
    "Parameters": {
        "CertificateName": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The name of the certificate to be created."
        "CertPath": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The physical path on disk where certificates will be stored.",
            "DefaultValue": "c:\\certificates"
        "RootCertFileName": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The file name of the root certificate to be created.",
            "DefaultValue": "SitecoreRootCert"
    "Variables": {
        // The name dns name of the root certificate.
        "Root.Cert.DnsName": "[concat('DO_NOT_TRUST_', parameter('RootCertFileName'))]",
        // The certificate store for the root certificate.
        "Root.Cert.Store": "cert:\\LocalMachine\\Root",
        // The certificate store for the client certificate.
        "Client.Cert.Store": "cert:\\LocalMachine\\My"
    "Tasks": {
        "CreatePaths": {
            // Create the physical disk path.
            "Type": "EnsurePath",
            "Params": {
                "Exists": [
        "CreateRootCert": {
            // Create the root certificate.
            "Type": "NewRootCertificate",
            "Params": {
                "Path": "[parameter('CertPath')]",
                "Name": "[parameter('RootCertFileName')]",
                "StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
                "DnsName": "[variable('Root.Cert.DnsName')]"
        "ImportRootCertificate": {
            // Import the root certificate.
            "Type": "ImportCertificate",
            "Params": {
                "CertStoreLocation": "[variable('Root.Cert.Store')]",
                "FilePath": "[concat(joinpath(parameter('CertPath'), parameter('RootCertFileName')), '.crt')]"
        "CreateSignedCert": {
            // Create a certificate signed by the root authority.
            "Type": "NewSignedCertificate",
            "Params": {
                "Signer": "[GetCertificate(variable('Root.Cert.DnsName'), variable('Root.Cert.Store'))]",
                "Path": "[parameter('CertPath')]",
                "CertStoreLocation": "[variable('Client.Cert.Store')]",
                "Name": "[parameter('CertificateName')]",
                "DnsName": "[parameter('CertificateName')]"