function Format-PrtgXmlResult { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate an XML result for a single channel to include in the result for a PRTG custom XML sensor .DESCRIPTION Generate a <result>...</result> XML channel for a PRTG custom XML sensor .INPUTS [System.String]$Channel .OUTPUTS [System.String] A single XML channel to include in the output for a PRTG XML sensor .EXAMPLE New-PrtgXmlResult -Channel 'Channel123' -Value 'Value123' -CustomUnit 'Miles Per Hour' <result> <channel>Channel123</channel> <value>Value123</value> <unit>Custom</unit> <customUnit>Miles Per Hour</customUnit> <showchart>0</showchart> </result> Generate XML output for a PRTG sensor that will put it in an OK state #> param ( # PRTG sensor channel of the result [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Channel, # Value to return [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Value, # Reccomend leaving this as 'Custom' but see PRTG docs for other options [string]$Unit = 'Custom', # Custom unit label to apply to the value [string]$CustomUnit, # Show the channel on charts in PRTG [int]$ShowChart = 0, # If the value goes above this the channel will be in an alarm state in PRTG [string]$MaxError, # If the value goes below this the channel will be in an alarm state in PRTG [string]$MinError, # If the value goes above this the channel will be in a warning state in PRTG [string]$MaxWarn, # If the value goes below this the channel will be in a warning state in PRTG [string]$MinWarn, # Force the channel into a warning state in PRTG [switch]$Warning ) $Xml = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() $null = $Xml.Add('<result>') $null = $Xml.Add(" <channel>$Channel</channel>") $null = $Xml.Add(" <value>$Value</value>") $null = $Xml.Add(" <unit>$Unit</unit>") $null = $Xml.Add(" <showchart>$ShowChart</showchart>") if ($CustomUnit) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <customUnit>$CustomUnit</customUnit>") } if ($MaxError -or $MinError -or $MaxWarn -or $MinWarn) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <limitmode>1</limitmode>") if ($MaxError) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <limitmaxerror>$MaxError</limitmaxerror>") } if ($MinError) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <limitminerror>$MinError</limitminerror>") } if ($MaxWarn) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <limitmaxwarn>$MaxWarn</limitmaxwarn>") } if ($MinWarn) { $null = $Xml.Add(" <limitminwarn>$MinWarn</limitminwarn>") } } if ($Warning) { $null = $Xml.Add(' <Warning>1</Warning>') } else { $null = $Xml.Add(' <Warning>0</Warning>') } $null = $Xml.Add('</result>') $Xml } function Format-PrtgXmlSensorOutput { <# .SYNOPSIS Assemble the complete output for a PRTG XML sensor .DESCRIPTION Combine multiple channels into a single PRTG XML sensor result .INPUTS [System.String]$PrtgXmlResult .OUTPUTS [System.String] Complete XML output for a PRTG custom XML sensor .EXAMPLE @" <result> <channel>Channel123</channel> <value>Value123</value> <unit>Custom</unit> <customUnit>Miles Per Hour</customUnit> <showchart>$ShowChart</showchart> </result> @" | New-PrtgXmlSensorOutput Generate XML output for a PRTG sensor that will put it in an OK state .EXAMPLE @" <result> <channel>Channel123</channel> <value>Value123</value> <unit>Custom</unit> <customUnit>Miles Per Hour</customUnit> <showchart>0</showchart> </result> @" | New-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -IssueDetected Generate XML output for a PRTG sensor that will put it in an alarm state #> param ( # Valid XML for a PRTG result for a single channel # Can be created by Format-PrtgXmlResult [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$PrtgXmlResult, # Force the PRTG sensor into an alarm state [switch]$IssueDetected ) begin { $Strings = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() $null = $Strings.add("<prtg>") } process { foreach ($XmlResult in $PrtgXmlResult) { $null = $Strings.add($XmlResult) } } end { if ($IssueDetected) { $null = $Strings.add("<text>Issue detected, see sensor channels for details</text>") } else { $null = $Strings.add("<text>OK</text>") } $null = $Strings.add("</prtg>") $Strings } } function Send-PrtgXmlSensorOutput { <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper for Invoke-WebRequest to make it easy to push results to PRTG XML push sensors .DESCRIPTION Use HTTP post to post results to PRTG XML push sensors .INPUTS [System.String]$XmlOutput .OUTPUTS Passes through the output of Invoke-WebRequest .EXAMPLE New-PrtgXmlSensorOutput ... | Send-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -PrtgSensorProtocol 'https' -PrtgProbe 'server1' -PrtgSensorPort 443 -PrtgSensorToken 'e3edd633-3018-4d8a-91b6-d2635b42b85b' Post sensor output to PRTG push sensor e3edd633-3018-4d8a-91b6-d2635b42b85b on server1 using HTTPS on TCP port 443 #> param( # Valid XML for a PRTG custom XML sensor # Can be created by Format-PrtgXmlSensorOutput [string]$XmlOutput, # If all four of the PRTG parameters are specified, then the results will be XML-formatted and pushed to the specified PRTG probe for a push sensor [string]$PrtgProbe, # If all four of the PRTG parameters are specified, then the results will be XML-formatted and pushed to the specified PRTG probe for a push sensor [string]$PrtgSensorProtocol, # If all four of the PRTG parameters are specified, then the results will be XML-formatted and pushed to the specified PRTG probe for a push sensor [int]$PrtgSensorPort, # If all four of the PRTG parameters are specified, then the results will be XML-formatted and pushed to the specified PRTG probe for a push sensor [string]$PrtgSensorToken ) $ResultToPost = @{ Body = $XMLOutput ContentType = 'application/xml' Method = 'Post' Uri = "$PrtgSensorProtocol`://$PrtgProbe`:$PrtgSensorPort/$PrtgSensorToken" UseBasicParsing = $true } if ($PrtgSensorToken) { Write-Verbose "URI: $PrtgSensorProtocol`://$PrtgProbe`:$PrtgSensorPort/$PrtgSensorToken" Invoke-WebRequest @ResultToPost } } $ScriptFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.ps1" -Recurse # Dot source any functions ForEach ($ThisScript in $ScriptFiles) { # Dot source the function . $($ThisScript.FullName) } # Add any custom C# classes as usable (exported) types $CSharpFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.cs" ForEach ($ThisFile in $CSharpFiles) { Add-Type -Path $ThisFile.FullName -ErrorAction Stop } Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Format-PrtgXmlResult','Format-PrtgXmlSensorOutput','Send-PrtgXmlSensorOutput') |