function Get-ConsoleKeyDisplayText($inputObject) { [String]$PrintedKey = "[$inputObject]" switch ($inputObject.value__) { {$_ -in 48..57 -or $_ -in 65..90} {$PrintedKey = ([char]$_) ;break} 37 {$PrintedKey = '˂';break} 38 {$PrintedKey = '˄';break} 39 {$PrintedKey = '˃';break} 40 {$PrintedKey = '˅';break} Default {} } return $PrintedKey } function init($lang = 'en') { Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable Messages -BaseDirectory "$ModuleRoot\lang" -FileName 'strings' -UICulture $Language $Script:Messages = $Messages } if ($ModuleRoot -eq $null) {$ModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot} init function Invoke-CommandPiped { [cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$InputObject, [scriptblock]$ScriptBlock, [Object[]]$ArgumentList) Process{ $ScriptBlock.Invoke($ArgumentList) } } function Invoke-SMBoard { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [ValidateNotNull()][SMBoard]$Board ) $Board.Index = $Board.DefaultIndex $PageIndex = 0 $Board.Print() if (![console]::IsInputRedirected) { while ([Console]::KeyAvailable) {[console]::ReadKey($false) | Out-Null} } while ($true) { if ([console]::IsInputRedirected) { $Line = Read-Host if ($Line.Length -eq 1) { $LineRaw = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]($Line.ToUpper())) } } else { [System.ConsoleKey]$LineRaw = ([Console]::ReadKey($true)).Key } Switch ($LineRaw) { ($Board.Previous) { if ($Board.CurrentActionBoard.Quit) {Return} $Board.PreviousBoard();break} ($Board.Next) {$Board.NextBoard();break} ($Board.PreviousPageKey) {$Board.PreviousPage();break} ($Board.NextPageKey){$Board.NextPage();break} ([System.ConsoleKey]::Escape) {return} Default { if ($Board.CurrentActionBoard.Quit) {break} $Board.CurrentActionBoard = $Board.ActionItems | where Key -eq $LineRaw if ($Board.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null ) { $Board.Print() break } } } } } function Invoke-SMMenu { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] param( [ValidateNotNull()][SMMenu]$Menu, [Switch]$PassThru ) if ($PassThru) {$Menu.Print(); return} $Debug = ($psboundparameters.debug.ispresent -eq $true) [WarningMessages]$InvalidChoice = [WarningMessages]::None if (-not $Debug ){Clear-Host} $Menu.Print() while ($true) { if ([console]::IsInputRedirected) { $Line = Read-Host if ($Line.Length -eq 1) { $Line = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]($Line.ToUpper())) } } else { [System.ConsoleKeyInfo]$LineRaw = [Console]::ReadKey($true) $Line = $LineRaw.Key } $Result = @($Menu.Items | Where {$_.runtimeKey -eq $Line -and -not $_.Disabled } ) if ($Result.Count -eq 0) { $Result = @($Menu.ActionItems | Where {$_.runtimeKey -eq $Line -and -not $_.Disabled }) } if ($Result.Count -gt 0) { $Result =$Result |select -First 1 $ShouldPause = $Result.Pause if ($Result.Submenu -eq $null -or $Result.Quit -eq $false ) { if (-not $Debug ){Clear-Host} ; $Menu.Print() } if ($Result.Action -ne $null) { try { # Need to recreate the received scriptblock otherwise the $_ variable does not work :( if ($Result.Detailed) { $BoardItem = New-SMBoardItem -Title $Result.Title -Pages $Result.Action -Quit -ArgumentList $result.ArgumentList $Board = New-SMBoard -Title $Menu -ActionItems $BoardItem $Board.CurrentActionBoard = $BoardItem Invoke-SMBoard $Board Clear-Host $Menu.Print() } else { $Result | Invoke-CommandPiped -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(([String]$Result.Action))) -ArgumentList $Result.ArgumentList } } catch { Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue $ShouldPause = $true } if ($ShouldPause -eq $true) {Pause; if (-not $Debug ){Clear-Host} ; $Menu.Print() } } else { if (-not ($Result.Quit) -and ( $null -eq $Result.Submenu)) { $InvalidChoice = [WarningMessages]::NoActionDefined } } } else { if (-not $Debug ){Clear-Host} ; $Menu.Print() $InvalidChoice = [WarningMessages]::InvalidChoice } if ($Result.Submenu -ne $Null) { $Result.Submenu.Parent = $Menu Invoke-SMMenu $Result.Submenu } if ($Result.Quit -eq $true) { if ($Menu.Parent -ne $null) { if (-not $Debug ){Clear-Host} $Menu.Parent.Print() } $Menu.QuitKey = $Line return } if ( ($InvalidChoice -ne [WarningMessages]::None) ) { Switch($InvalidChoice) { ([WarningMessages]::NoActionDefined) { Write-Warning $Messages.Warning_NoActions} ([WarningMessages]::InvalidChoice) { Write-Warning ($Messages.Warning_InvalidChoice -f (Get-ConsolekeyDisplayText $Line)) $IDs = ($menu.Items.runtimeKey | % {Get-ConsolekeyDisplayText $_}) -join ',' Write-Host ($Messages.info_validChoices -f $IDs) } } $InvalidChoice = [WarningMessages]::None } } } function New-SMBoard { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] param( $Title, [SMBoardItem[]] $Items, [SMBoardItem[]]$ActionItems, [INT]$DefaultIndex, [Switch]$UseTabs ) $ALLKeys = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if ($ActionItems -ne $null) { $ALLKeys.AddRange(@($ActionItems | Select -ExpandProperty key)) } $Duplicates = $ALLKeys | Group-Object | where count -gt 1 if ($Duplicates.Count -gt 0) { Write-Error ($Messages.Warning_KeyAlreadyAssigned -f $Duplicates[0].Name) } $Board = New-Object -TypeName SMBoard -Property $PSBoundParameters if ([Console]::IsInputRedirected) { $Board.Previous = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]'A') $Board.Next = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]'D') $Board.PreviousPageKey = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]'W') $Board.NextPageKey = [System.ConsoleKey]([int][char]'S') } return $Board } function New-SMBoardItem { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] #No value [String]$Title, [scriptblock[]]$Pages, [System.ConsoleKey]$key, [SMMenu]$Menu, [Switch]$Quit, [Object[]]$ArgumentList ) $Item = New-Object -TypeName 'SMBoardItem' -Property $PSBoundParameters Return $Item } function New-SMMenu { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [String]$Title, [psobject[]]$Items, [psobject[]]$ActionItems, [ConsoleColor]$TitleForegroundColor ) $Menu = New-Object -TypeName SMMenu -Property $PSBoundParameters $AllKeys = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $AllKeys.AddRange(@($Items | where key -NE $null)) $AllKeys.AddRange(@($ActionItems | where key -NE $null )) $HasExit = $Items | where Quit -eq $true if ($HasExit -eq $null) { $HasExit = $ActionItems | where Quit -eq $true } if ($HasExit -eq $null) { $Cando = ($AllKeys | where Key -EQ ([System.ConsoleKey]::Escape)) -eq $null if ($Cando) { $Menu.ActionItems.Add((New-SMMenuItem -Key Escape -Quit)) } } $Duplicates = @($AllKeys | Group-Object -Property key | Where Count -gt 1) if ($Duplicates -ne $null) { Write-Error ($Messages.Warning_KeyAlreadyAssigned -f $Duplicates[0].Name) } $Menu.SetruntimeKeys() return $Menu } function New-SMMenuItem { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] #No value [String]$Title, [System.ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor, $Id, [System.ConsoleKey]$Key, [ScriptBlock]$Action = $null, [Switch]$Quit, [Switch]$Pause, [psobject]$Submenu, [Switch]$Detailed, [Switch]$Disabled, [Object[]]$ArgumentList ) Begin { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForegroundColor')) {$PSBoundParameters.Add('ForegroundColorSet',$true)} $MenuItem = New-Object -TypeName SMMenuItem -Property $PSBoundParameters } Process { if ($_ -eq $null) { $_ = $Title } $MenuItem.Title = $_ } End { return $MenuItem } } function Set-SMOptions { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( $Language = 'en' ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Language')) { Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable Messages -BaseDirectory "$($ModuleRoot)\lang" -FileName 'strings' -UICulture $Language $Script:Messages = $Messages } } class SMBoard { [System.ConsoleKey]$Previous = [System.ConsoleKey]::LeftArrow [System.ConsoleKey]$Next = [System.ConsoleKey]::RightArrow [System.ConsoleKey]$PreviousPageKey = [System.ConsoleKey]::UpArrow [System.ConsoleKey]$NextPageKey = [System.ConsoleKey]::DownArrow [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$Items [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$ActionItems [String]$Title [INT]$Index [INT]$DefaultIndex [bool]$UseTabs [psobject]$CurrentActionBoard = $null [Void]Print() { # ▲△▴▵ ▶▷▸▹ ▼▽▾▿ ◀◁◂◃ Clear-Host if ($this.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null) { $CurrentItem = $this.CurrentActionBoard } else { $CurrentItem = $this.Items[$this.Index] } #˂˃˄˅ $Arrow1 = '|˂' $Arrow2 = '˃|' $Arrow3 = '' if ($this.Index -gt 0 -or $this.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null) {$Arrow1 = '˂'} if ($this.Index -lt $this.Items.Count -1 -and $this.CurrentActionBoard -eq $null) {$Arrow2 = '˃'} # The goal is to output something like this: # ----------------- # | Home | Builds | Deployments | Settings | Help | # ------------------------------------------------- -------------- $topRowStrings = @() $middleRowStrings = @() $bottomRowStrings = @() for($i = 0; $i -lt $this.Items.Count; $i += 1) { $padSize = 3 $isSelected = $i -eq $this.Index $cellTitle = $this.Items[$i].Title $cellSize = $cellTitle.Length + 2 * $padSize # padding on each side $topChar = ' '; if ($isSelected) { $topChar = '-' } $topRowStrings += "".PadLeft($cellSize + 1, $topChar) $paddedTitle = $cellTitle.PadLeft($cellSize - $padSize, ' ').PadRight($cellSize, ' ') $middleRowStrings += "|$paddedTitle" $bottomChar = '-'; if ($isSelected) { $bottomChar = ' ' } $bottomRowStrings += "".PadLeft($cellSize + 1, $bottomChar) } $topRowString = $topRowStrings -join '' $middleRowString = $middleRowStrings -join '' $bottomRowString = $bottomRowStrings -join '' $tabs = @" $topRowString $middleRowString| $bottomRowString "@ if ($ -ne $null) { $OutTitle = "{0} $($This.Title) — $($CurrentItem.Title) {2} {1}" -f $Arrow1,$Arrow2,$Arrow3 $inIndent = $CurrentItem.Menu.TitleIndent $inActionItems = $CurrentItem.Menu.ActionItems $InTitle = $CurrentItem.Menu.Title $CurrentItem.Menu.TitleIndent = '' $CurrentItem.Menu.Title = $OutTitle if ($this.UseTabs) { $CurrentItem.Menu.Title = $tabs } $QuitActionKey = [System.ConsoleKey]::LeftArrow $QuitAction1Key = [System.ConsoleKey]::RightArrow if ([Console]::IsInputRedirected) { $QuitActionKey = [System.ConsoleKey]::A $QuitAction1Key = [System.ConsoleKey]::D } $QuitAction = New-SMMenuItem -Key $QuitActionKey -Quit ; $QuitAction.RuntimeKey = $QuitActionKey $QuitAction1 = New-SMMenuItem -Key $QuitAction1Key -Quit ; $QuitAction1.RuntimeKey = $QuitAction1Key $CurrentItem.Menu.ActionItems+= $QuitAction $CurrentItem.Menu.ActionItems+= $QuitAction1 Invoke-SMMenu $CurrentItem.Menu $ = $InTitle $CurrentItem.Menu.TitleIndent = $inIndent $CurrentItem.Menu.ActionItems = $inActionItems switch ($CurrentItem.Menu.QuitKey) { {$_ -in 'LeftArrow','A'} {$this.PreviousBoard() } {$_ -in 'RightArrow','D'} {$this.NextBoard()} } return } if ($CurrentItem.Pages.Count -gt 1) { $Arrow31 = '˅' $Arrow32 = '˄' switch ($CurrentItem.Index) { 0 {$Arrow32 = '-' } {$_ -eq ($CurrentItem.Pages.Count -1)} {$Arrow31 = '-'} } $Arrow3 = " ($($Arrow31)$($Arrow32))" } if ($this.UseTabs) { Write-Host $tabs -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { $OutTitle = "{0} $($This.Title) — $($CurrentItem.Title) {2} {1}" -f $Arrow1,$Arrow2,$Arrow3 Write-Host $OutTitle -ForegroundColor Cyan } $Arguments = @{} $CurrentPage = $CurrentItem.Pages[$CurrentItem.Index] if ($CurrentItem.ArgumentList -ne $null) { $Arguments.Add('ArgumentList',$CurrentItem.ArgumentList[$CurrentItem.Index]) } try { Write-host ($this | Invoke-CommandPiped @Arguments -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($CurrentItem.Pages[$CurrentItem.Index])) | Out-String) } catch { Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue } if (![Console]::IsInputRedirected) { while ([Console]::KeyAvailable) {[console]::ReadKey($false) | Out-Null} } } [Void]ChangeDisplayedItem([int]$index) { $this.Index = $index $this.Items[$this.Index].Index = 0 $this.Print() } [Void]PreviousBoard() { if ($this.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null) { $this.CurrentActionBoard.Index = 0 $this.CurrentActionBoard = $null $this.Print() } elseif ($this.Index -gt 0) { $this.ChangeDisplayedItem($this.Index - 1) } elseif ($this.Index -eq 0) { $this.ChangeDisplayedItem($this.Items.Count-1) } } [Void]NextBoard() { if ($this.CurrentActionBoard -eq $null) { if ($this.Index -lt $this.Items.Count -1) { $this.ChangeDisplayedItem($this.Index + 1) } elseif ($this.Index -eq $this.Items.Count -1) { $this.ChangeDisplayedItem(0) } } } [Void]PreviousPage() { if ($this.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null -and $this.CurrentActionBoard.PreviousPage()) { $this.Print() } elseif ($this.Items -ne $null -and $this.Items[$this.Index].PreviousPage()) { $this.Print() } } [Void]NextPage() { if ($this.CurrentActionBoard -ne $null -and $this.CurrentActionBoard.NextPage()) { $this.Print() } elseif($this.items -ne $null -and $this.Items[$this.Index].NextPage()) { $this.Print() } } } class SMBoardItem { [scriptblock[]]$Pages [scriptblock]$Action [System.ConsoleKey]$Key [Switch]$Return [int]$CurrentIndex [String]$Title [int]$Index [psobject]$Menu [Switch]$Quit [Object[]]$ArgumentList [Bool]PreviousPage() { if ($this.Index -gt 0) { $this.Index-=1 return $true } return $false } [Bool]NextPage() { if ($this.Index -lt $this.Pages.Count -1) { $this.Index+=1 return $true } return $false } } class SMMenu { [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$Items [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]$ActionItems [String]$Title [ConsoleColor]$TitleForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan [SMMenu]$Parent = $null hidden [System.Collections.ArrayList]$runtimeKeys hidden [int]$runtimeKeyIndex hidden [String] $TitleIndent = ' ' hidden [ConsoleKey]$QuitKey SMMenu() { $This.Items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject] $This.ActionItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject] $This.runtimeKeys = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $AvailablesChar = @(49..57) + @(48) + @(65..90) | % {[System.ConsoleKey]($_)} $This.runtimeKeys.AddRange($AvailablesChar) } [PSObject]GetItem($id) { $out = ($this.Items | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $ID} | Select -First 1) return $out } hidden[void]SetruntimeKeys() { $AvailableKeys = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $AvailableKeys.AddRange($this.runtimeKeys) $AllItems = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]' $AllItems.AddRange($this.Items) $AllItems.AddRange($this.ActionItems) $AssignedKeys = $AllItems | Where key -NE $null $AssignedKeys | % {$AvailableKeys.Remove($_.key);$_.runtimeKey = $_.key} $EmptyKeys = $AllItems | Where key -eq $null Foreach ($key in $EmptyKeys ) { $key.runtimeKey = [System.ConsoleKey]($AvailableKeys[$this.runtimeKeyIndex]) $this.runtimeKeyIndex++ } } Print() { $TitleParams = @{} if ($this.TitleForegroundColor -ne $null) { $TitleParams.Add('ForegroundColor', $this.TitleForegroundColor) } Write-Host "$($this.TitleIndent)$($this.Title)" @TitleParams $this.Items | % { $ItemTitle = "$(Get-ConsoleKeyDisplayText $_.runtimeKey). $($_.Title)" if ($_.Disabled) { Write-Host $ItemTitle -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { $ForegroundParam = $null $ForegroundParam = @{} if ($_.ForegroundColorSet) { $ForegroundParam.Add('ForegroundColor',$_.ForegroundColor) } Write-Host $ItemTitle @ForegroundParam } } } } enum WarningMessages{ Undefined None InvalidChoice NoActionDefined } class SMMenuItem { [ScriptBlock]$Action = $null [System.ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor hidden [Switch]$ForegroundColorSet [String]$Id $Key = $null [SMMenu]$Parent = $null [Switch]$Pause [Switch]$Quit [SMMenu]$Submenu [String]$Title $runtimeKey [Switch]$Detailed [Switch]$Disabled [Object[]]$ArgumentList } |