<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.2 .AUTHOR Roman Kuzmin .COPYRIGHT (c) Roman Kuzmin .TAGS DGML, solution, project, graph .GUID 5a3b9854-4349-43e6-93f0-599e608ba81c .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI #> <# .Synopsis Generates and shows the solution project graph. .Description For the given solution, the script generates project graph with project reference links defined in project files and build order links defined in the solution. Then the generated DGML is opened by the associated program, normally Visual Studio. For viewing in Visual Studio ensure: - Individual components \ Code tools \ DGML editor .Parameter SolutionPath Specifies the solution path. If it is omitted or empty then the *.sln file in the current location is used, there must be one such file. .Parameter JustProject Tells to show just references defined in project files and ignore build order dependencies in the solution. .Parameter JustSolution Tells to show just build order dependencies defined in the solution and ignore references in project files. .Link #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$SolutionPath, [switch]$JustProject, [switch]$JustSolution ) trap {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)} Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $ErrorActionPreference = 1 # resolve the solution path if ($SolutionPath) { $SolutionPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($SolutionPath) if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($SolutionPath)) {throw "Missing file '$SolutionPath'."} } else { $items = @(Get-Item *.sln) if ($items.Count -eq 1) { $SolutionPath = $items[0].FullName } elseif (!$items) { throw 'Cannot find a solution file in the current location.' } else { throw 'Too many solution files in the current location.' } } # read the solution $solutionText = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($SolutionPath) $Output = "$env:TEMP\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($SolutionPath)).dgml" $RootPath = Split-Path $SolutionPath $ccprojType = '{CC5FD16D-436D-48AD-A40C-5A424C6E3E79}' $csprojType = '{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}' $csprojTypeSdk = '{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}' $folderType = '{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}' $fsprojType = '{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}' $fsprojTypeSdk = '{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}' $sfprojType = '{A07B5EB6-E848-4116-A8D0-A826331D98C6}' $vcxprojType = '{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}' function Get-ProjectCategory($Project) { switch($Project.type) { $ccprojType {return 'CloudService'} $csprojType {return 'CSharp'} $csprojTypeSdk {return 'CSharp.Sdk'} $folderType {return 'Folder'} $fsprojType {return 'FSharp'} $fsprojTypeSdk {return 'FSharp.Sdk'} $sfprojType {return 'ServiceFabric'} $vcxprojType {return 'CPlusPlusCLI'} default {return $_} } } $reMatchProject = [regex]'(?msx)^\s* Project \b (.+?) \b ^\s* EndProject \s*$' $reParseProject = [regex]@' (?sx) ^\s* \(" ({[^}]+}) "\) \s* = \s* " ([^"]+) " \s*, \s* " ([^"]+) " \s*, \s* " ({[^}]+}) " \s* (.*) '@ $reMatchProjectDependencies = [regex]@' (?sx) \b ProjectSection \s* \( \s* ProjectDependencies \s* \) \s* = \s* postProject \s* (.*?) EndProjectSection '@ $reMatchProjectDependency = [regex]'(?mx) ^\s* ({[^}]+}) .*$' $map = @{} $projectMatches = $reMatchProject.Matches($solutionText) foreach($match in $projectMatches) { $text = $match.Groups[1].Value # parse project text if ($text -notmatch $reParseProject) {throw "Cannot parse project text: $text"} $project = [PSCustomObject]@{ # project type GUID type = $Matches[1] # name, file base name name = $Matches[2] # path, normally relative path = $Matches[3] # GUID from the solution id = $Matches[4] # project text body = $Matches[5] } # skip folders, for now if ($project.type -eq $folderType) {continue} # add project $map.Add($, $project) } $xml = [xml]@' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <DirectedGraph GraphDirection="TopToBottom" Layout="Sugiyama"> <Styles> <Style TargetType="Link"> <Condition Expression="HasCategory('SolutionLink')" /> <Setter Property="StrokeDashArray" Value="3 3" /> </Style> </Styles> </DirectedGraph> '@ $doc = $xml.DocumentElement $nodes = $doc.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement('Nodes')) $links = $doc.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement('Links')) $ns = @{x = ''} foreach($project in $map.Values) { $node = $nodes.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement('Node')) $node.SetAttribute('Id', $ $node.SetAttribute('Path', $project.path) $node.SetAttribute('Category', (Get-ProjectCategory $project)) ### links from solution if (!$JustProject -and $project.body -and $project.body -match $reMatchProjectDependencies) { foreach($match in $reMatchProjectDependency.Matches($Matches[1])) { $id = $match.Groups[1].Value $project2 = $map[$id] $link = $links.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement('Link')) $link.SetAttribute('Source', $ $link.SetAttribute('Target', $ $link.SetAttribute('Category', 'SolutionLink') } } ### links from project if (!$JustSolution) { # project full path $projectPath = $project.path if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($projectPath)) { $projectPath = Join-Path $RootPath $projectPath } # read project XML $xml2 = [xml](Get-Content -LiteralPath $projectPath) # query project references if ($xml2.DocumentElement.GetAttribute('Sdk') -eq 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk') { $references = $xml2 | Select-Xml //ProjectReference/@Include } else { $references = $xml2 | Select-Xml //x:ProjectReference/@Include -Namespace $ns } # write project links foreach ($reference in $references) { $name2 = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($reference.Node.'#text') $project2 = @( foreach($_ in $map.Values) { if ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_.path) -eq $name2) { $_ } } ) if ($project2.Count -eq 0) {throw "Cannot find '$name2' in the solution."} if ($project2.Count -ge 2) {throw "Too many '$name2' in the solution."} $link = $links.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement('Link')) $link.SetAttribute('Source', $ $link.SetAttribute('Target', $project2[0].name) $link.SetAttribute('Category', 'ProjectLink') } } } # finish, save, and open the graph $doc.SetAttribute('xmlns', '') $xml.Save($Output) Invoke-Item $Output |