
$Script:TrustLocationProperties = @(
$Script:ServiceAppObjectType = "Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.MossHost.ExcelServerWebServiceApplication"

function Get-TargetResource
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSDSCUseIdenticalMandatoryParametersForDSC", "", Justification  =  "Temporary workaround for issue introduced in PSSA v1.18")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


















        $Ensure = "Present",


    Write-Verbose -Message "Getting Excel Services Application '$Name'"

    if ((Get-SPDSCInstalledProductVersion).FileMajorPart -ne 15)
        throw [Exception] ("Only SharePoint 2013 is supported to deploy Excel Services " + `
                           "service applications via DSC, as SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 deprecated " + `
                           "this service. See " + `
                           "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt346112(v=office.16).aspx " + `
                           "for more info.")

    $result = Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                                  -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $Script:ServiceAppObjectType) `
                                  -ScriptBlock {
        $params = $args[0]
        $serviceAppObjectType = $args[1]

        $serviceApps = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $params.Name `
                                                -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $nullReturn = @{
            Name = $params.Name
            ApplicationPool = $params.ApplicationPool
            Ensure = "Absent"
            InstallAccount = $params.InstallAccount
        if ($null -eq $serviceApps)
            return $nullReturn
        $serviceApp = $serviceApps | Where-Object -FilterScript {
            $_.GetType().FullName -eq $serviceAppObjectType

        if ($null -eq $serviceApp)
            return $nullReturn
            $fileLocations = Get-SPExcelFileLocation -ExcelServiceApplication $serviceApp
            $fileLocationsToReturn = @()
            $fileLocations | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $fileLocationsToReturn += @{
                    Address = $_.Address
                    LocationType = $_.LocationType
                    IncludeChildren = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.IncludeChildren)
                    SessionTimeout = $_.SessionTimeout
                    ShortSessionTimeout = $_.ShortSessionTimeout
                    NewWorkbookSessionTimeout = $_.NewWorkbookSessionTimeout
                    RequestDurationMax = $_.RequestDurationMax
                    ChartRenderDurationMax = $_.ChartRenderDurationMax
                    WorkbookSizeMax = $_.WorkbookSizeMax
                    ChartAndImageSizeMax = $_.ChartAndImageSizeMax
                    AutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifetime = $_.AutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifetime
                    DefaultWorkbookCalcMode = $_.DefaultWorkbookCalcMode
                    ExternalDataAllowed = $_.ExternalDataAllowed
                    WarnOnDataRefresh = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.WarnOnDataRefresh)
                    DisplayGranularExtDataErrors = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.DisplayGranularExtDataErrors)
                    AbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.AbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail)
                    PeriodicExtDataCacheLifetime = $_.PeriodicExtDataCacheLifetime
                    ManualExtDataCacheLifetime = $_.ManualExtDataCacheLifetime
                    ConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax = $_.ConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax
                    UdfsAllowed = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.UdfsAllowed)
                    Description = $_.Description
                    RESTExternalDataAllowed = [Convert]::ToBoolean($_.RESTExternalDataAllowed)

            $returnVal =  @{
                Name = $serviceApp.DisplayName
                ApplicationPool = $serviceApp.ApplicationPool.Name
                Ensure = "Present"
                TrustedFileLocations = $fileLocationsToReturn
                CachingOfUnusedFilesEnable = $serviceApp.CachingOfUnusedFilesEnable
                CrossDomainAccessAllowed = $serviceApp.CrossDomainAccessAllowed
                EncryptedUserConnectionRequired = $serviceApp.EncryptedUserConnectionRequired
                ExternalDataConnectionLifetime = $serviceApp.ExternalDataConnectionLifetime
                FileAccessMethod = $serviceApp.FileAccessMethod
                LoadBalancingScheme = $serviceApp.LoadBalancingScheme
                MemoryCacheThreshold = $serviceApp.MemoryCacheThreshold
                PrivateBytesMax = $serviceApp.PrivateBytesMax
                SessionsPerUserMax = $serviceApp.SessionsPerUserMax
                SiteCollectionAnonymousSessionsMax = $serviceApp.SiteCollectionAnonymousSessionsMax
                TerminateProcessOnAccessViolation = $serviceApp.TerminateProcessOnAccessViolation
                ThrottleAccessViolationsPerSiteCollection = $serviceApp.ThrottleAccessViolationsPerSiteCollection
                UnattendedAccountApplicationId = $serviceApp.UnattendedAccountApplicationId
                UnusedObjectAgeMax = $serviceApp.UnusedObjectAgeMax
                WorkbookCache = $serviceApp.WorkbookCache
                WorkbookCacheSizeMax = $serviceApp.WorkbookCacheSizeMax
                InstallAccount = $params.InstallAccount
            return $returnVal
    return $result

function Set-TargetResource
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSDSCUseIdenticalMandatoryParametersForDSC", "", Justification  =  "Temporary workaround for issue introduced in PSSA v1.18")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


















        $Ensure = "Present",


    Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Excel Services Application '$Name'"

    if ((Get-SPDSCInstalledProductVersion).FileMajorPart -ne 15)
        throw [Exception] ("Only SharePoint 2013 is supported to deploy Excel Services " + `
                           "service applications via DSC, as SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 are deprecated " + `
                           "this service. See " + `
                           "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt346112(v=office.16).aspx " + `
                           "for more info.")
    $result = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    if ($result.Ensure -eq "Absent" -and $Ensure -eq "Present")
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Excel Services Application $Name"
        Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                            -Arguments $PSBoundParameters `
                            -ScriptBlock {
            $params = $args[0]

            New-SPExcelServiceApplication -Name $params.Name `
                                          -ApplicationPool $params.ApplicationPool `

    if ($Ensure -eq "Present")
        Write-Verbose -Message "Updating settings for Excel Services Application $Name"
        Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                            -Arguments $PSBoundParameters `
                            -ScriptBlock {
            $params = $args[0]

            $params.Add("Identity", $params.Name)

            # Remove parameters that do not belong on the set method
            @("InstallAccount", "Ensure", "TrustedFileLocations", "Name", "ApplicationPool") |
                ForEach-Object -Process {
                    if ($params.ContainsKey($_) -eq $true)
                        $params.Remove($_) | Out-Null

            Set-SPExcelServiceApplication @params

        # Update trusted locations
        if ($null -ne $TrustedFileLocations)
            $TrustedFileLocations | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $desiredLocation = $_
                $matchingCurrentValue = $result.TrustedFileLocations | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    $_.Address -eq $desiredLocation.Address
                if ($null -eq $matchingCurrentValue)
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding trusted location '$($desiredLocation.Address)' to service app"
                    Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                                        -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $desiredLocation, $Script:TrustLocationProperties, $Script:ServiceAppObjectType) `
                                        -ScriptBlock {
                        $params = $args[0]
                        $desiredLocation = $args[1]
                        $trustLocationProperties = $args[2]
                        $serviceAppObjectType  = $args[3]

                        $newArgs = @{}
                        $trustLocationProperties | ForEach-Object -Process {
                            if ($null -ne $desiredLocation.$_)
                                $newArgs.Add($_, $desiredLocation.$_)
                        $serviceApp = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $params.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                            $_.GetType().FullName -eq $serviceAppObjectType
                        $newArgs.Add("ExcelServiceApplication", $serviceApp)

                        New-SPExcelFileLocation @newArgs
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Updating trusted location '$($desiredLocation.Address)' in service app"
                    Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                                        -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $desiredLocation, $Script:TrustLocationProperties, $Script:ServiceAppObjectType) `
                                        -ScriptBlock {
                        $params = $args[0]
                        $desiredLocation = $args[1]
                        $trustLocationProperties = $args[2]
                        $serviceAppObjectType  = $args[3]

                        $updateArgs = @{}
                        $trustLocationProperties | ForEach-Object -Process {
                            if ($null -ne $desiredLocation.$_)
                                $updateArgs.Add($_, $desiredLocation.$_)
                        $serviceApp = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $params.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                            $_.GetType().FullName -eq $serviceAppObjectType
                        $updateArgs.Add("Identity", $desiredLocation.Address)
                        $updateArgs.Add("ExcelServiceApplication", $serviceApp)

                        Set-SPExcelFileLocation @updateArgs

            # Remove unlisted trusted locations
            $result.TrustedFileLocations | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $currentLocation = $_
                $matchingDesiredValue = $TrustedFileLocations | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    $_.Address -eq $currentLocation.Address
                if ($null -eq $matchingDesiredValue)
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Removing trusted location '$($currentLocation.Address)' from service app"
                    Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                                        -Arguments @($Name, $currentLocation) `
                                        -ScriptBlock {
                        $name = $args[0]
                        $currentLocation = $args[1]

                        Remove-SPExcelFileLocation -ExcelServiceApplication $name -Identity $currentLocation.Address -Confirm:$false

    if ($Ensure -eq "Absent")
        Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Excel Service Application $Name"
        Invoke-SPDSCCommand -Credential $InstallAccount `
                            -Arguments @($PSBoundParameters, $Script:ServiceAppObjectType) `
                            -ScriptBlock {
            $params = $args[0]
            $serviceAppObjectType = $args[1]

            $serviceApp =  Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $params.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                $_.GetType().FullName -eq $serviceAppObjectType

            $proxies = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy
            foreach($proxyInstance in $proxies)

            Remove-SPServiceApplication -Identity $serviceApp -Confirm:$false

function Test-TargetResource
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSDSCUseIdenticalMandatoryParametersForDSC", "", Justification  =  "Temporary workaround for issue introduced in PSSA v1.18")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


















        $Ensure = "Present",


    Write-Verbose -Message "Testing Excel Services Application '$Name'"

    $PSBoundParameters.Ensure = $Ensure

    if ((Get-SPDSCInstalledProductVersion).FileMajorPart -ne 15)
        throw [Exception] ("Only SharePoint 2013 is supported to deploy Excel Services " + `
                           "service applications via DSC, as SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 are deprecated " + `
                           "this service. See " + `
                           "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt346112(v=office.16).aspx " + `
                           "for more info.")

    $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    $mainCheck = Test-SPDscParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues `
                                            -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters `
                                            -ValuesToCheck @(

    if ($Ensure -eq "Present" -and $mainCheck -eq $true -and $null -ne $TrustedFileLocations)
        # Check that all the desired types are in the current values and match
        $locationCheck = $TrustedFileLocations | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $desiredLocation = $_
            $matchingCurrentValue = $CurrentValues.TrustedFileLocations | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                $_.Address -eq $desiredLocation.Address
            if ($null -eq $matchingCurrentValue)
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Trusted file location '$($_.Address)' was not found " + `
                                        "in the Excel service app. Desired state is false.")
                return $false
                $Script:TrustLocationProperties | ForEach-Object -Process {
                    if ($desiredLocation.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains $_)
                        if ($desiredLocation.$_ -ne $matchingCurrentValue.$_)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ("Trusted file location '$($desiredLocation.Address)' did not match " + `
                                                    "desired property '$_'. Desired value is " + `
                                                    "'$($desiredLocation.$_)' but the current value is " + `
                            return $false
            return $true
        if ($locationCheck -contains $false)
            return $false

        # Check that any other existing trusted locations are in the desired state
        $locationCheck = $CurrentValues.TrustedFileLocations | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $currentLocation = $_
            $matchingDesiredValue = $TrustedFileLocations | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                $_.Address -eq $currentLocation.Address
            if ($null -eq $matchingDesiredValue)
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Existing trusted file location '$($_.Address)' was not " + `
                                        "found in the desired state for this service " + `
                                        "application. Desired state is false.")
                return $false
            return $true
        if ($locationCheck -contains $false)
            return $false

        # at this point if no other value has been returned, all desired entires exist and are
        # correct, and no existing entries exist that are not in desired state, so return true
        return $true
        return $mainCheck

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource