.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 3b5ee706-249d-4108-8126-c8692d603ebc .AUTHOR Jeffrey Snover .COMPANYNAME Microsoft Corporation .COPYRIGHT (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. .TAGS Nano .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .Synopsis Show an ASCII text representation of a namespace tree .DESCRIPTION Script to show the layout of PowerShell namespaces (Trees) using ASCII .EXAMPLE PS> show-tree C:\ -MaxDepth 2 .EXAMPLE PS> show-tree C:\ -MaxDepth 2 -NotLike Wind*,P* -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS> New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Root HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ -Name WINDOWS PS> Show-Tree Windows: -maxdepth 1 -ShowDirectory #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("tree")] [OutputType([string[]])] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] $Path = (pwd), [Parameter()] [int]$MaxDepth=[int]::MaxValue, #Show the full name of the directory at each sublevel [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowDirectory, #List of wildcard matches. If a directoryname matches one of these, it will be skipped. [Parameter()] [String[]]$NotLike = $null, #List of wildcard matches. If a directoryname matches one of these, it will be shown. [Parameter()] [String[]]$Like = $null ) function Show-Tree { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("tree")] [OutputType([string[]])] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] $Path = (pwd), [Parameter()] [int]$MaxDepth=[int]::MaxValue, #Show the full name of the directory at each sublevel [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowDirectory, #List of wildcard matches. If a directoryname matches one of these, it will be skipped. [Parameter()] [String[]]$NotLike = $null, #List of wildcard matches. If a directoryname matches one of these, it will be shown. [Parameter()] [String[]]$Like = $null, #Internal parameter used in recursion for formating purposes [Parameter()] [int]$_Depth=0 ) if ($_Depth -ge $MaxDepth) { return } $FirstDirectoryShown = $False $start = "| " * $_Depth :NextDirectory foreach ($d in Get-ChildItem $path -ErrorAction Ignore |where PSIsContainer -eq $true) { foreach ($pattern in $NotLike) { if ($d.PSChildName -like $pattern) { Write-Verbose "Skipping $($d.PSChildName). Not like $Pattern" continue NextDirectory; } } $ShowThisDirectory = $false if (!$like) { $ShowThisDirectory = $true }else { foreach ($pattern in $Like) { if ($d.PSChildName -like $pattern) { Write-Verbose "Including $($d.PSChildName). Like $Pattern" $ShowThisDirectory = $true Break; } } } # When we dir a Get-ChildItem, we get the OS view of the object so here we need to transform # it into the PowerShell view of the path (e.g. to deal with PSDrives with deep ROOT directories) $ProviderPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($d.PSPath, [Ref]$d.PSProvider) $RootRelativePath = $ProviderPath.SubString($d.PSDrive.Root.Length) $PSDriveFullPath = Join-Path ($d.PSDrive.Name + ":") $RootRelativePath if ($ShowThisDirectory) { if (($FirstDirectoryShown -eq $FALSE) -and $ShowDirectory) { $FirstDirectoryShown = $True Write-Output ("{0}{1}" -f $start,$Path) } Write-Output ("{0}+---{1}" -f $start, (Split-Path $PSDriveFullPath -Leaf)) } show-Tree -path:$PSDriveFullPath -_Depth:($_Depth + 1) -ShowDirectory:$ShowDirectory -MaxDepth:$MaxDepth -NotLike:$NotLike -Like:$Like } } show-tree @PSBOundParameters <# cls #show-tree exchange:\ -Maxdepth 3 -ShowDirectory #show-tree C:\ -ShowDirectory -Like *ea* #show-tree C:\windows -Maxdepth 3 -ShowDirectory -NotLike temp,amd* cls;show-tree C:\windows -Maxdepth 6 -ShowDirectory -NotLike temp,amd*,wow*,msil*,x86*,Microsoft*,w*,s* #cls;show-tree HKLM:\SOFTWARE\c* -ShowDirectory -NotLike classes*,cli* #> #EOF |