function Get-ChildControl { <# .Synopsis Imports variables to interact with a control's children .Description #> param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$false)] [Alias('Tree')] $Control = $Window, [Parameter(Position=0)][string[]]$ByName, [Switch]$OnlyDirectChildren, [string[]]$ByControlName, [Type[]]$ByType, [string]$ByUid, [String]$GetProperty, [switch]$OutputNamedControl, [Switch]$PeekIntoNestedControl ) process { if ($byUid) { $PeekIntoNestedControl = $true } $hasEnumeratedChildren = $false if (-not $Control) { return } $namedNestedControls = @{} $queue = New-Object Collections.Generic.Queue[PSObject] $queue.Enqueue($control) $hasOutputtedSomething = $false while ($queue.count) { $parent = $queue.Peek() if ('ShowUI.ShowUISetting' -as [type]) { $controlname = try { $parent.GetValue([ShowUI.ShowUISetting]::ControlNameProperty) } catch { $controlname = "" } } else { $controlname = "" } if ($parent.Name) { $namedNestedControls[$parent.Name] = $parent } if (-not $OutputNamedControl) { if ($getProperty){ $__propertyExistsOnObject = $parent.psObject.Properties[$getProperty] if ($__PropertyExistsOnObject) { $parent.$getProperty } } elseif ($byName) { if ($ByName -contains $parent.Name) { $hasOutputtedSomething = $true $parent } } elseif ($byControlName) { if ($byControlName -contains $controlname) { $hasOutputtedSomething = $true $parent } } elseif ($ByType) { foreach ($bt in $byType) { if ($parent.GetType() -eq $bt -or $parent.GetType().IsSubclassOf($bt)) { $hasOutputtedSomething = $true $parent } } } elseif ($byUid) { if ($parent.Uid -eq $uid) { $hasOutputtedSomething = $true $parent } } else { if ((-not $hasOutputtedSomething) -and $OnlyDirectChildren) { # When -OnlyDirectChildren is specified, the first item # out would be the parent, so skip that $hasOutputtedSomething = $true } else { $hasOutputtedSomething = $true $parent } } } $childCount = try { [Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper]::GetChildrenCount($parent) } catch { Write-Debug $_ } $shouldEnumerateChildren = $false if ($childCount) { if (-not ($hasEnumeratedChildren -and $OnlyDirectChildren)) { if ((-not $HasEnumeratedChildren) -or (-not $controlname -or $PeekIntoNestedControl)) { $hasEnumeratedChildren = $true for ($__i =0; $__i -lt $childCount; $__i++) { $child = [Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper]::GetChild($parent, $__i) $queue.Enqueue($child) } } } } else { if ($parent -is [Windows.Controls.ContentControl]) { $child = $parent.Content if ($child -and $child -is [Windows.Media.Visual]) { $hasEnumeratedChildren = $true $queue.Enqueue($child) } else { if (-not $outputNamedControl -and -not $byType -and -not $byName -and -not $byUid -and -not $byControlName) { $hasEnumeratedChildren = $true $child } } } } $parent = $queue.Dequeue() } if ($OutputNamedControl) { $namedNestedControls } } } |