
function Edit-StringList
        Edits a list of strings
        Edits a list of strings.

    [OutputType([Windows.Controls.Grid], [string[]])]
    # Starting contents of a list
    # The name of the control
    # If the control is a child element of a Grid control (see New-Grid),
    # then the Row parameter will be used to determine where to place the
    # top of the control. Using the -Row parameter changes the
    # dependency property [Windows.Controls.Grid]::RowProperty
    # If the control is a child element of a Grid control (see New-Grid)
    # then the Column parameter will be used to determine where to place
    # the left of the control. Using the -Column parameter changes the
    # dependency property [Windows.Controls.Grid]::ColumnProperty
    # If the control is a child element of a Grid control (see New-Grid)
    # then the RowSpan parameter will be used to determine how many rows
    # in the grid the control will occupy. Using the -RowSpan parameter
    # changes the dependency property [Windows.Controls.Grid]::RowSpanProperty
    # If the control is a child element of a Grid control (see New-Grid)
    # then the RowSpan parameter will be used to determine how many columns
    # in the grid the control will occupy. Using the -ColumnSpan parameter
    # changes the dependency property [Windows.Controls.Grid]::ColumnSpanProperty
    # The -Width parameter will be used to set the width of the control
    # The -Height parameter will be used to set the height of the control
    # If the control is a child element of a Canvas control (see New-Canvas),
    # then the Top parameter controls the top location within that canvas
    # Using the -Top parameter changes the dependency property
    # [Windows.Controls.Canvas]::TopProperty
    # If the control is a child element of a Canvas control (see New-Canvas),
    # then the Left parameter controls the left location within that canvas
    # Using the -Left parameter changes the dependency property
    # [Windows.Controls.Canvas]::LeftProperty
    # If the control is a child element of a Dock control (see New-Dock),
    # then the Dock parameter controls the dock style within that panel
    # Using the -Dock parameter changes the dependency property
    # [Windows.Controls.DockPanel]::DockProperty
    # If Show is set, then the UI will be displayed as a modal dialog within the current
    # thread. If the -Show and -AsJob parameters are omitted, then the control should be
    # output from the function
    # If AsJob is set, then the UI will displayed within a WPF job.
    process {
        $uiParameters = @{} + $psBoundParameters
        $null = $uiParameters.Remove('List')
        New-Grid -Rows (@('Auto')*4) -Columns 1 -ControlName Edit-List @uiParameters -Resource @{
            # The Resource dictionary is used to store information
            # and default settings
            Cmdlet = $psCmdlet
            PSBoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
            Args = $args   
        } -On_Loaded {
            if ($psBoundParameters.List) {
                $list.ItemsSource = $psBoundParameters.List
        } {
            New-ListBox -SelectionMode Multiple -Row 0 -Name List -On_SelectionChanged {
                $remove.IsEnabled = $this.SelectedItem
            New-UniformGrid -Row 1 -Rows 1 {            
                New-Button -Name Add -FontSize 14 -FontWeight Bold '+' -On_Click {
                    $addTextBox.Visibility = $okButton.Visibility = 'Visible'
                New-Button -Name Remove -FontSize 14 -FontWeight Bold '-' -On_Click {
                    $list.ItemsSource = @($list.ItemsSource | 
                            Where-Object { $list.SelectedItems -notcontains $_ } |
                    Set-UIValue -Ui $parent -Value ($list.ItemsSource -as [string[]])
            New-TextBox -Row 2 -Visibility Collapsed -Name AddTextBox -AcceptsReturn -On_PreviewKeyDown {
                if ($_.Key -eq 'Enter') {
                    $_.Handled = $true                    
                    if ($this.Text) {
                        $List.ItemsSource = @(@($this.Text) + @($list.ItemsSource) | 
                        Set-UIValue -Ui $parent -Value ($list.ItemsSource -as [string[]])
                        $addTextBox.Visibility = $okButton.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
            New-Button -Row 3 -Visibility Collapsed -Name OkButton "_Ok" -On_Click {
                if ($AddTextBox.Text) {
                    $List.ItemsSource = @(@($AddTextBox.Text) + @($list.ItemsSource) | 
                    Set-UIValue -Ui $parent -Value ($list.ItemsSource -as [string[]])
                    $addTextBox.Visibility = $okButton.Visibility = 'Collapsed'