function Import-Demo { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports Demos .DESCRIPTION Imports a Demo script. .LINK Export-Demo .LINK Get-Demo .LINK Start-Demo .EXAMPLE Import-Demo -DemoName "Demo" #> param( # The source of the demo. This can be a string, file, command, module, or path. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='DemoFile')] [ValidateTypes(TypeName={ [IO.FileInfo] [IO.DirectoryInfo] [Management.Automation.PathInfo] [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo] [string] })] [Alias('DemoPath','DemoName','DemoText','DemoScript','FullName', 'DemoFile', 'File', 'Source')] [PSObject] $From ) begin { $ChapterExpression = '^\s{0,}(?<cn>(?:\d+\.){1,})\s{0,}' $ValidDemoFile = [regex]::new('\.demo\.(?>ps1|clixml)$','IgnoreCase') if (-not $script:CachedDemos) { $script:CachedDemos = [Ordered]@{} } # If we have not initialized a cache and we're inside of a module if (-not $script:CachedDemos.Count -and $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module) { # we'll need to import our own demos. # to ensure this only happens once, $MyCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand $myDepth = 0 foreach ($frame in Get-PSCallStack) { # we callstack peek if ($frame.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name -eq "$MyCmd") { $myDepth++ # and track our depth } } if ($myDepth -eq 1) { # and only import if we are one level deep. $MyModule = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module Import-Demo -From $MyModule | Out-Null } } # Next we declare a few internal functions. # Essentially, our import will boil down to a few possible scenarios: # The easy one is Importing a demo .clixml function Import-DemoClixml { if ($FromFileInfo -match '\.(clix|clixml)$') { return Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $FromFileInfo.FullName } } # The big one is Importing a demo from a script function Import-DemoScript { if (-not $FromScriptBlock) { return } $demoName = if ($FromCommand) { $FromCommand.Name -replace $ValidDemoFile } elseif ($FromFileInfo) { $FromFileInfo.Name -replace $ValidDemoFile } $astString = "$from" $psTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($astString, [ref]$null) if (-not $psTokens) { return } $chapters = @() $currentChapter = $null $chapterTokens = @() # We want every step to be able to run independently. # This would be untrue if the code is unbalanced when a chapter would start # Thus, while we're primarily looking for comments, we also need to track groups $groupDepth = 0 $previousToken = $null # Walk thru every token in the file. foreach ($token in $psTokens) { Add-Member NoteProperty PreviousToken $previousToken -Force -InputObject $token Add-Member NoteProperty Text $astString -Force -InputObject $token $previousToken = $token if ($token.Type -in 'Variable', 'String') { $realContent = $astString.Substring($token.Start, $token.Length) Add-Member NoteProperty Content $realContent -Force -InputObject $token } # If the token is a group start if ($token.Type -eq 'GroupStart') { $groupDepth++ # increment depth. } # If the token was a group end elseif ($token.Type -eq 'GroupEnd') { $groupDepth-- # decrement depth. } # If there was no depth # and the token was a comment starting in the first column. elseif ( (-not $groupDepth) -and $token.Type -eq 'Comment' -and $token.StartColumn -le 1 ) { $tokenContent = $token.Content -replace '^#' -replace '#$' # Then it could be the start of a chapter. # If it is not, if ($tokenContent -notmatch $ChapterExpression) { $chapterTokens += $token # add it to the current chapter. } # If the comment does start a chapter else { # get the chapter number from `$matches`. $chapterNumber = $ # Then get the chapter name by replacing the regex. $chapterName = $tokenContent -replace $ChapterExpression # Create a new chapter, starting at the current token. $newChapter = [Ordered]@{ Number = $chapterNumber Name = $chapterName Text = $astString Start = $token.Start DemoFile = $FromFileInfo.FullName } # If there was already a current chapter if ($currentChapter) { # finalize it by marking it's end $currentChapter.Length = $chapterTokens[-1].Start + $chapterTokens[-1].End - $currentChapter.Start # and attaching the tokens we have so far. $currentChapter.Tokens = $chapterTokens $chapterTokens = @() $chapters += $currentChapter } # Then, make the new chapter the current chapter $currentChapter = $newChapter } } else { $chapterTokens += $token } } # If we have a named chapter if ($currentChapter) { # add any remaining tokens to it. $currentChapter.Tokens = $chapterTokens $chapterTokens = @() # and add the chapter. $chapters += $currentChapter } elseif ($chapterTokens) { # Otherwise, if we have chapter tokens by no named chapter # create an empty chapter and add the steps to it. $chapters += [Ordered]@{ Number = '' Name = '' Tokens = $chapterTokens Text = $astString } } $demoScript = [scriptblock]::create($astString) # Create the demo object. $demoFile = [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName = 'Demo' Name = $demoName DemoFile = $fileInfo.FullName DemoScript = $DemoScript DemoText = "$DemoScript" } if ($demoName) { $script:CachedDemos[$demoName] = $demoFile } # And add each chapter to it $demoFile | Add-Member NoteProperty Chapters @( foreach ($chapter in $chapters) { # linking back to the demo as we go (#57). [PSCustomObject]([Ordered]@{PSTypeName='Demo.Chapter';Demo=$demoFile} + $chapter) } ) -Force -PassThru # We -PassThru the modified object to return it. } } process { # Since -From can be many things, but a demo has to be a ScriptBlock, # the purpose of this function is to essentially resolve many things to one or more ScriptBlocks. $fromModule, $FromDirectory, $FromCommand, $FromFileInfo, $fromScriptBlock = $null, $null,$null, $null, $null # If -From was a string if ($From -is [string]) { # It could be a module, so check those first. :ResolveFromString do { if ($from -match '\n') { # If the -From had newlines, try to make a [ScriptBlock] $fromScriptBlock = try { [ScriptBlock]::create($from) } catch { } if ($fromScriptBlock) { break } } foreach ($loadedModule in @(Get-Module)) { # If we find the module, don't try to resolve -From as a path break ResolveFromString if ($loadedModule.Name -eq $from) { # (just set -From again and let the function continue) $from = $fromModule = $loadedModule } } if ($script:CachedDemos["$From"]) { $script:CachedDemos["$From"] } else { # If we think from was a path foreach ($resolvedPath in $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($from)) { Import-Demo -From $resolvedPath } } return } while ($false) } if ($From -is [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]) { # then, make -From a directory if ($from.Path) { $from = Get-Item ($from.Path | Split-Path) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } # If -From is a path if ($from -is [Management.Automation.PathInfo]) { $from = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$from" # turn it into a file or a directory } # If -From is a directory if ($from -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $FromDirectory = $from # recursively call ourselves with all matching scripts Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $from.FullName -Recurse -File | Where-Object Name -match $ValidDemoFile | Import-Demo return } # If -From is a file if ($from -is [IO.FileInfo]) { # set $FromFileInfo $FromFileInfo = $from # and make -From a command. if ($from.Extension -eq '.ps1') { $from = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($from.FullName, 'ExternalScript') } } # If -From is a command if ($from -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) { $FromCommand = $From # and it is an external script if ($from -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) { # then use that script's contents as the source $FromScriptBlock = $from.ScriptBlock if (-not $FromFileInfo) { $FromFileInfo = [IO.FileInfo]$from.Source } $From = "$FromScriptBlock" # (stringified) } else { # Otherwise, see if it has help and examples $cmdHelp = Get-Help $from -ErrorAction Ignore if ($cmdHelp -and $cmdHelp.examples.example) { # and make the demo the combined sequence of examples $allExampleLines = @( foreach ($example in $cmdHelp.Examples.example) { $example.Code foreach ($remark in $example.Remarks.text) { if (-not $remark) { continue } $remark } } ) -join [Environment]::NewLine try { # at least, assuming we can convert it into a [ScriptBlock] $From = $fromScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::create($allExampleLines) } catch { $ex = $_ Write-Error "Example in $from cannot be converted into a ScriptBlock" return } } } } if ($fromScriptBlock) { . Import-DemoScript } elseif ($FromFileInfo) { . Import-DemoClixml } } } |