
# Description
    **Type:** Distributed
    **Requires CredSSP:** No
    Allows you to configure the default timesheet settings for a specific PWA
    Key - string
    The default zone URL of the Project site to set timesheet settings for
.PARAMETER EnableOvertimeAndNonBillableTracking
    Write - boolean
    Should timesheets allow tracking of overtime and non-billable work types
.PARAMETER DefaultTimesheetCreationMode
    Write - string
    Allowed values: CurrentTaskAssignments, CurrentProjects, NoPrepopulation
    What is the default mode for timesheets to be created in
.PARAMETER DefaultTrackingUnit
    Write - string
    Allowed values: Days, Weeks
    What is the default tracking unit for timesheets
.PARAMETER DefaultReportingUnit
    Write - string
    Allowed values: Hours, Days
    What is the default reporting unit for timesheets
.PARAMETER HoursInStandardDay
    Write - Real32
    How many hours are in a standard timesheeet day?
.PARAMETER HoursInStandardWeek
    Write - Real32
    How many hours are in a standard timesheeet week?
.PARAMETER MaxHoursPerTimesheet
    Write - Real32
    Maximum hours per timesheet
.PARAMETER MinHoursPerTimesheet
    Write - Real32
    Minimum hours per timesheet
    Write - Real32
    Maximum hours per day
.PARAMETER AllowFutureTimeReporting
    Write - boolean
    Allow future time reporting?
.PARAMETER AllowNewPersonalTasks
    Write - boolean
    Allow new personal tasks?
.PARAMETER AllowTopLevelTimeReporting
    Write - boolean
    Allow top-level time reporting?
.PARAMETER RequireTaskStatusManagerApproval
    Write - boolean
    Require task status manager approval?
.PARAMETER RequireLineApprovalBeforeTimesheetApproval
    Write - boolean
    Require line approval before timesheet approval?
.PARAMETER EnableTimesheetAuditing
    Write - boolean
    Enable timesheet auditing?
.PARAMETER FixedApprovalRouting
    Write - boolean
    Enable fixed approval routing?
.PARAMETER SingleEntryMode
    Write - boolean
    Enable single entry mode?
.PARAMETER DefaultTrackingMode
    Write - string
    Allowed values: PercentComplete, ActualDoneAndRemaining, HoursPerPeriod, FreeForm
    What is the default tracking mode for tasks?
.PARAMETER ForceTrackingModeForAllProjects
    Write - boolean
    Force project managers to use the specified tracking mode for each project?
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example demonstrates how to apply timesheet settings to a specific
    PWA instance
Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
    node localhost
        SPProjectServerTimeSheetSettings ConfigureTimeSheets
            Url = "http://projects.contoso.com/pwa"
            HoursInStandardDay = 8
            HoursInStandardWeek = 40
            AllowFutureTimeReporting = $false
            PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount