function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServiceAppName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("DefaultRuleAccess", "BasicAccountRuleAccess", "CertificateRuleAccess", "NTLMAccountRuleAccess", "FormRuleAccess", "CookieRuleAccess", "AnonymousAccess")] [System.String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("InclusionRule", "ExclusionRule")] [System.String] $RuleType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("FollowLinksNoPageCrawl", "CrawlComplexUrls", "CrawlAsHTTP")] [System.String[]] $CrawlConfigurationRules, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $AuthenticationCredentials, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Getting Search Crawl Rule '$Path'" # AuthenticationType=CertificateName and CertificateRuleAccess parameters not specified if ($AuthenticationType -eq "CertificateRuleAccess" -and -not $CertificateName) { $message = ("When AuthenticationType=CertificateRuleAccess, the parameter " + ` "CertificateName is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationType=CertificateName and CertificateRuleAccess parameters not # specified correctly if ($AuthenticationType -ne "CertificateRuleAccess" -and $CertificateName) { $message = "When specifying CertificateName, the AuthenticationType parameter is required" Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationType=NTLMAccountRuleAccess and AuthenticationCredentialsparameters # not specified if (($AuthenticationType -eq "NTLMAccountRuleAccess" ` -or $AuthenticationType -eq "BasicAccountRuleAccess") ` -and -not $AuthenticationCredentials) { $message = ("When AuthenticationType is NTLMAccountRuleAccess or BasicAccountRuleAccess, " + ` "the parameter AuthenticationCredentials is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationCredentials parameters, but AuthenticationType is not NTLMAccountRuleAccess # or BasicAccountRuleAccess if ($AuthenticationCredentials ` -and $AuthenticationType -ne "NTLMAccountRuleAccess" ` -and $AuthenticationType -ne "BasicAccountRuleAccess") { $message = ("When specifying AuthenticationCredentials, the AuthenticationType " + ` "parameter is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # ExclusionRule only with CrawlConfigurationRules=CrawlComplexUrls if ($RuleType -eq "ExclusionRule" ` -and ($CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlAsHTTP" ` -or $CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "FollowLinksNoPageCrawl")) { $message = ("When RuleType=ExclusionRule, CrawlConfigurationRules cannot contain " + ` "the values FollowLinksNoPageCrawl or CrawlAsHTTP") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # ExclusionRule cannot be used with AuthenticationCredentials, CertificateName or # AuthenticationType parameters if ($RuleType -eq "ExclusionRule" ` -and ($AuthenticationCredentials -or $CertificateName -or $AuthenticationType)) { $message = ("When Type=ExclusionRule, parameters AuthenticationCredentials, " + ` "CertificateName or AuthenticationType are not allowed") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } $result = Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $serviceApps = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $params.ServiceAppName ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $nullReturn = @{ Path = $params.Path ServiceAppName = $params.ServiceAppName Ensure = "Absent" } if ($null -eq $serviceApps) { Write-Verbose -Message "Service Application $($params.ServiceAppName) not found" return $nullReturn } $serviceApp = $serviceApps | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.GetType().FullName -eq "Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceApplication" } if ($null -eq $serviceApp) { Write-Verbose -Message "Service Application $($params.ServiceAppName) not found" return $nullReturn } else { $crawlRule = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule ` -SearchApplication $params.ServiceAppName | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Path -eq $params.Path } if ($null -eq $crawlRule) { Write-Verbose -Message "Crawl rule $($params.Path) not found" return $nullReturn } else { $crawlConfigurationRules = @() if ($crawlRule.SuppressIndexing) { $crawlConfigurationRules += "FollowLinksNoPageCrawl" } if ($crawlRule.FollowComplexUrls) { $crawlConfigurationRules += "CrawlComplexUrls" } if ($crawlRule.CrawlAsHttp) { $crawlConfigurationRules += "CrawlAsHTTP" } switch ($crawlRule.AuthenticationType) { { @("BasicAccountRuleAccess", "NTLMAccountRuleAccess") -contains $_ } { $returnVal = @{ Path = $params.Path ServiceAppName = $params.ServiceAppName AuthenticationType = $crawlRule.AuthenticationType RuleType = $crawlRule.Type.ToString() CrawlConfigurationRules = $crawlConfigurationRules AuthenticationCredentials = $crawlRule.AccountName Ensure = "Present" } } "CertificateRuleAccess" { $returnVal = @{ Path = $params.Path ServiceAppName = $params.ServiceAppName AuthenticationType = $crawlRule.AuthenticationType RuleType = $crawlRule.Type.ToString() CrawlConfigurationRules = $crawlConfigurationRules CertificateName = $crawlRule.AccountName Ensure = "Present" } } { @("DefaultRuleAccess", "FormRuleAccess", "CookieRuleAccess", "AnonymousAccess") -contains $_ } { $returnVal = @{ Path = $params.Path ServiceAppName = $params.ServiceAppName AuthenticationType = $crawlRule.AuthenticationType.ToString() RuleType = $crawlRule.Type.ToString() CrawlConfigurationRules = $crawlConfigurationRules Ensure = "Present" } } default { Path = $params.Path ServiceAppName = $params.ServiceAppName AuthenticationType = "Unknown" RuleType = $crawlRule.Type.ToString() CrawlConfigurationRules = $crawlConfigurationRules Ensure = "Present" } } return $returnVal } } } return $result } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServiceAppName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("DefaultRuleAccess", "BasicAccountRuleAccess", "CertificateRuleAccess", "NTLMAccountRuleAccess", "FormRuleAccess", "CookieRuleAccess", "AnonymousAccess")] [System.String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("InclusionRule", "ExclusionRule")] [System.String] $RuleType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("FollowLinksNoPageCrawl", "CrawlComplexUrls", "CrawlAsHTTP")] [System.String[]] $CrawlConfigurationRules, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $AuthenticationCredentials, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Search Crawl Rule '$Path'" $result = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters # AuthenticationType=CertificateName and CertificateRuleAccess parameters not specified if ($AuthenticationType -eq "CertificateRuleAccess" -and -not $CertificateName) { $message = ("When AuthenticationType=CertificateRuleAccess, the parameter " + ` "CertificateName is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationType=CertificateName and CertificateRuleAccess parameters not # specified correctly if ($AuthenticationType -ne "CertificateRuleAccess" -and $CertificateName) { $message = "When specifying CertificateName, the AuthenticationType parameter is required" Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationType=NTLMAccountRuleAccess and AuthenticationCredentialsparameters # not specified if (($AuthenticationType -eq "NTLMAccountRuleAccess" ` -or $AuthenticationType -eq "BasicAccountRuleAccess") ` -and -not $AuthenticationCredentials) { $message = ("When AuthenticationType is NTLMAccountRuleAccess or BasicAccountRuleAccess, " + ` "the parameter AuthenticationCredentials is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # AuthenticationCredentials parameters, but AuthenticationType is not NTLMAccountRuleAccess # or BasicAccountRuleAccess if ($AuthenticationCredentials ` -and $AuthenticationType -ne "NTLMAccountRuleAccess" ` -and $AuthenticationType -ne "BasicAccountRuleAccess") { $message = ("When specifying AuthenticationCredentials, the AuthenticationType " + ` "parameter is required") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # ExclusionRule only with CrawlConfigurationRules=CrawlComplexUrls if ($RuleType -eq "ExclusionRule" ` -and ($CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlAsHTTP" ` -or $CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "FollowLinksNoPageCrawl")) { $message = ("When RuleType=ExclusionRule, CrawlConfigurationRules cannot contain " + ` "the values FollowLinksNoPageCrawl or CrawlAsHTTP") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } # ExclusionRule cannot be used with AuthenticationCredentials, CertificateName or # AuthenticationType parameters if ($RuleType -eq "ExclusionRule" ` -and ($AuthenticationCredentials -or $CertificateName -or $AuthenticationType)) { $message = ("When Type=ExclusionRule, parameters AuthenticationCredentials, " + ` "CertificateName or AuthenticationType are not allowed") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message ` -EntryType 'Error' ` -EventID 100 ` -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source throw $message } if ($result.Ensure -eq "Absent" -and $Ensure -eq "Present") { Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Crawl Rule $Path" Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $newParams = @{ Path = $params.Path SearchApplication = $params.ServiceAppName } if ($params.ContainsKey("AuthenticationType") -eq $true) { $newParams.Add("AuthenticationType", $params.AuthenticationType) } if ($params.ContainsKey("RuleType") -eq $true) { $newParams.Add("Type", $params.RuleType) } if ($params.ContainsKey("CrawlConfigurationRules") -eq $true) { if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "FollowLinksNoPageCrawl") { $newParams.Add("SuppressIndexing", 1) } if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlComplexUrls") { $newParams.Add("FollowComplexUrls", 1) } if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlAsHTTP") { $newParams.Add("CrawlAsHttp", 1) } } if ($params.ContainsKey("AuthenticationCredentials") -eq $true) { $newParams.Add("AccountName", $params.AuthenticationCredentials.UserName) $newParams.Add("AccountPassword", $params.AuthenticationCredentials.Password) } if ($params.ContainsKey("CertificateName") -eq $true) { $newParams.Add("CertificateName", $params.CertificateName) } New-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule @newParams } } if ($result.Ensure -eq "Present" -and $Ensure -eq "Present") { Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Crawl Rule $Path" Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount -Arguments $PSBoundParameters -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $crawlRule = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule ` -SearchApplication $params.ServiceAppName | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Path -eq $params.Path } if ($null -ne $crawlRule) { $setParams = @{ Identity = $params.Path SearchApplication = $params.ServiceAppName } if ($params.ContainsKey("AuthenticationType") -eq $true) { $setParams.Add("AuthenticationType", $params.AuthenticationType) } if ($params.ContainsKey("RuleType") -eq $true) { $setParams.Add("Type", $params.RuleType) } if ($params.ContainsKey("CrawlConfigurationRules") -eq $true) { if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "FollowLinksNoPageCrawl") { $setParams.Add("SuppressIndexing", 1) } if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlComplexUrls") { $setParams.Add("FollowComplexUrls", 1) } if ($params.CrawlConfigurationRules -contains "CrawlAsHTTP") { $setParams.Add("CrawlAsHttp", 1) } } if ($params.ContainsKey("AuthenticationCredentials") -eq $true) { $setParams.Add("AccountName", $params.AuthenticationCredentials.UserName) $setParams.Add("AccountPassword", $params.AuthenticationCredentials.Password) } if ($params.ContainsKey("CertificateName") -eq $true) { $setParams.Add("AccountName", $params.CertificateName) } Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule @setParams } } } if ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Crawl Rule $Path" Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule -SearchApplication $params.ServiceAppName ` -Identity $params.Path ` -Confirm:$false } } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServiceAppName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("DefaultRuleAccess", "BasicAccountRuleAccess", "CertificateRuleAccess", "NTLMAccountRuleAccess", "FormRuleAccess", "CookieRuleAccess", "AnonymousAccess")] [System.String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("InclusionRule", "ExclusionRule")] [System.String] $RuleType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("FollowLinksNoPageCrawl", "CrawlComplexUrls", "CrawlAsHTTP")] [System.String[]] $CrawlConfigurationRules, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $AuthenticationCredentials, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Testing Search Crawl Rule '$Path'" $PSBoundParameters.Ensure = $Ensure $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message "Current Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $CurrentValues)" Write-Verbose -Message "Target Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters)" if ($Ensure -eq "Present") { if ($CrawlConfigurationRules) { if ($CurrentValues.ContainsKey("CrawlConfigurationRules")) { $compareObject = Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject $CrawlConfigurationRules ` -DifferenceObject $CurrentValues.CrawlConfigurationRules if ($null -ne $compareObject) { $message = ("Specified CrawlConfigurationRules does not match the actual value." + ` "Actual: $($CurrentValues.CrawlConfigurationRules -join ", ") Desired: " + ` "$($CrawlConfigurationRules -join ", ")") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message -EntryType 'Error' -EventID 1 -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned false" return $false } } else { $message = "No CrawlConfigurationRules are currently configured" Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message -EntryType 'Error' -EventID 1 -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned false" return $false } } if ($CurrentValues.ContainsKey("AuthenticationCredentials") -and $AuthenticationCredentials) { if ($AuthenticationCredentials.UserName -ne $CurrentValues.AuthenticationCredentials) { $message = ("Specified AuthenticationCredentials does not match the actual value." + ` "Actual: $($CurrentValues.AuthenticationCredentials) Desired: " + ` "$($AuthenticationCredentials.UserName)") Add-SPDscEvent -Message $message -EntryType 'Error' -EventID 1 -Source $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned false" return $false } } $result = Test-SPDscParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters ` -ValuesToCheck @("Ensure", "AuthenticationType", "RuleType", "CertificateName") } else { $result = Test-SPDscParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) ` -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters ` -ValuesToCheck @("Ensure") } Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned $result" return $result } function Export-TargetResource { $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue" $ParentModuleBase = Get-Module "SharePointDsc" -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Modulebase $module = Join-Path -Path $ParentModuleBase -ChildPath "\DSCResources\MSFT_SPSearchCrawlRule\MSFT_SPSearchCrawlRule.psm1" -Resolve $Content = '' $params = Get-DSCFakeParameters -ModulePath $module $ssas = Get-SPServiceApplication | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.GetType().FullName -eq "Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceApplication" } $i = 1 $total = $ssas.Length foreach ($ssa in $ssas) { try { if ($null -ne $ssa) { $serviceName = $ssa.DisplayName Write-Host "Scanning Crawl Rules for Search Service Application [$i/$total] {$serviceName}" $crawlRules = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlRule -SearchApplication $ssa $j = 1 $totalCR = $crawlRules.Length foreach ($crawlRule in $crawlRules) { $crPath = $crawlRule.Path Write-Host " -> Scanning Crawl Rule [$j/$totalCR] {$crPath}" $PartialContent = " SPSearchCrawlRule " + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() + "`r`n" $PartialContent += " {`r`n" $params.ServiceAppName = $serviceName $params.Path = $crPath $params.Remove("CertificateName") $results = Get-TargetResource @params if ($results.RuleType -eq "ExclusionRule" -and $results.AuthenticationType) { $results.Remove("AuthenticationType") } $results = Repair-Credentials -results $results $currentBlock = Get-DSCBlock -Params $results -ModulePath $module $currentBlock = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock $currentBlock -ParameterName "PsDscRunAsCredential" $PartialContent += $currentBlock $PartialContent += " }`r`n" $Content += $PartialContent $j++ } } $i++ } catch { $Global:ErrorLog += "[Search Crawl Rule]" + $ssa.DisplayName + "`r`n" $Global:ErrorLog += "$_`r`n`r`n" } } return $Content } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |