$script:resourceModulePath = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent $script:modulesFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:resourceModulePath -ChildPath 'Modules' $script:resourceHelperModulePath = Join-Path -Path $script:modulesFolderPath -ChildPath 'SharePointDsc.Util' Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:resourceHelperModulePath -ChildPath 'SharePointDsc.Util.psm1') function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Internal-HTTP", "Internal-HTTPS", "External-HTTP", "External-HTTPS")] [System.String] $Zone, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DnsName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Getting Office Online Server details for '$Zone' zone" $result = Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $currentZone = Get-SPWOPIZone $bindings = Get-SPWOPIBinding -WOPIZone $currentZone if ($null -eq $bindings) { return @{ Zone = $currentZone DnsName = $null Ensure = "Absent" InstallAccount = $params.InstallAccount } } else { return @{ Zone = $currentZone DnsName = ($bindings | Select-Object -First 1).ServerName Ensure = "Present" InstallAccount = $params.InstallAccount } } } return $result } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Internal-HTTP", "Internal-HTTPS", "External-HTTP", "External-HTTPS")] [System.String] $Zone, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DnsName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Office Online Server details for '$Zone' zone" $CurrentResults = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters if ($Ensure -eq "Present") { if ($DnsName -ne $CurrentResults.DnsName -or $Zone -ne $CurrentResults.Zone) { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($CurrentResults.DnsName) -eq $false ` -or $Zone -ne $CurrentResults.Zone) { Write-Verbose -Message ("Removing bindings for zone '$Zone' so new bindings " + ` "can be added") Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] Get-SPWOPIBinding -WOPIZone $params.Zone | Remove-SPWOPIBinding -Confirm:$false } } Write-Verbose -Message "Creating new bindings for '$DnsName' and setting zone to '$Zone'" Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] $newParams = @{ ServerName = $params.DnsName } if ($params.Zone.ToLower().EndsWith("http") -eq $true) { $newParams.Add("AllowHTTP", $true) } New-SPWOPIBinding @newParams Set-SPWOPIZone -zone $params.Zone } } } if ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing bindings for zone '$Zone'" Invoke-SPDscCommand -Credential $InstallAccount ` -Arguments $PSBoundParameters ` -ScriptBlock { $params = $args[0] Get-SPWOPIBinding -WOPIZone $params.Zone | Remove-SPWOPIBinding -Confirm:$false } } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Internal-HTTP", "Internal-HTTPS", "External-HTTP", "External-HTTPS")] [System.String] $Zone, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DnsName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = "Present", [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $InstallAccount ) Write-Verbose -Message "Testing Office Online Server details for '$Zone' zone" $PSBoundParameters.Ensure = $Ensure $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose -Message "Current Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $CurrentValues)" Write-Verbose -Message "Target Values: $(Convert-SPDscHashtableToString -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters)" $paramsToCheck = @("Ensure") if ($Ensure -eq "Present") { $paramsToCheck += @("Zone", "DnsName") } return Test-SPDscParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues ` -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters ` -ValuesToCheck $paramsToCheck } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |