"
        exit $LASTEXITCODE

Export-ModuleMember -Function "InitializeDeployer"
Export-ModuleMember -Function "NewDeploymentPackage"
Export-ModuleMember -Function "NewDeploymentTag"