
# General Settings
# Prefix for SOLR collection and SQL database instances
$Prefix = "XPScaled910"
# The Password for the Sitecore Admin User. This will be regenerated if left on the default.
$SitecoreAdminPassword = "SIF-Default"
# Folder with the install files in it.
$SCInstallRoot = "C:\ResourceFiles"
# The location of the license file.
$LicenseFile = "$SCInstallRoot\license.xml"
# The URL of the SOLR Service, must be HTTPS
$SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr"
# The Folder that Solr has been installed in.
$SolrRoot = "C:\Solr-7.2.1"
# The Name of the Solr Service.
$SolrService = "Solr-7.2.1"
# The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance.
$SqlServer = "localhost"
# A SQL user with sysadmin privileges.
$SqlAdminUser = "sa"
# The password for $SqlAdminUser.
$SqlAdminPassword = "Password123"
# The name for the Content Delivery site.
$ContentDeliverySiteName = "$prefix.cd"
# The name for the Content Management site.
$ContentManagementSiteName = "$prefix.cm"
# The name for the Reporting site.
$ReportingSiteName = "$prefix.rep"
# The name for the Processing site.
$ProcessingSiteName = "$prefix.prc"
# The name for the Reference Data site.
$ReferenceDateSiteName = "$prefix.refdata"
# Identity Server site name.
$IdentityServerSiteName = "$prefix.identityserver"
# The name for the Marketing Automation site.
$XP1MarketingAutomationSiteName = "$prefix.ma"
# The name for the Marketing Automation Reporting site.
$XP1MarketingAutomationReportingSiteName = "$prefix.mareporting"
# The name for the XConnect site url.
$XP1ClientCertificateName = "$prefix.xconnect_client"
# The name for the XConnect collection site.
$XP1CollectionSitename = "$prefix.collection"
# The name for the search site.
$XP1CollectionSearchSitename = "$prefix.search"
# The name fore the XConnect processing engine service.
$XP1CortexProcessingSitename = "$prefix.processingEngine"
# The name for the XConnect reporting servcice.
$XP1CortexReportingSitename = "$prefix.reporting"
# The random string key used for establishing connection with IdentityService
$ClientSecret = "SIF-Default"

# Service URLs
# The URL for the XConnect Search Service.
$XConnectCollectionSearchService = "https://$XP1CollectionSearchSitename"
# The URL of the XConnect Collection service.
$XConnectCollectionService = "https://$XP1CollectionSitename"
# The URL of the XConnect Reference Data service
$XConnectReferenceDataService = "https://$ReferenceDateSiteName"
# The URL for the processing service.
$ProcessingService = "https://$ProcessingSiteName"
# The URL for the reporting service.
$ReportingService = "https://$ReportingSiteName"
# The URL of the Cortex Reporting Service
$CortexReportingService = "https://$XP1CortexReportingSitename"
# The URL of the Marketing Automaton Service
$MarketingAutomationOperationsService = "https://$XP1MarketingAutomationSiteName"
# The URL of the Marteting Automation Reporting Service
$MarketingAutomationReportingService = "https://$XP1MarketingAutomationReportingSiteName"
# The URL for the Identity Server password recovery, this should be the URL of the CM Instance.
$PasswordRecoveryUrl  = "https://$ContentManagementSiteName"
# The URL of the Identity Authority
$SitecoreIdentityAuthority = "https://$IdentityServerSiteName"
# The URL of the Machine Learning server
$MachineLearningServerUrl = "http://admin:Test123!@QA-MMLS-01-DK1.dk.sitecore.net:12800"
# Pipe-separated list of instances (URIs) that are allowed to login via Sitecore Identity.
$AllowedCorsOrigins = "https://$ContentManagementSiteName"

# Packages
# The path to the Sitecore Content Delivery package.
$SitecoreXP1CDPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_cd.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the Sitecore Content Management package.
$SitecoreXP1CMPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_cm.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the Sitecore Content Reporting package.
$SitecoreXP1RepPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_rep.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the Sitecore Content Processing package.
$SitecoreXP1PrcPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_prc.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Collection package.
$XP1CollectionPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1collection.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Collection Search package.
$XP1CollectionSearchPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1collectionsearch.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Marketing Automation package.
$XP1MarketingAutomationPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1marketingautomation.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Marketing Automation Reporting package.
$XP1MarketingAutomationReportingPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1marketingautomationreporting.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Reference Data package.
$XP1ReferenceDataPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1referencedata.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the XConnect Reporting package.
$XP1CortexReportingPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1cortexreporting.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the processing engine package.
$XP1CortexProcessingPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp1cortexprocessing.scwdp.zip").FullName
# The path to the Identity Server package.
$IdentityServerPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore.IdentityServer 2.0.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_identityserver.scwdp.zip").FullName

# Install XP1 via combined partials file.
$XP1Parameters = @{
    Path = "$SCInstallRoot\XP1-SingleDeveloper.json"
    CertificateName = $XP1ClientCertificateName
    SitecoreAdminPassword = $SitecoreAdminPassword
    LicenseFile = $LicenseFile
    SolrUrl = $SolrUrl
    SolrRoot = $SolrRoot
    SolrService = $SolrService
    Prefix = $Prefix
    SqlServer = $SqlServer
    SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser
    SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword
    IdentityServerCertificateName = $IdentityServerSiteName
    IdentityServerSiteName = $IdentityServerSiteName
    XP1CollectionSearchSitename = $XP1CollectionSearchSitename
    XP1MarketingAutomationSitename = $XP1MarketingAutomationSiteName
    XP1MarketingAutomationReportingSitename = $XP1MarketingAutomationReportingSiteName
    XP1ReferenceDataSitename = $ReferenceDateSiteName
    XP1CortexProcessingSitename = $XP1CortexProcessingSitename
    XP1CortexReportingSitename = $XP1CortexReportingSitename
    XP1CollectionSitename = $XP1CollectionSitename
    SitecoreXP1CDSitename = $ContentDeliverySiteName
    SitecoreXP1CMSitename = $ContentManagementSiteName
    SitecoreXP1RepSitename = $ReportingSiteName
    SitecoreXP1PrcSitename = $ProcessingSiteName
    XConnectCollectionService = $XConnectCollectionService
    XConnectReferenceDataService = $XConnectReferenceDataService
    XConnectCollectionSearchService = $XConnectCollectionSearchService
    MarketingAutomationOperationsService = $MarketingAutomationOperationsService
    MarketingAutomationReportingService = $MarketingAutomationReportingService
    CortexReportingService = $CortexReportingService
    MachineLearningServerUrl = $MachineLearningServerUrl
    SitecoreIdentityAuthority = $SitecoreIdentityAuthority
    ProcessingService = $ProcessingService
    ReportingService = $ReportingService
    XP1CollectionPackage = $XP1CollectionPackage
    XP1CollectionSearchPackage = $XP1CollectionSearchPackage
    XP1CortexProcessingPackage = $XP1CortexProcessingPackage
    XP1MarketingAutomationPackage = $XP1MarketingAutomationPackage
    XP1MarketingAutomationReportingPackage = $XP1MarketingAutomationReportingPackage
    XP1ReferenceDataPackage = $XP1ReferenceDataPackage
    XP1CortexReportingPackage = $XP1CortexReportingPackage
    SitecoreXP1CDPackage = $SitecoreXP1CDPackage
    SitecoreXP1CMPackage = $SitecoreXP1CMPackage
    SitecoreXP1RepPackage = $SitecoreXP1RepPackage
    SitecoreXP1PrcPackage = $SitecoreXP1PrcPackage
    IdentityServerPackage = $IdentityServerPackage
    PasswordRecoveryUrl = $PasswordRecoveryUrl
    ClientSecret = $ClientSecret
    AllowedCorsOrigins = $AllowedCorsOrigins

Push-Location $SCInstallRoot

Install-SitecoreConfiguration @XP1Parameters *>&1 | Tee-Object XP1-SingleDeveloper.log

# Uncomment the below line and comment out the above if you want to remove the XP1 SingleDeveloper config.
#Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration @XP1Parameters *>&1 | Tee-Object XP1-SingleDeveloper-Uninstall.log
