SPWebAppClientCallableSettings # Description **Type:** Distributed **Requires CredSSP:** No This resource sets the client callable settings for the web application. It can set the proxy libraries and specific properties for the client callable settings. The resource can for example be used to increase the timeout for client code, and to enable the tenant administration functionality. Tenant administration functionality enables client code to work with the namespace Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Client.Tenant from the assembly with the same name. This enables client code to create site collection, list all site collections, and more. In order to use the tenant administration client code a site collection within the web application needs to be designated as a tenant administration site collection. This can be done using the SPSite resource setting the AdministrationSiteType to TenantAdministration. Use this site collection when creating a client side connection. More information about the tenant can be found in a [blog post] (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vesku/2015/12/04/sharepoint-tenant-csom-object-support-in-sharepoint-2013-and-2016/) by Vesa Juvonen. In another [blog post] (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vesku/2014/06/09/provisioning-site-collections-using-sp-app-model-in-on-premises-with-just-csom/) he goes into more details of the setup and architecture, and includes sample code for how to use. NOTE: Proxy library used for enabling tenant administration: **SharePoint 2013** (Requires mininum April 2014 Cumulative Update): Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub , Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c **SharePoint 2016/2019**: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub , Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c In both version set the SupportAppAuthentication property to true. NOTE2: An IIS reset needs to be performed on all servers in the farm after modifying the registered proxy libraries. .PARAMETER WebAppUrl Key - string The URL of the web application to set blocked file types for .PARAMETER ProxyLibraries write - string A list of proxy libraries to set. Those not in this list will be removed .PARAMETER ProxyLibrariesToInclude write - string A list of proxy libraries to add. Proxy libraries not in this list will be kept .PARAMETER ProxyLibrariesToExclude write - string A list of proxy libraries to remove. Proxy libraries not in this list will be kept .PARAMETER MaxResourcesPerRequest write - UInt32 Sets the maximum number of internal SPRequest objects that can be included in one request .PARAMETER MaxObjectPaths write - UInt32 Sets the maximum number of object paths that can be used within one request .PARAMETER ExecutionTimeout write - UInt32 Sets the execution timeout for the client request in minutes .PARAMETER RequestXmlMaxDepth write - UInt32 Sets the maximum depth of the request XML that is sent by the client measured in 'tag' count .PARAMETER EnableXsdValidation write - Boolean Sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to enable XSD validation against an XML request or not .PARAMETER EnableStackTrace write - Boolean Sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the server can send stack trace data to the client .PARAMETER RequestUsageExecutionTimeThreshold write - UInt32 Sets the threshold in milliseconds for logging csom request usage data .PARAMETER EnableRequestUsage write - Boolean Sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to log usage data or not .PARAMETER LogActionsIfHasRequestException write - Boolean Sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to log usage data when request has an exception or not .PARAMETER InstallAccount Write - string POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5 .EXAMPLE 1 This example shows how to set the client callable settings for a web application Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { SPWebAppClientCallableSettings DefaultClientCallableSettings { WebAppUrl = "http://example.contoso.local" MaxResourcesPerRequest = 16 MaxObjectPaths = 256 ExecutionTimeout = 90 RequestXmlMaxDepth = 32 EnableXsdValidation = $true EnableStackTrace = $false RequestUsageExecutionTimeThreshold = 800 EnableRequestUsage = $true LogActionsIfHasRequestException = $true PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount } } } .EXAMPLE 2 This example shows how to enable tenant administration for a web application in a SharePoint 2013 farm Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { $proxyLibraries = @() $proxyLibraries += MSFT_SPProxyLibraryEntry { AssemblyName = "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" SupportAppAuthentication = $true } SPWebAppClientCallableSettings TenantAdministration { WebAppUrl = "http://example.contoso.local" ProxyLibraries = $proxyLibraries PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount } } } |