SPDistributedCacheClientSettings # Description **Type:** Distributed **Requires CredSSP:** No This resource is responsible for configuring the distributed cache client settings. It only accepts Ensure='Present' as a key. The resource can configure the following cache components: DistributedLogonTokenCache, DistributedViewStateCache, DistributedAccessCache, DistributedActivityFeedCache, DistributedActivityFeedLMTCache, DistributedBouncerCache, DistributedDefaultCache, DistributedSearchCache, DistributedSecurityTrimmingCache, and DistributedServerToAppServerAccessTokenCache. .PARAMETER IsSingleInstance Key - String Allowed values: Yes Unique key for the resource. Set to 'Yes' to apply configuration. .PARAMETER DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Logon Token Cache .PARAMETER DLTCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Logon Token Cache .PARAMETER DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Logon Token Cache .PARAMETER DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed View State Cache .PARAMETER DVSCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed View State Cache .PARAMETER DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed View State Cache .PARAMETER DACMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Access Cache .PARAMETER DACRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Access Cache .PARAMETER DACChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Access Cache .PARAMETER DAFMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Activity Feed Cache .PARAMETER DAFRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed Cache .PARAMETER DAFChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed Cache .PARAMETER DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache .PARAMETER DAFCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache .PARAMETER DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache .PARAMETER DBCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Bouncer Cache .PARAMETER DBCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Bouncer Cache .PARAMETER DBCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Bouncer Cache .PARAMETER DDCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Default Cache .PARAMETER DDCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Default Cache .PARAMETER DDCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Default Cache .PARAMETER DSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Search Cache .PARAMETER DSCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Search Cache .PARAMETER DSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Search Cache .PARAMETER DTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Security Trimming Cache .PARAMETER DTCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Security Trimming Cache .PARAMETER DTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Security Trimming Cache .PARAMETER DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache .PARAMETER DSTACRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache .PARAMETER DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache .PARAMETER DFLTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DFLTCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DFLTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DSWUCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DSWUCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DSWUCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DUGCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DUGCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DUGCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DRTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DRTCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DRTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DHSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write - UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DHSCRequestTimeout Write - UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER DHSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write - UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above) .PARAMETER InstallAccount Write - String POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5 .EXAMPLE 1 This example configures the distributed cache client settings. Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { SPDistributedCacheClientSettings Settings { IsSingleInstance = "Yes" DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DLTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DVSCRequestTimeout = 1000 DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DACRequestTimeout = 1000 DACChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DAFMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DAFRequestTimeout = 1000 DAFChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DAFCRequestTimeout = 1000 DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DBCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DBCRequestTimeout = 1000 DBCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DDCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DDCRequestTimeout = 1000 DDCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DSCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DSCRequestTimeout = 1000 DSCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DSTACRequestTimeout = 1000 DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 PsDscRunAscredential = $SetupAccount } } } .EXAMPLE 2 This example configures the distributed cache client settings in SharePoint 2016. Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { SPDistributedCacheClientSettings Settings { IsSingleInstance = "Yes" DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DLTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DVSCRequestTimeout = 1000 DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DACRequestTimeout = 1000 DACChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DAFMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DAFRequestTimeout = 1000 DAFChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DAFCRequestTimeout = 1000 DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DBCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DBCRequestTimeout = 1000 DBCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DDCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DDCRequestTimeout = 1000 DDCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DSCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DSCRequestTimeout = 1000 DSCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DSTACRequestTimeout = 1000 DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DFLTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DFLTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DFLTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DSWUCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DSWUCRequestTimeout = 1000 DSWUCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DUGCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DUGCRequestTimeout = 1000 DUGCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DRTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DRTCRequestTimeout = 1000 DRTCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 DHSCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3 DHSCRequestTimeout = 1000 DHSCChannelOpenTimeOut = 1000 PsDscRunAscredential = $SetupAccount } } } |