Silk SYNOPSIS Silk is a PowerShell module for authoring, building, and publishing PowerShell modules and creating a website from a module's help topics. DESCRIPTION Silk is a PowerShell module for PowerShell module authors. Use it to: * Automatically version of your module * Easily build your module, including any compiled assemblies * Publish your module as a Chocolatey and/or NuGet package * Publish your module to the PowerShell gallery * Convert your module's help as a website If you look in Silk's Examples directory, you'll see three scripts that demonstrate its capabilities: * `Invoke-Build.ps1` shows how to build and package your module with Silk * `Publish-Module.ps1` shows how to publish your module to Chocolatey, NuGet, and the PowerShell Gallery. * `Publish-Website.ps1` shows how to publish your module's help to a website. ## Versioning and Building To get started, create a `build.ps1` file in the root of your repository. In your `build.ps1` file, import Silk. Use Silk's `Set-ModuleVersion` function to set your module's version and compile any code. Set-ModuleVersion -ManifestPath "PATH TO MODULE'S *.psd1 FILE" ` -Version "VERSION TO BUILD" ` -ReleaseNotesPath 'PATH TO RELEASE NOTES FILE' `Set-ModuleVersion` will also set the version in a .nuspec file (for creating Chocolatey and NuGet packages) and an AssemblyInfo.cs file (for versioning your module's assembly. `Set-ModuleVersion` will build a Visual Studio solution if you pass its path via the `SolutionPath` parameter. Silk expects your release notes files to be written in Markdown. It expects each level-1 header (marked with a single `#` at the beginning of a line) to be a version number, and everything after that header to the next level-1 header (or the end of the file) to be the release notes for that version. When `Set-ModuleVersion` sets the version in a release notes file, it only sets the first level-1 header it finds. See the `RELEASE_NOTES.md` included with the Silk module for an example. # Packaging and Preparing to Release Silk can do the following actions to prepare your module for a release: * The `Set-ReleaseNotesReleaseDate` function set the release date in your release notes file. * The `Set-ModuleManifestMetadata` function sets the release notes and tags fields in your module manifest (i.e. .psd1 file). * Thge `Set-ModuleNuspec` function sets metadata in a .nuspec file (for Chocolatey and NuGet packages). The .nuspec file's description, version, tags, and copyright fields are set from your module's manifest (i.e. .psd1) file. The .nuspec file's releaseNotes property is pulled from your release notes file. * The `New-NugetPackage` function will create a NuGet package from a .nuspec file. * The `New-ChocolateyPackage` function will create a Chocolatey package from a .nuspec file. ## Publishing/Releasing a Module Silk has the following functions you can use to publish/release your module: * `Publish-NuGetPackage` will publish your module's .nupkg file to nuget.org. (You create a .nupkg file from a .nuspec file with the `New-NuGetPackage` function.) * `Pulish-ChocolateyPackage` will publish your module's .nupkg file to chocolatey.org. (You create a .nupkg file from a .nuspec file with the `New-ChocolateyPackage` function. * `Publish-PowerShellGalleryModule` will publish your module to the PowerShell Gallery (https://powershellgallery.com). ## Creating a Website from a Module's Help Topics Silk has the following functions for generating a website from a module's help topics. Silk assumes your help is written in Markdown. Silk will auto-link to commands inside your module. Surround your module's command names, script names, and about topics in backticks, and Silk will convert it to a link to that item's help topic. For example, `about_Silk` will get converted to `<a href="about_Silk.html">about_Silk</a>`. * `Convert-ModuleHelpToHtml` converts the help for each command in a module to an .html page/file. * `New-ModuleHelpIndex` creates an index.html page that includes links to a module's `about_` help topics, standalone scripts, and commands. The commands are organized into three tabs: one organized by tags, one organized alphabetically by command name, and one organized alphabetically by verb. * `Convert-ABoutTopicToHtml` converts about topics to HTML pages. |