
# Description
    **Type:** Distributed
    **Requires CredSSP:** No
    This resource is used to add or remove provider realms to
    SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer in a SharePoint farm. The "ProviderRealms"
    property will set a specific list of realms, making sure
    that every realm in the list is set and all others that are
    already configured but not in this list will be removed.
    The "ProviderRealmsToInclude" and "ProviderRealmsToExclude" properties
    will allow you to control a specific set of realms to add or remove,
    without changing any other realms that are set already. Include and
    Exclude can be combined together. RealmUrl is the key and should be
    unique, otherwise existing RealmUrn value will be updated/replaced.
    Key - String
    Name of the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer
.PARAMETER ProviderRealms
    Write - String
    Realms to set. Those not in this list will be removed
.PARAMETER ProviderRealmsToInclude
    Write - String
    Realms to add. Realms not in this list will be left
.PARAMETER ProviderRealmsToExclude
    Write - String
    Realms to remove. Realms not in this list will be left
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Present if the ProviderRealms should be created, or Absent if it should be removed
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example adds provider realms to existing trusted token issuer.
    Existing will be removed.
Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
    node localhost {
        $ProviderRealms = @()
        $ProviderRealms += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://search.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:search"
        $ProviderRealms += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://intranet.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:intranet"
        SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuerProviderRealms Farm1OverwriteExample
            IssuerName = "Contoso"
            ProviderRealms = $ProviderRealms
            Ensure = "Present"
            PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
    This example adds provider realms to existing trusted token issuer.
    Existing are left and not removed.
Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
    node localhost {
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude = @()
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://search.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:search"
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://intranet.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:intranet"
        SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuerProviderRealms Farm1IncludeExample
            IssuerName = "Contoso"
            ProviderRealmsToInclude = $ProviderRealmsToInclude
            Ensure = "Present"
            PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
    This example excludes provider realms from
    existing trusted token issuer.
    Existing and not excluded are left and not removed.
Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
    node localhost {
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude = @()
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://search.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:search"
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://intranet.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:intranet"
        SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuerProviderRealms Farm1ExcludeExample
            IssuerName = "Contoso"
            ProviderRealmsToExclude = $ProviderRealmsToExclude
            Ensure = "Present"
            PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
    This example includes and excludes provider realms
    from existing trusted token issuer.
    Existing and not excluded are left and not removed.
Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
    node localhost {
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude = @()
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://search.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:search"
        $ProviderRealmsToInclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://intranet.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:intranet"
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude = @()
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://search1.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:search1"
        $ProviderRealmsToExclude += MSFT_SPProviderRealm {
                                RealmUrl = "https://intranet.contoso.com"
                                RealmUrn = "urn:sharepoint:contoso:intranet"
        SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuerProviderRealms Farm1IncludeExcludeExample
            IssuerName = "Contoso"
            ProviderRealmsToInclude = $ProviderRealmsToInclude
            ProviderRealmsToExclude = $ProviderRealmsToExclude
            Ensure = "Present"
            PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount