Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Common\Utils-Module.psm1" -Force Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Common\WebAdministration-Module.psm1" -Force Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\SQL\Sql-Module.psm1" -Force $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function IsLocalSolrInstallation { return ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ } function NeedsSQL { return ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:Configuration.sql.adminUsername) } function IsAllInOne { return ($global:Configuration.system.serverRole -eq "AllInOne") } function ConfigureDotNetFramework { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } if (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\" | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Release | ForEach-Object { $_ -ge 394802 }) { Write-Output ".Net Framework 4.6.2 or newer is already installed. Skipping install..." } else { if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco install dotnet4.6.2 --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment Write-Output "Install .Net Framework 4.6.2 done." } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed .NET Framework 4.6.2 or newer manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } } } function EnableWindowsFeatures { $windowsFeatures = @("IIS-WebServerRole", "IIS-WebServer", "IIS-CommonHttpFeatures", "IIS-CommonHttpFeatures", "IIS-HttpErrors", "IIS-HttpRedirect", "IIS-ApplicationDevelopment", "IIS-NetFxExtensibility45", "IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics", "IIS-HttpLogging", "IIS-LoggingLibraries", "IIS-RequestMonitor", "IIS-HttpTracing", "IIS-Security", "IIS-RequestFiltering", "IIS-Performance", "IIS-WebServerManagementTools", "IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility", "IIS-Metabase", "IIS-ManagementConsole", "IIS-BasicAuthentication", "IIS-WindowsAuthentication", "IIS-StaticContent", "IIS-DefaultDocument", "IIS-WebSockets", "IIS-ApplicationInit", "IIS-NetFxExtensibility45", "IIS-ISAPIExtensions", "IIS-ISAPIFilter", "IIS-HttpCompressionStatic", "IIS-ASPNET45") foreach ($feature in $windowsFeatures) { if ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $feature -Online).State -ne "Enabled") { Write-Output "Enabling $feature..." Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $feature -Online -All | Out-Null } } } function EnableWindowsServerFeatures { $windowsServerFeatures = @("Web-Server", "Web-WebServer", "Web-Common-Http", "Web-Default-Doc", "Web-Http-Errors", "Web-Static-Content", "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Health", "Web-Http-Logging", "Web-Log-Libraries", "Web-Request-Monitor", "Web-Http-Tracing", "Web-Performance", "Web-Stat-Compression", "Web-Dyn-Compression", "Web-Security", "Web-Filtering", "Web-Basic-Auth", "Web-Basic-Auth", "Web-App-Dev", "Web-Net-Ext45", "Web-AppInit", "Web-Asp-Net45", "Web-ISAPI-Ext", "Web-ISAPI-Filter", "Web-Includes", "Web-WebSockets", "Web-Mgmt-Tools", "Web-Mgmt-Console") foreach ($feature in $windowsServerFeatures) { if (!(Get-WindowsFeature $feature).Installed) { Write-Output "Enabling $feature..." Install-WindowsFeature -Name $feature | Out-Null } } } function InitializeIIS { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } $operatingSystem = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption Write-Output "Configuring IIS for Sitecore development..." if (($operatingSystem -like '*server*') -or ($operatingSystem -like '*Server*')) { EnableWindowsServerFeatures } else { EnableWindowsFeatures } } function InstallUrlRewrite { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco upgrade urlrewrite --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed IIS URL Rewrite latest version manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } } function InstallWebDeploy { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco upgrade webdeploy --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed WebDeploy latest version manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } } function InstallRedistributable { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco upgrade vcredist2015 --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest version manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } } function InstallSqlServerDependencies { if((IsLocalSolrInstallation) -and !(IsAllInOne)) { return } if(NeedsSQL) { try { taskkill /F /IM Ssms.exe } catch {} if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco upgrade sql-server-management-studio --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed SSMS latest version manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } $sqlServer = $global:Configuration.sql.serverName $username = $global:Configuration.sql.adminUsername $password = $global:Configuration.sql.adminPassword EnableContainedDatabaseAuth -SqlServer $sqlServer -Username $username -Password $password } } function InstallNSSM { if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { choco upgrade nssm -y --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed Non-Sucking Service Manager latest version manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 } } function InstallJRE { if(!(IsLocalSolrInstallation)) { return } choco upgrade jre8 -PackageParameters "/exclude:32" -y --limitoutput RefreshEnvironment } function ImportSIF { EnableIISAdministration $repositoryURL = "" if ($global:Offline -eq $false) { $repositoryName = "SitecoreGallery" # Check to see whether that location is registered already $existing = Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName -ErrorAction Ignore # If not, register it if ($existing -eq $null) { Write-Output "Registering $repositoryName '$repositoryURL'..." Register-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName -SourceLocation $repositoryURL -InstallationPolicy Trusted } else { Write-Warning "$repositoryName '$repositoryURL' is already registered." } # Ensure Trusted, so that users are not prompted before installing modules from that source. Set-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName -InstallationPolicy Trusted LoadLatestPSModule -Name "SitecoreInstallFramework" } else { Write-Warning "SAF is running in offline mode. It assumes that you have installed SIF manually!" Start-Sleep -s 5 Get-Module "SitecoreInstallFramework" | Remove-Module Import-Module "SitecoreInstallFramework" } } ConfigureDotNetFramework InstallSqlServerDependencies InitializeIIS InstallUrlRewrite InstallWebDeploy InstallRedistributable InstallNSSM InstallJRE ImportSIF |