function Start-MineCraft { [cmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="default")] param([string]$Name, [string]$Version, [switch]$NoPersist, [string]$MinecraftPath) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $mcProfile = LoadProfile if(-not $Name) { if(-not $mcProfile.Name) { while(-not $Name) { $Name = Read-Host "Please enter your name (pay attention to capitalization!)" } $mcProfile.Name = $Name } else { $Name = $mcProfile.Name Write-Host "Using '$Name' from profile." Write-Host } } else { $mcProfile.Name = $Name } if(-not $Version) { if(-not $mcProfile.Version) { $versionList = GetMinecraftVersions while(-not $Version -or $version -notin $versionList) { Write-Host ("Available Versions: {0}" -f ($versionList -join ", ")) $Version = Read-Host "Please enter the version you want to play" } $mcProfile.Version = $Version } else { $Version = $mcProfile.Version Write-Host "Using '$Version' from profile." Write-Host } } else { $mcProfile.Version = $Version } if(-not $MinecraftPath) { if(-not $mcProfile.Path) { $MinecraftPath = [CmlLib.Core.MinecraftPath]::new() $mcProfile.Path = $MinecraftPath } else { $MinecraftPath = $mcProfile.Path Write-Host "Using '$MinecraftPath' from profile." Write-Host } } else { $mcProfile.Path = $MinecraftPath } if(-not $NoPersist) { SaveProfile -MCProfile $mcProfile } #launch minecraft Write-Host "Getting Session..." -NoNewline $session = [CmlLib.Core.Auth.MSession]::GetOfflineSession($Name) Write-Host "Creating Launcher..." -NoNewline $launcher = [CmlLib.Core.CMLauncher]::new([CmlLib.Core.MinecraftPath]::new($MinecraftPath)) $launchOption = [CmlLib.Core.MLaunchOption]@{Session = $session} Write-Host "Starting Process..." $launcher.CreateProcess("$version", $launchOption).Start() | Out-Null Write-Host "MineCraft may take a few seconds to launch, please be patient..." Write-Host (1..16) | ForEach-Object { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500; Write-Host "." -NoNewline } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Start-MineCraft -ParameterName Version -ScriptBlock { GetMinecraftVersions } |