.VERSION 1.0.8 .AUTHOR Roman Kuzmin .COPYRIGHT (c) Roman Kuzmin .TAGS Invoke-Build, Graphviz .GUID 43d94ab6-d0c5-4c6a-839d-2ace0449bf56 .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI #> <# .Synopsis Shows Invoke-Build task graph using Graphviz Viz.js or dot. Copyright (c) Roman Kuzmin .Description Requirements: - Invoke-Build command is available for calls - Internet connection for using online viz-standalone.js - or viz-standalone.js in the path, - or, when -Dot, dot in $env:Graphviz or in the path, The script calls Invoke-Build to get the build tasks, makes the DOT graph, and uses either Viz.js or dot in order to convert the graph for show. Tasks without code are shown as ovals, conditional and incremental tasks as notes, other tasks as boxes. Safe references are shown as dotted edges, normal references as solid edges. Job numbers are not shown by default. EXAMPLES # Make and show HTML using viz-standalone.js (local or online) Show-BuildGraph # Make and show SVG using dot Show-BuildGraph -Dot # Make Build.png with job numbers and top to bottom edges Show-BuildGraph -Dot -Number -NoShow -Code "" -Output Build.png .Parameter File See: help Invoke-Build -Parameter File .Parameter Output The custom output file path. The default is in the temp directory. When -Dot, the format is inferred from extension, SVG by default, otherwise the file extension should be htm or html. .Parameter Code Custom DOT code added to the graph definition, see Graphviz manuals. The default 'graph [rankdir=LR]' tells to make left to right edges. .Parameter Parameters Build script parameters needed in special cases when they alter tasks. .Parameter Dot Tells to use Graphviz dot. By default it creates a SVG file. For different formats use Output with the format extension. .Parameter NoShow Tells to create the output file without showing it. Use Output in order to specify the file exactly. .Parameter Number Tells to show job numbers on edges connecting tasks. .Link #> param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$File , [Parameter(Position=1)] [string]$Output , [string]$Code = 'graph [rankdir=LR]' , [hashtable]$Parameters , [switch]$Dot , [switch]$NoShow , [switch]$Number ) $ErrorActionPreference = 1 ### resolve dot or js if ($Dot) { $app = if ($env:Graphviz) {"$env:Graphviz/dot"} else {'dot'} $app = Get-Command $app -CommandType Application -ErrorAction 0 if (!$app) { Write-Error 'Cannot resolve dot.exe' } } else { $app = Get-Command viz-standalone.js -CommandType Application -ErrorAction 0 if ($app) { $jsUrl = 'file:///' + $app.Source.Replace('\', '/') } else { $jsUrl = '' } } ### resolve output if ($Output) { if (!($type = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Output))) { Write-Error 'Output file name must have an extension.' } $Output = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Output) $type = $type.Substring(1).ToLower() } else { $path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($(if ($File) {$File} else {''})) $name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($path) $hash = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path)) if ($Dot) { $Output = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "$name-$hash.svg" $type = 'svg' } else { $Output = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "$name-$hash.html" $type = 'html' } } ### get tasks if (!$Parameters) {$Parameters = @{}} $all = Invoke-Build ?? $File @Parameters ### for synopses $docs = @{} . Invoke-Build ### make dot-code function escape_text($text) { $text.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('"', '\"') } $text = @( ### begin 'digraph {' $Code ### nodes $id = 0 $map = @{} foreach($it in $all.get_Values()) { ++$id $name = $it.Name $map[$name] = $id $attr = 'label="{0}"' -f (escape_text $name) $tooltip = if ($synopsis = Get-BuildSynopsis $it $docs) {$synopsis} else {$name} $attr += ' tooltip="{0}"' -f (escape_text $tooltip) $hasScript = foreach($job in $it.Jobs) {if ($job -is [scriptblock]) {$true}} if ($hasScript) { if ($it.Inputs -or !(-9).Equals($it.If)) { $attr += ' shape=note' } else { $attr += ' shape=box' } } '{0} [{1}]' -f $id, $attr } ### edges $id = 0 foreach($it in $all.get_Values()) { ++$id $jobNumber = 0 foreach($job in $it.Jobs) { ++$jobNumber if ($job -is [string]) { $job, $safe = if ($job[0] -eq '?') {$job.Substring(1), 1} else {$job} $job = $all[$job].Name $id2 = $map[$job] $tooltip = escape_text "$($it.Name) -> $job" $attr = 'edgetooltip="{0}"' -f $tooltip if ($Number) { $attr += ' label="{0}" labeltooltip="{1}"' -f $jobNumber, $tooltip } if ($safe) { $attr += ' style=dotted' } '{0} -> {1} [{2}]' -f $id, $id2, $attr } } } ### end '}' ) ### write output if ($Dot) { $temp = "$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())/" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($temp, $text) & $app "-T$type" -o $Output $temp if ($Global:LASTEXITCODE) { return } } else { $text = $text | .{process{$_.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('"', '\"') + '\'}} | Out-String -Width 9999 @" <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Output)) tasks</title> </head> <body> <script src="$jsUrl"></script> <script> Viz.instance().then(function(viz) {document.body.appendChild(viz.renderSVGElement("$text"))}) </script> </body> </html> "@ | Set-Content -LiteralPath $Output -Encoding UTF8 } ### show file if (!$NoShow) { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $Output } |